Looks so professional! You’re the one!

Sanyueqi clicked in immediately.

The post was very long.

It was even displayed in two languages.

The erudite Professor Latiao has some knowledge of philosophy from all over the world. He is particularly good at Eastern and Western philosophy.

“Before the Five Dragons’ Migration, the Ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss roamed in the chaos, searching for the place of existence.”

“What is existence?”

“Is it the Tree of Existence?”

“Or is it a more abstract concept?”

“First of all, at the beginning, I want to ask everyone, what is existence?”

“Please imagine that before the universe was born, there was only nothing.”

At the top of the post, there was only this paragraph..The rest was blank.


“What does this mean?”

March Seven flipped through the pages and found a large blank space.

It was not until two pages later that new words appeared.

“Can’t imagine it? Hum, of course.”

“Because this sentence itself is wrong”

“Before the universe was born, there was no space, and naturally there was no concept of place.”

“Because there is no time, and there is no such saying as before”

“But only by using this wrong way, and letting you understand this point before birth, can we continue to tell the story.”

“Immortality must have been born before this, and only in this way can it be called immortality”

“Okay, now according to my instructions, we create something out of nothing, from nothing, the first existence is born.”

“What has changed in the world?”

According to the instructions of the words,

Sanyueqi tried hard to imagine the existence of nothingness in her mind. However, in her mind, nothingness was a dark place.

She didn’t know if this was right.

Then, in her imagination, a little Sanyueqi jumped out from the darkness.

“407””Change is… the concept of existence?”

March 7 thought cutely and continued to look at the post

“According to my calculations, 98.5% of people feel that the world was born.”

“But nothing actually changed”

“One by itself has no meaning until two appears.”

“Before the other appears, the self cannot be born.”

“Just like the two blank pages above, the background color varies depending on your phone, but you won’t feel that it is the color.”

“The original existence could not know its own existence, so the Dragon Ancestor would ask where the existence is.”

“This is also the confirmation of my argument: The ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss appeared before the birth of the universe, and it is even possible that he is the first being.”

March Seven suddenly realized.

This passage actually gave her a feeling that I had opened my eyes. She suddenly realized on the spot.

If the immortal is not the first being, then He is not immortal.

If He is the first being, then He must ask where existence is, so that he can see himself.

“What a wonderful story”

“Even March 7th can understand it!”

At this moment, Fu Fu came over and said with shining eyes

“Are you praising me or scolding me?”

Sanyueqi curled his lips, but didn’t care and continued to watch with anticipation.


“This PV is only a few minutes long, but it tells a lot of stories”

“On the surface, it is about the origin of dragons and the five dragon masters, but in fact, it talks about three points”

“Three questions from young people to uncover the true meaning of immortality and the existential philosophy behind it”

“The appearance and disappearance of the ancestor of Tianyuan’s Ten Thousand Dragons represents the discussion of the fate of the Star God.”

“Questioning the existence reveals the most macroscopic and highest structure of Bengtie Jianou: the confrontation between existence and nothingness.”

“Master Long has already explained to the young man that if he wants to explore immortality, he must reveal the existence of”

“But the young man is a fool and a mediocre person, he doesn’t understand these things.”

March Seven and Fu Fu looked at each other.

“I always feel that this professor speaks very aggressively.”

“It’s like scolding someone.”

Fu Fu looked as if she wanted to say something but hesitated. She felt that she was also scolded.

However, San Yue Qi put her hands on her waist angrily and said confidently:”Stupid, what’s wrong with being a little stupid? You must be uneducated if you speak so harshly!”

“”Okay, okay, keep watching.”

At Fu Fu’s urging, the two continued watching.

“The first question is, in Rheafar, surrounded by five dragons, protecting the galaxy; does immortality mean the everlasting power?”

“Sadly, no”

“The Dragon Master mentioned abundance. The destiny of the Abundant Star God is to be altruistic, healing, and selfless. However, all life must go through birth, aging, sickness, and death. Without endless suffering, there would be no abundance. Therefore, the Medicine Master bestowed the blessing.”

“The immortality of an individual is just a delusion. Even if the immortal species lives for one or two thousand years, it will be useless.”

“This is just the pharmacist’s delusion.”

“And is the continuation of the bloodline represented by Tifeng immortal?”

“Not really. Thousands of years ago, the ancient nation built immortal boats to seek immortality. Now there are only six left. The rise and fall of a clan is not worth mentioning on a cosmic scale.”

“Since blood is not good, what about culture? Humans only have a lifespan of a few decades, but they have survived in the Collapse Iron Universe to this day.”

“The culture they created is also spread throughout the universe. Since genes don’t work, can memes?”

“Human culture, the Dragon King guards Jianmu and creates the value of blessing the great cause of the universe”

“It is not immortality, nor is it the existence that the Dragon Ancestor seeks, nor is it a meme.”


“It’s over. I need to grow my brain.”

“This is not that, what is that?”

March Seven and Fininna were a little confused.

In this chapter of the review, there were also many viewers who were watching. After understanding the concept of existence, the immortal existence gradually became vague.

Fortunately, the great Professor Latio explained it in words that March Seven could understand.

“If you want to understand immortality, you must first understand what Master Long said.”

“No fixed individual can be immortal.”

“To understand this sentence, we must understand Eastern philosophy.”

“Fortunately, I have some knowledge of this.”

“The Eastern Daodejing says: The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the Tao that cannot be spoken is wrong.”

“The Diamond Sutra says: The Buddha said that the world is not the world, but is called the world. So I smiled at the flower, and you idiots can figure it out by yourself.”

“These words are considered mysterious in the Eastern context. I will use a wrong example to illustrate.”

“Now, turn to the next page.”

Foufu and Sanyueqi followed the professor’s instructions and turned the page.

It was empty again, except for the two big words”idiot” in the middle.

Then they turned the page again.

The word”idiot” disappeared.

It was not until the third page that the professor’s words reappeared.

“Just now, the word”idiot” existed. When you turned the page, the idiot disappeared. Then was there still an entity on the screen at that time?”

“Unfortunately, yes, the background also exists, and even the reflection of the word”idiot” in your mind also exists.”

“After the writing disappears, there is no moment of emptiness here, it is filled with beings”

“These are the existence”

“Everything you see is just a manifestation of the immortal being.”

“Existence and beings are not the same thing”

“The existence is you, me, and him, the immortal star god, the ancestor of all dragons in the sky, and can be described.”


“It is not possible���of”

“It is indescribable”

“So the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss questioned where his existence was, and eventually disappeared.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

“Maybe Long Zu failed”

“Maybe you have successfully touched the true meaning of immortality.”

“Have you discovered that, no matter whether it is success or failure for Dragon Ancestor, from our perspective, to some extent, he has become a part of existence?”

“Because immortality can no longer be described”

“You can say immortality is change, the fall of all things, and becoming one with the universe.”

“These all make sense, but remember the beings and existence mentioned above?”

“These are all beings.”

“The ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss, the Immortal Star God, I have to thank this PV for helping me understand the philosophy of the Collapse Universe”

“The dialectic of existence and nothingness”

“Applying the interpretation and meaning of the immortal pursuit of existence, after-class homework, what kind of concept of existence do the current star gods represent besides nothingness?”

Ladio’s long post finally ended.

Fu Fu and San Yue Qi were already sweating profusely after reading it.

“Wow, this PV actually expresses so much meaning?”

“Why is the title called”The War between Existence and Nothingness”?

March 7 pondered[]

Fufu is also thinking hard

“The concept of nothingness, that is, everything is meaningless”

“Yes No”

“And leading to these will make everything meaningless.”

Just then, Walter came over, pushed his glasses and said:

“The concept of existence is the process of making meaningless things meaningful.”

“The ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss keeps searching for the existence, perhaps because of the void.”

“Of course I’m just guessing.”

“What happens next depends on how the boss explains it, but the professor is right about one thing.”

“The various philosophical thoughts and concepts that emerged from the confrontation between existence and nothingness are the expressions of the Star God system.”

“It seems that the boss really wants to release the content about Star God, which will be another leap in the depth of Collapse Iron.”

Thinking of this, Walter laughed.

At this time,

Funina and March Seven discovered that in the group message, Silver Wolf had forwarded the professor’s post.

At this moment, everyone in the screening room was watching it seriously.

“So that’s how it is.”

Sanyueqi suddenly realized that at least she understood the philosophical concept of the Star God, but she had a deeper doubt……….

“If that’s the case, then many of the existing star gods are extensions of existence.”

“As for the void, it seems that there is no extended star god.”

Walter smiled and shook his head, not knowing how to explain it.

“Just think of nothingness as the big boss, lie there and wait for everything to turn into nothingness.”

That was the only way Walter could explain it.

“I understand! If we use it as an analogy for adults, it means that everyone else has to work hard to live.”

“I just need to lie on the ground, and then slowly everything in the world will become mine!”

Funina seemed to have discovered something and proposed a metaphor that made Lao Yang’s eyes go dark:”Well, if you say it this way to make it easier to understand, it’s not impossible……”

Hearing Uncle Yang’s approval, San Yue Qi looked at Funina with his glasses shining.

“Wow! Fufu you are amazing! Why didn’t I think of that!”

“Then I’m going to join the void and lie on the ground and eat delicious food!”

“That’s right, all the little cakes lying on the ground from all over the world are here!”

The two hugged each other happily, jumped for a while, and then opened their phones, eager to reply to the professor’s post to show their intelligence.

As a result, when they opened it, they found a bunch of people discussing it below.

: It’s really amazing, and I’m very proud at the same time!

: The status and power of the ancestor of Tianyuan’s ten thousand dragons were not displayed through the so-called star explosion and destruction of the universe, but through conceptual explanations. This feeling of trembling all over when people think about it is too exciting!

: I read the professor’s words several times before I understood them. Damn, the worldview of Bengtie is too grand!

: The interweaving of various philosophical concepts, presented on the screen and in actual stories, I’m so excited that I can’t sleep!

: Now I can understand the Star God. Before, when I watched the Star God, I thought it was just simply powerful.

: Mihuyou, please quickly release detailed episodes about the Star God! Please!

In addition to these fans.

There are also some scholars who are really like Professor Ladior, who were also attracted and started a discussion under the post.

An Eastern philosophy researcher, whose id is the Three Religions in One, replied with a string of

“When I started to see the PV, my thoughts were similar to the professor’s.”

“I was afraid that foreign audiences would not understand this PV. Now with the professor’s bilingual analysis, they will definitely understand it.”

“I’d like to make a fool of myself here and make a supplement to the Taoist and Buddhist thoughts shown in the PV.”

“The process of the Dragon Ancestor’s pursuit of existence is also the process of being one with the Tao and pursuing immortality, because existence and nothingness are both immortal concepts.”

“Values, life, culture, power, these are just like what the professor said, these beings are just replacing existence.”

“If you blindly pursue these beings, you will become attached to appearances. This is delusion.”

“Just like people will die, no matter how scared you are of death, that day will come. It is a fate you cannot escape, and it will only make you suffer more while you are alive.”

“If you understand this, you will understand the meaning of emptiness.”

“This is the realm of Hinayana, and the second realm is Wukong”

“Empty the 2.5 emptiness. Everything in the world is the embodiment of Tao. If you are separated from the world, Tao will be nowhere to be found.”

“Form is emptiness, emptiness is form; the same is true for feeling, perception, volition and consciousness.”

“You have to return to reality and accept this imperfect world, otherwise you will be obsessed with emptiness.”

“Leaving the world and re-entering it, ultimately existing among all things, being one with the Tao”

“The professor’s explanation of existence is an explanation of transcendence, while my words are an explanation of entering the world, which is what Master Long said about transforming into all things.”

“My argument is: Dragon Ancestor has become immortal, that is, he has become one with existence.”

Under this long comment, the professor actually responded personally.

Veritas Latio: The words of the Dragon Master about entering the world and leaving the world are well explained, but I dare not agree.

With the current materials, it is impossible to thoroughly prove whether Dragon Ancestor is successful or not; in addition, there is no need to thank for the bilingual thing, knowledge should be circulated and shared.

With the help of the wonderfulness of Collapse Iron, such philosophical concepts can also be passed on to more idiots and treat more mental illnesses, which is a good thing.

Under the scholars.

Many replies have also received responses from Professor Latio.

“Professor, if that’s the case, does the strength of the Star God have something to do with the breadth of philosophical concepts?”

“Latio: I can understand it this way, I give you one point”

“In that case, is the pharmacist related to immortality? I feel that the philosophical concepts of the two star gods overlap. Isn’t longevity the pursuit of immortality?”

“Latio: On the surface, that’s true, but in reality, fertility and immortality are not as closely connected as immortality and reproduction.”

“What is pleasure? It’s hard to think about it. It’s a bit too general. I feel like the concept of this thing seems very strong and very weak.”

“Latio: Based on our current rough judgment, this star god values the process far more than the result. Without enough information, any guess would be wrong, especially for a star god who can determine philosophical concepts.”

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