The money is so much that it is worth a lot of money.

When this sentence came out of his mouth, Lin Xu himself felt a little incredible!

You know, that's 400 million!

If it were an ordinary person, he probably wouldn't even dare to think about it!

But this guy not only thought about it, but also put it into practice!

He passed all the levels and entered and exited freely, and was about to approach the plane that was originally out of reach.

This is really incredible!

Liu Xuemin ignored Lin Xu.

Instead, he was thinking about something on his own.

If someone asked him this question ten minutes ago, he would definitely have doubts.

But now, through Chu Chen's various performances, it can be basically concluded that this kid's robbery target should be the 400 million Chinese yuan on the Y-20!

Before participating in this program, Liu Xuemin had thought about countless exciting crimes that might appear in the program!

The only thing he never thought about was that someone would rob a money transporter!

In his decades of police service, Liu Xuemin has solved many major robberies, including bank robberies and gold shop robberies, but it is the first time he has seen a money transporter robbery!

To be honest, facing Chu Chen's attack, Liu Xuemin was somewhat caught off guard.

But no matter what, he is also an old criminal investigator.

His psychological quality is still very strong, and he quickly adjusted himself.

At present, compared to these, he really wants to see how Chu Chen committed this crime, robbing the 400 million under the protection of dozens of special forces!

Regarding this matter, Liu Xuemin thought of many ways, but he never got to the point!

He didn't even have a clue!

Originally, he thought Chu Chen would directly use violent means, such as snatching weapons and then taking control of the airport, or sneaking into the cockpit of the plane and committing crimes by kidnapping crew members and other extreme methods!

But when he saw the video of Chu Chen stealing the plane with his bare hands, these two ideas instantly disappeared in his mind!

The whole person was like being struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned!

"He... he... what is he going to do..."

Looking at Chu Chen's extreme operation in the surveillance video, Liu Xuemin said intermittently, completely lacking the calmness that an old criminal detective should have!

On this side, Lin Xu was also dumbfounded, and the whole person was stunned, as if he had met an alien!

It took a long time to come back to his senses: "This man must be crazy!"

Hearing this, Liu Xuemin swallowed his saliva unconsciously, looked at him, and said: "Who would rob a money transporter?"

[Haha, Mr. Liu is right! ]

[22333333! ]

[Great minds think alike! ]

[To be honest, when I watched that video just now, my palms were sweating again! ]

[Normal people really don't have this courage! At least I don't dare! ]

[I don't dare either! ]

[Haha, I'm dying of laughter! ]

In the live broadcast room, there were discussions and comments.

There were all kinds of things.

It was overwhelming and dazzling.

This time is just the golden time for live variety shows.

New viewers can be seen everywhere.

With more people, the popularity is also rising, and it is about to break the 600 million mark!

The popularity is not inferior to this year's Spring Festival Gala!

In addition to the live broadcast room, other platforms are also very lively.

During this period, almost all major social media platforms and short video platforms are full of Chu Chen's bare-handed airplane videos!

You can see several of them with just a casual swipe.

Some were uploaded by the official website, while others were uploaded by video UP masters and netizens.

Judging from this situation, it will not take long for this video to sweep the entire network!

Because the audience was so awesome, it took less than three hours for Chu Chen's extreme operation to be ranked first on the Douyin hot list, becoming the hottest topic tonight, and it stayed on for a whole night!

The night passed quickly.

Time came to the early morning of the next day.

When the plane was about to fly into Mexico, Chu Chen also woke up from his sleep and was preparing his hijacking plan!

At this time, the live broadcast camera just rotated to him.

[Fuck, I finally saw Chu Shen! ]

[Here it comes! ]

[There are too few shots of Chu Shen. I strongly suggest that the program team give Chu Shen more shots! ]

[The most anticipated is finally here! Brothers, all stand up! ]

[He won't just be here

Did he sleep in there for a whole night? 】

[This physical fitness is really strong! He is indeed a ruthless person who dares to steal an airplane with his bare hands! 】

[Fuck, what is Chu Shen doing? 】

While the audience was talking, Chu Chen had already opened the upper partition of the landing cabin with a screwdriver and got into the belly of the plane.

The moment he got into the belly of the plane, the anti-intrusion system of the plane immediately responded and started to alarm!

Seeing this, Chu Chen did not dare to neglect it. He directly touched the top of the central fuel tank according to his memory.

After arriving at the place, he took the two bottles of cocktails out of his arms and tied them together.

Then, he decisively unscrewed the fuel tank and soaked all the ropes in his hands with aviation kerosene. Aviation kerosene is very flammable and will be ignited if it touches a spark.

The stability of aviation kerosene is still good. If it is ignited in the air, it will not explode.

But if it is mixed with alcohol in a sealed container, the power will increase hundreds of times, and it can easily blow up the entire plane!

What Chu Chen has to do is to make good use of this threat and let himself completely control the control of the plane!

Only in this way can he complete the task in accordance with the proposition!

Having made up his mind, Chu Chen did not delay even a minute, and decisively put the two bottles of cocktails into the fuel tank, and then carefully screwed the lid!

Seeing him do this, the barrage in the live broadcast room increased again:

[What is he doing? ]

[He put two bottles of wine in the central fuel tank of the plane? ]

[Is this guy trying to blow up the fuel tank of the plane? ]

[What? ! Blow up the plane? Really or not? ]

[This operation is too show! ]

[Quickly bring the master's Zen stick, I want to make pancakes for Xiu'er! ]

[This guy is really a lunatic! ]

[Awesome, he made a simple alcohol bomb! As long as the fuse is lit, the fuel tank will catch fire. When the bottle breaks, the alcohol inside will fully blend with the aviation kerosene, and in the blink of an eye it will be upgraded from a flammable material to an explosive material. At that time, the entire plane will immediately be reduced to ashes! ]

[Fuck, so awesome? ]

[Isn't this a suicide hijacking? Too crazy! ]

While the live broadcast room was discussing, the plane's alarm became louder and louder.

Standing in the middle of the belly of the plane, Chu Chen could clearly hear the footsteps coming from the cabin!

If nothing unexpected happened, he should have been discovered.

At this point, those armed escorts were probably patrolling the entire plane!

At this point, Chu Chen knew very well that it would be too late if he didn't take action.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly took off his work clothes and other outer clothes, revealing a full black parachute suit, ready to start the action!

This set of umbrellas sold by the system is not only highly functional, but also very handsome.

Chu Chen has a good figure.

After putting it on, he looks like a black warrior with explosive muscles. His temperament is different, attracting many fans in the live broadcast room!

[Fuck, so handsome! ]

[Chu Shen's appearance and muscles, love love! ]

[Crazy licking the screen! ]

[His clothes are not cheap, too textured! ]

[Take off clothes at a disagreement? I like this player! ]

[One word, handsome! ]

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