Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 783 The tacit understanding of workers

The Magic Mecha competition is a very important grand event for the Storm Kingdom, which has been determined by the king.

Don't underestimate the prestige of a king who is still in the royal era. Since the king values ​​it so much, companies everywhere are also very tactful to give employees a day off temporarily.

Yes, the law does not stipulate that this is not a statutory holiday, but you may not be appreciated by the king if you take a day off to show your importance, and if you don't take a day off, it is very likely to cause the king's dissatisfaction.

Companies dare not take such risks, especially foreign companies.

For example, Molybdenum Group.

Except for some key positions, most people are either at home or in the theater to watch the game. This is also the best time to sneak into the defense of the Molybdenum Group Building, so Alyssa chose to take action on the day of the final.

In the basement of Molybdenum Company, a vent was gently opened, and Alyssa got out first to confirm that there was no one nearby.

"We're in."

Fang Lanyin's voice came from the other end of the communicator:

"Understood, I'll wait for you at the designated location."

Fang Lanyin didn't know anything about infiltration. This girl couldn't even shoot well, but she was good at driving. Instead of taking her to risk, it was better to let her meet outside.

Afterwards, An Yun and Sophia also got in from the ventilation duct. An Yun was fine, he was thinner, and Sophia was almost stuck inside.

Strictly speaking, the place where the three entered was not the territory of the Molybdenum Group, but an underground corridor facility. The pipelines that transmit magic power will pass through here, and it is also a kind of three-defense facility.

It is a public facility, and the guards are much more lax than the personal territory of the Molybdenum Group.

After everyone came out, Alyssa walked quickly to a fence door not far away and tapped her fingers on the personal terminal a few times.

The red light on the door turned green, and there was a slight beeping sound, and the door opened in response.

The key to open the door of the underground corridor was obtained through Villania's relationship, and it was still very simple at this point.

But there is only this step, and then they will enter the territory of the Molybdenum Group.

Continue to walk forward, and soon you will see a spiral staircase.

According to the needs of disaster prevention and fire prevention, large buildings such as the Group Building must have a safe passage, so that people in the building can quickly evacuate to the underground tunnel for refuge when a disaster occurs. This is also the most convenient entrance for Alyssa to quickly invade the Molybdenum Group Building.

The three of them walked up along this staircase and soon came to a door with an "emergency exit" sign on it.

The emergency exit will not be locked, but it will be sealed with a bolt from the inside of the company, and it cannot be opened from the outside.

At this time, An Yun needs to appear.

She walked up, touched the door with her hand, and her eyes lit up with spiritual energy. She could hear a slight metal friction sound from the other side of the door, as if an invisible hand gently pulled the bolt, and then the door opened a crack.

Alyssa glanced at the monitoring screen displayed on the personal terminal and motioned for the two to wait.

A sound of leather shoes approaching along the corridor, and then slowly faded away, and then the three people got in.

Since Li Chengxi has the ability to hack into all terminals, the surveillance of the entire Mo Group Building is now under the control of Alyssa. Not only can she find out in advance whether there is anyone approaching nearby, but she can also turn the direction of the surveillance when she passes by, trying not to take any pictures related to them.

If there is really no place to hide, she will temporarily cut off the surveillance signal for a few seconds and take the opportunity to pass quickly.

Coming in from the emergency exit, the three are on the third floor of the Mo Group Building, and the target is in the storage room on the 58th floor. Although there are many conveniences, it is still difficult to go up.

After all, you can't take the elevator, right?

Just climbing the stairs is a headache.

Due to the holiday, there are almost no employees at work in the Mo Group Building, but this does not mean that the security guards are not working.

Through the surveillance, Alyssa can see that professional security personnel are patrolling each floor. While avoiding the surveillance, they must also avoid them.

Fortunately, the patrol route of this group of people has not been temporarily changed.

When most employees get off work in the middle of the night, these security guards will also patrol according to a fixed route. In the past few days, Alyssa and others have already figured out the security patrol route through the surveillance screen, and try to get in unnoticed.

Relying on the advance route survey and the advantage of surveillance, the three of them quickly went from the third floor to the seventh floor.

The stairs of the Mo Group Building are not directly from the first floor to the top floor of the 60th floor. Some stairs need to go through a long corridor. This is definitely not up to standard in terms of fire prevention, but compared with the fire prevention problem, this design also makes Alyssa and her team go slower and slower the higher they go.

Especially now, from the seventh floor to the eighth floor, the trouble is that there is a security guard sitting at the intersection on the other side. Although he is watching the live broadcast of the game with his personal terminal, as long as he raises his eyes slightly, he will immediately find anyone passing by.

Alyssa originally planned to wait for him to leave, but the other party did not move for several minutes, so there was no choice but to let An Yun go.

After a slight change of position, An Yun quietly showed his head from the intersection.

The security guard who was watching the game broadcast suddenly yawned, and his eyelids seemed to become particularly heavy. In a few seconds, he leaned back in the chair and made a slight snoring sound.


Although psychic energy is convenient, if you look closely, you will still find traces of psychic intrusion on the security guard. Alyssa does not want to mess with a behemoth like the Molybdenum Group, so she will only let An Yun take action to deal with the security guard when she has no choice.

While the security guard was asleep, the three of them quickly entered the stairwell and reached the eighth floor.

The three of them repeated their old tricks, avoiding the patrolling security guards step by step. When they were about to reach the stairs on the ninth floor, an accident happened.

A security guard suddenly opened the door and came out of the office on one side. Since there was no surveillance in the office, Alyssa did not expect that person to suddenly pop out.

As soon as the security guard saw them, he immediately reached out and held the communicator hanging on his shoulder, and asked warily:

"Who are you?"

Sophia was almost ready to take action at this time. Alyssa gave her a hidden look of 'don't be impulsive', turned around and said:

"We're maintenance workers trying to find our way to the energy distribution room."

There was a sudden power outage on the 13th and 25th floors of the Molybdenum Group Building today. Fortunately, everyone was on holiday, so it did not have much impact on work. The security guards were also notified and maintenance workers came to repair it.

Alyssa and the three of them were all wearing maintenance workers' overalls, which looked right at first glance.

As for why there was a power outage?

Of course, the energy was cut off long before the operation. The main control terminal was under the control of Li Chengqi, so cutting off the energy on several floors was not a problem at all.

This outfit was specially put on by Alyssa to find excuses when she was accidentally discovered.

Of course, a piece of clothing could not completely dispel the security guard's suspicion. He asked a few questions into the communicator to confirm that maintenance workers were indeed coming today.

Then he asked:

"Please show me your ID."

This won't work.

Professional maintenance workers not only have qualification certificates, but also work permits from their workplaces. Alyssa and the others don't know which maintenance company the Molybdenum Group Building will find to repair it if there is a problem with the energy supply, and there is no way to prepare in advance.

At this critical moment, Li Chengqi’s voice came from Alyssa’s communicator:

"Are you guys here? Stop wandering around and go look for us quickly. We'll have to deduct wages for wasting time!"

After hearing this, Alyssa pointed to the communicator and smiled awkwardly at the security guard.

"Go forward along this road and turn left to reach the energy distribution room."

As he said that, the security guard waved his hand and motioned for you to go to work quickly.

This may be the sympathy between the workers...

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