The live broadcast went completely crazy at this moment! Wave after wave of bullet screens passed by, like a sudden mudslide, instantly submerging the live broadcast screen! When Chu Chen first appeared on the show, no one thought that this young man would commit such a shocking "crime" and escape in such an extreme way! The first impression he gave people was that he was a good-looking player. Many viewers even felt that he didn't dare to commit a crime. The only supporters were also some good-looking fans. But when the live broadcast got here, those who mistakenly thought he was a good-looking player almost changed their views at the same time! How could this be a good-looking player! This is simply a wolf-killing! Robbery + parachuting! ? Good guy, foreign blockbusters don't dare to shoot like this!

This idea is really too wild!

At this moment, these audiences can be said to truly understand what Liu Xuemin said!

This guy is indeed a rare criminal genius!

Not only is he courageous but also has enough action, and the most important thing is that his IQ is very high!

If Chu Chen can land safely this time, the criminal investigation experts in the expert group will finally meet their opponents!

Before, watching them deal with other players, there was no challenge at all, and they were basically one-sided crushing.

In addition to being shocked, many viewers have such expectations in their hearts!

However, expectations are expectations!

At the moment, what everyone is most concerned about is Chu Chen's next operation and what the so-called "Awakening of the Earth" is!




At the same time!

In the command room!

Five experts gathered again!

At this moment, they were sitting around a round table.

The frozen picture on the big screen in front of them was Chu Chen's prison admission photo!

Pointing to the photo, Liu Xuemin said to the other four experts with a serious expression: "Everyone, I can tell you responsibly that this person is definitely not an ordinary criminal. Just now, Xiaolin and I found a very important clue by checking the airport surveillance."

"He first used disguise to avoid surveillance, and then used illegal means to board the Y-20 military transport plane carrying 400 million Chinese yuan..."

Hearing this, the three experts who were not present just now looked at each other with complicated expressions.

It seems that Liu Lao's speech has made them realize the seriousness of the matter!

"You mean, our previous reasoning is correct, his target is the 400 million Chinese yuan?"

The next second, Chen Zijin was the first to ask impatiently.

Liu Xuemin glanced at him and nodded gently.

"This guy is really crazy..."

Chen Zijin's tone when he spoke was a little unsatisfied, and even a little excited.

As a crime fiction writer, he has a natural affinity for this kind of unconventional crime.

Then, Liu Xuemin continued:

"But this is not the most exaggerated. When the plane took off, he sneaked into the cabin through the landing gear of the plane without protection."


Liu Xuemin's words were like a heavy bomb, which made the three people stand there in a daze!

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, they would never believe that Chu Chen would do such a shocking operation as stealing a plane with his bare hands!

After calming down, Chen Zijin said in great surprise: "Teacher Liu, do you mean that he is still on that plane?"

"Just now, Xiaolin and I roughly calculated his current location based on the speed of this plane. If nothing unexpected happens, he should have entered Mexico now. However, this is not the point. The point is that he may have already started to commit crimes now!"

"But now, based on the clues we have, we don't know what kind of criminal means he will use to rob the 400 million..."

After learning that Chu Chen had sneaked into the Y-20, Liu Xuemin had been thinking about it!

But until now, he hadn't figured it out!

Because this matter has completely exceeded his imagination!

At the moment, let alone Liu Xuemin, even Chen Zijin, who has a superb imagination, was a little confused after hearing this!

As a mystery novelist who has written countless bizarre crimes, Chen Zijin has written many fantastic plots in his works!

But at this moment, even if he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out what method Chu Chen would use to rob

Lucky 20 for the 400 million!

The 400 million in cash is not an ordinary amount.

Even if you get on the plane, it is not easy to escape!

While Chen Zijin was thinking secretly, Liu Xuemin looked at Zhu Guowei and Wang Ruomei and said:

"Teacher Zhu, how are you and Teacher Wang doing?"

Zhu Guowei took out a document and put it on the table:

"Teacher Wang and I used our existing investigation authority to carefully check his social background and personal information, and made a detailed analysis and judgment report. It's all here."

"Chu Chen's background is very simple. He just turned 19 this year. He grew up in an orphanage and has a very high IQ. According to the orphanage's director Chen Minghai, Chu Chen has been very popular in the orphanage for these years and has a simple personality. There is nothing unusual about him. He is cheerful, optimistic, and adventurous. His only shortcoming is that he was very naughty when he was young. He was a bad boy who studied very well. "

"But for some reason, he did not take the college entrance examination this year, but came directly to participate in our program. I also asked Dean Chen about this, but he didn't know. "

"In addition, in order to get more information, we also used his DNA to compare it in the national information collection database, but unfortunately, no matching was found..."

After Zhu Guowei finished speaking, Liu Xuemin picked up the information on the table and took a look.

These materials are almost the same as the personal information of the players he saw before the game, and there is no clue worth paying attention to at all.


Putting down the information, Liu Xuemin let out a long breath and had no clue at all.

At the same time, the entire investigation was deadlocked!




At the same time!

Across the ocean!

Mexico time: 4 pm!

Location: The primeval forest in the central part of San Luis Potosí State, above the Swallow Cave!

Looking up, the vast primeval forest is endless, like a green ocean with no end in sight.

In this monotonous green, a bottomless sinkhole is very conspicuous!

It is like a huge eyeball, which makes people marvel at the wonders of nature!

The walls of the sinkhole are rugged and mottled, covered with various unknown tropical plants, revealing an indescribable primitive beauty!

At this time, the live broadcast screen also slowly displayed a line of Chinese and English subtitles:

"The Swallow Cave in Mexico, a mysterious sinkhole in central Mexico!"

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