Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 1315 Star Gate Attack and Defense (3)

Will a war really change because of one person?

It is indeed impossible. The power of a single person is too small in a war. Even the unstoppable Overlord of Western Chu would kill himself in the Wujiang River in the end.

Regardless of the Red Maple Republic or the Spinning Water Federation, both sides have more than a dozen star systems, a total population of tens of billions, and more than 20,000 combat ships, not counting the behemoths of logistics support and cargo ships.

Li Chengqi is driving a Lionfish. Even if he can defeat starships with space fighters, think about how big a problem it would be to fight 20,000 warships alone.

But just because humans can’t do it, doesn’t mean God can’t do it.

Li Chengqi's interference ability is the weakest on Alyssa's side. He can't even reach in to help block it once or twice like Yang Yiyi did, and it's even less possible for him to reach out directly like he did on Viola's side. Go in and block the battleship into a toy and smash it.

So, what does he want to do?

A large number of space fighter signals appeared on the radar. They were the fleet released by the Red Maple Republic warships. They must have seen the lionfish approaching rapidly on the opponent's radar.

As mentioned before, the combination of Li Chengqi and Lionfish has spread among the Red Maple Republic Army. It has almost become a legend in the city that a madman will appear on the battlefield driving a space fighter plane that cannot be seen at such speed.

Let's not talk about whether the legends they passed down orally are reliable, but it is obvious that the originally tight formation of the aircraft group can be clearly seen on the radar as being dispersed.

This was obviously because they were afraid of being beaten in the face by Li Chengqi, so they spread out their formation to reduce damage, and they could also surround him from the side and behind.

Normally, Li Chengqi would be happy to play with them.

But now, there is no time.

Hold the flight stick with one hand and push the throttle stick to the top with the other hand.

Since they were willing to disperse, they had just made way for Li Chengqi. The Lionfish, which was moving at full speed, had a speed more than four times that of an ordinary space fighter, and there was no time to stop it.

The Lionfish passed through the group of aircraft almost in a straight line, without firing or maneuvering, as if it was simply passing by.

The Red Maple Republic aircraft fleet that was maneuvering could only see the engine light of the Lionfish moving away quickly, and the exhaust gas could not be eaten.

However, they did not pursue it, because the fleet of Xuanshui Federation was also approaching.

Li Chengqi could see that the originally blurry engine light on the screen became clearer and clearer, and the shadow of the battleship gradually emerged from the dark cosmic background.

He let go of the joystick and grabbed the mouse.

A circle of divine light suddenly lit up around the Lionfish, which continued to approach the enemy cruiser and mobile aircraft carrier formation. Round, door-like things were lined up in a row, rotating open, and ten mechanical angels came from inside. Fly out.

They join hands to form a ring, trap the lionfish in it, and fly forward quickly together.

Li Chengqi's distance has already entered the visual distance of the battleship. Of course, this scene will also be seen by the people on the bridge, and they can see it very clearly.

It doesn't matter, unlike Yang Yiyi, Li Chengqi doesn't need to hide his whereabouts.

On the contrary, he hoped that the soldiers of the Red Maple Republic would see that this would be his declaration of war.


On the other side, on the Swan—

"Face the incoming barrage!"

"Put up the shield and maintain the course!"

Since it is a fleet operation, it is currently in the process of maneuvering the entire fleet. As a member of the fleet, the Swan cannot maneuver randomly, which will cause problems for the friendly forces at the front, rear, left and right.

So instead of performing the emergency dodge action as usual, he held up his shield and resisted.

However, because the distance was still relatively far, the accuracy of the artillery was worrying. Only two ion beams flew past the Swan's shield without causing any damage.

"The enemy aircraft group is in contact with our aircraft group and is fighting for air supremacy."

Since Hall was unfit to drive due to concussion, and Li Chengqi was a guy who didn't like to communicate with the rear during battle, the Swan could only judge that a fierce battle was taking place through radar and could not get any more information.

Now we can only follow the instructions of the fleet commander.

Soon, new information appeared on the display in the captain's seat. Alyssa glanced at it quickly and immediately reached out to set a new route on the screen.

"Route change, cruise speed."

"Understood, one-half ship speed."

Carlos turned along the new course when a second wave of enemy fire came.

This time it was obviously much more accurate than the last time. The Swan's shield was hit by a large-caliber grenade, and the explosion of flames caused an obvious flash of light on the bridge.

"The attack order is coming, Long, aim at the target I set, and test-fire and aim."

"Open the main gun and start test firing."

The light spear main gun under the bow armor plate was revealed, and the two secondary battery turrets also turned.

The huge muzzle of the main cannon of the light spear began to gather energy, and three seconds later the main cannon and the secondary cannon fired together.

Alyssa called up the optical sighting equipment on the captain's seat and could clearly see the glowing ion beam running towards the enemy fleet, and exploding orange fire at the far end of the field of vision.

"Hit, prepare for the next salvo."

"No, no hits."

The gunner's sight system has a higher magnification than the captain's, but has a narrower field of view.

The normal process of contacting the enemy is that the radar operator discovers the enemy, the captain uses the sighting equipment to track the enemy into the bombardment range, and the gunner moves the gun scope to aim according to the azimuth guidance of the radar and the captain.

So the gunner actually sees farther than the captain. Long can confirm with certainty that the test shot just now did not hit.

But if it clearly did not hit, why is there an orange explosion flash?

Alyssa was slightly startled. At this time, she saw that the outline of the warship she was aiming at began to deform.

Although this is in a star system, the starlight can provide a lot of illumination, but there is too much darkness in the void.

Even the engine light of the warship, if you only use the naked eye, it is just an inconspicuous pixel in the photo.

When entering the bombardment distance, the optical sighting system can only see the outline and navigation lights of the warship, and more details are still hidden in the darkness.

And there is usually only one possibility for the outline of the warship to deform.

The main structure of the warship was destroyed and was disintegrating.

The orange explosion flash was reflected in the optical sighting system again, and Alyssa could be sure that the warship was indeed self-destructing.

Since it did not hit, why did it explode by itself?

"Could it be Li Chengxi..."

"Who else but him?"

In the past, Li Chengxi would always tangle with the fleet for a while as a warm-up, and then go to fight the battleship. This time, he obviously went straight to the battleship.

The lionfish was obviously not visible in the optical sighting system, it was too small, but it was guessed that Li Chengxi must have done something.

However, Li Chengxi has been reckless on the battlefield for a long time, and Alyssa immediately set the target to another battleship.

Long received the information, but before he pulled the trigger, while aiming, the outline of the battleship also deformed, accompanied by the orange flash of the explosion.

"So fast?"

Now Alyssa is no longer surprised that Li Chengxi can challenge the battleship alone, but even if the opponent is a cruiser, it shouldn't be so fast to kill two in a row, right?

Alyssa lowered the magnification of the sighting system a little, which was equivalent to pulling the lens back.

Then she saw, in the blurred background of the void in the distance, the fleet of the Red Maple Republic was like a string of firecrackers, exploding one after another.

And she was sure that the explosion of the warship had little to do with the bombardment of friendly forces.

Is this what Li Chengxi said, officially participating in this war?

Could it be that he was just playing before?

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