At the same time, inside Mihoyo and in the screening room, everyone was surfing the Internet.

Watching the big guys’ analysis of the Five Dragons’ Migration, they were amazed from time to time.

“I never thought that such a profound meaning could be hidden in a PV.”

“What kind of philosophical concept is hunting?”

Walter said as he was thinking.

“The Great Revenge Theory”

“And I always feel that the current state of hunting is a phased concept, which may eventually be sublimated.”

Jing Yuan combined the story in the script and put forward a more profound insight.

Finally, he smiled and said:”We have discussed it here for a long time, why don’t we go and ask the boss”

“That’s right.”

Walter nodded.

The two found the consultant who was surfing and asked him about his curiosity.


“It’s not just the Great Revenge Theory, there’s also a part that hasn’t been shown”

“That is the concept of homosexuality, and it is possible that it will eventually involve GM matters”

“Anyway, let’s lay the foundation first.”

The consultant’s words made Jing Yuan and Walter think deeply.

Thinking about it this way, the hunting patrol and the immortal boat did have great plans.

Looking at the reactions of the two, the consultant shook his head. For some things, he was just guessing, but it was almost true.

When I first saw the hunting patrol, I thought it was just the Han Dynasty’s great revenge theory.

Later, Potio appeared, and the concept of the sea patrol knight directly sublimated the entire hunting patrol.

Including the actions of the immortal boat itself, there is a taste of resistance to injustice and oppression.

First of all, there is no problem with the blessing of the pharmacist, but his blessing made the rich people begin to exploit each other and rob the blessings of other races.

This triggered All kinds of unfair wars and oppression.

The Xianzhou Alliance does not need to help other civilizations that are invaded by Fengrao, but the Alliance still helps without hesitation, even without asking for anything in return.

So many people think that the Alliance belongs to the hunting patrol, but at the same time it is practicing the strange feeling of the pharmacist’s destiny.

Selflessness, altruism.

But from a broader perspective, what is the Xianzhou Alliance doing?

It is liberating.

Liberating civilizations from oppression and helping them get out of the legacy of Fengrao.

At the same time, it has formed alliances with various civilizations along the way, and never actively launched wars except against the people of Fengrao.

And the patrol rangers.

It is a completely international column.

Shooting out a A bullet means that a heroic sea patroller has died here. This bullet is the hero’s call before his death.

And all the sea patrollers who see this light will come regardless of the consequences and identities, one after another.

Until the darkness is driven out of here.

This is simply a replica of the International Column.

At the same time, revenge is also revenge for injustice and unfairness.

But at present.

The plot of the Immortal Boat cannot support this point.

Maybe one day in the future.

If the sea patrollers, the Immortal Boat, and the patrol itself go far enough on this road.

It will tear off a part from other hidden destinies.

Like breeding Like tearing away immortality.

In order to achieve sublimation and obtain a higher philosophical concept.

For example, now, it is the patrol hunting and killing abundance to solve the war and oppression brought by the blessing of abundance.

In the future, it may become an injustice in the whole universe, and I, the patrol, will have to take care of it.

From counterattack and hunting, it has become the liberation of the oppressed people in the whole universe.

The consultant thought in his heart.

But there is no conclusion yet.

The only thing that is certain is that the explanations for the fate of the patrol will become wider and wider, and it will definitely not be just revenge.

Walter and Jingyuan also vaguely thought of a clue.

But before watching the plot of Portio.

It is still impossible to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

“However, Boss, will there be any episodes related to the Star God in the future?”

Jing Yuan pondered and asked,”If such a grand opening as the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Dragons of the Abyss is not used, it doesn’t seem to be in line with your style, Boss.”

“As expected, Jing Yuan”

“I guessed it right.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The consultant did not hide it from everyone, and said with a smile:”Soon, there will be a plot related to the simulated universe, in which we will be involved in the birth and death of the breeding star god.”

“The Birth and Death of a Star God! ?”

“Hiss… If this is released, the audience will go crazy.”

Jing Yuan thought about the current concepts related to the Star God in his mind.

Then, he looked forward to it even more.

“Is it the same full special effects as the Five Dragons Migrating?”

Walter pushed his glasses and said

“I guess so. Most of it is made of special effects, and this will probably become a special column of Bengtie.”

“Do you remember the Imperial War described in the Xianzhou General History?”

“It will also be released through this column.”

The consultant said as he pondered.

He was actually very excited.

Many parts of the Star God’s story are full of philosophical and abstract concepts.

How to turn the feeling conveyed by the text into a picture and a movie is a big challenge.[]

But if it can be done well, the audience will definitely be surprised.

For example, the scene of the death of the breeding star god is too abstract.

There is a lot of artistic design space innately.

When he was still playing in his previous life, he saw those stories and repeatedly lamented why Lao Mi didn’t make them into a picture performance.

Now, it can be regarded as making up for the regret.

“Tsk, I can’t even imagine this kind of scene.”

Jing Yuan sighed, and then said:”Boss, can you send this message to the group? Everyone should be looking forward to it.”


“But you two, remember to read the script before this afternoon, the first preview live broadcast is about to begin.”

The consultant reminded

“I was so engrossed in watching it that I almost forgot about it.

Jing Yuan and Walter suddenly realized it and did not delay any longer. After saying goodbye to the consultant, they went to the live broadcast room that had been set up.


In the live broadcast room,

Jing Yuan and Walter picked up the script.

Sitting on the sofa, they quickly read it.

It was called a script, but in fact, there was no script or anything like that.

It just named a few key answers. In a few answers, it was official and didn’t spoil the plot.

The rest was free to play.

“It is said that the boss specially made a little bird, and the sound we will hear later is the sound of this little bird.”

“This kind of empty conversation is really interesting.”

After Jing Yuan finished reading it, he looked at the host desk opposite.

There was only a 3D projector on it.

“This technology is also very powerful. I wonder where the boss got the finished product from.”

Walter also said:”It is said that the theaters and concerts in the new park are also equipped with some super large projectors. Maybe we can see the three-dimensional God in reality at that time.”

Jing Yuan also laughed and said:”Now that you mention it, I am looking forward to it.”

Just as the two were discussing.

Everyone who got the news of the live broadcast also rushed over quickly.

After all, it was the first live broadcast, and the consultant also said that everyone would have a chance in the future.

Everyone was very curious.

For a while.

The live broadcast was full of people behind the camera.

It looked like a talk show recording site.

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