When the pursuit team was preparing on both sides of the Qiulun River, the rock wall of Angel Falls was a different scene!

A series of majestic white silks, like an inverted Milky Way, kept falling on both sides of Chu Chen, falling into the river below!

Below, a faint roar came, which seemed to make people uneasy!

Between the towering rock wall and the surging waterfall, Chu Chen’s figure was very small!

Until the micro-eye lens zoomed in again, all the details during the period were presented to the audience!

At this time, with the approach of the peak and the influence of the waterfall, the rock wall began to become unusually smooth!

Even if magnesium powder was applied, it would not last too long.

It would not take long before it would be wet by the water vapor on the rock wall.

Such an accident not only affected the climbing rhythm, but also reduced the available rock points by more than half, greatly increasing the difficulty of climbing!

Because some rock points will not only be wetted by water, but also grow a lot of smooth moss!

If you choose it as a fixed point without trial, there may be a risk of slipping if you are not careful.

In order to avoid this potential danger, each rock point needs to be repeatedly tested before you can make a move.

In this way, the climbing rhythm is naturally affected!

However, the change in the environment does not seem to affect Chu Chen’s mentality!

During the whole process, he did not show any panic.

His expression remains the same!

It seems that he should have been prepared for this accident.

And the fact is indeed so!

With just a little adjustment, he adapted to the current climbing environment!

Live broadcast continues!

Facing the falling water, Chu Chen glanced at the rock wall at the top intentionally or unintentionally.

The next second, he decisively stretched out his right hand and tightly grasped a very rough rock protrusion. At the same time, his feet found two tiny support points on the rock wall below.

Countless drops of water slid down his face one by one and dripped into the endless abyss.

Because of the decline in physical strength, his breathing was a little rapid, but the unyielding flame was still burning in his eyes!

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room launched barrage again, constantly cheering him on!

[Come on, Chu Shen! ]

[Brothers, type “Come on” on the public screen! ]

[The rock wall feels so slippery! ]

[The difficulty has increased, come on! ]

[Brothers, I’m so nervous! ]

[It’s about to succeed! ]

[Too extreme! ]

The barrage in the live broadcast room passed one by one.

Time passed by one minute and one second!

At this moment, Chu Chen has been climbing this vertical rock wall for several hours!

In addition to physical strength, all aspects of physical functions have also declined to varying degrees.

Especially the fingers, which have long become numb due to long-term grip.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that the calluses on his fingertips have been worn away by a thick layer during the climbing process!

At this juncture, every step forward requires tremendous effort and courage!

If the previous climbing was an absolute skill.

Then here, it is the strong willpower that is leading!

Without strong willpower, everything is empty talk!

At this moment, all the viewers in the live broadcast room are concentrating on Chu Chen who is struggling to climb the rock wall!

Their hearts are in their throats, and they are also worried about Chu Chen, silently praying that he can succeed.

At this moment, no one is posting bullet comments!

In the huge live broadcast screen, not a single bullet comment can be seen!


Incomparably quiet!

If it weren’t for the number of people online in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, it would be unimaginable that this is a live broadcast room with billions of people online at the same time? !

That’s it.

Almost ten minutes later!

Finally, the Angel Peak, which was originally out of reach, came into view again!

Seeing this scene, many viewers’ hearts were once again raised to their throats!

But Chu Chen’s face still did not show any emotional changes!

In his eyes, there was not even a trace of excitement!

He really did not get surprised by praise or criticism, and walked leisurely in the garden!


After a long breath, Chu Chen adjusted his posture again, and then climbed up again.

Because he had adapted to the humid environment, every time he stretched out his hand and every time he kicked his feet, it was much easier than before!

In less than five minutes, he advanced more than ten meters upwards!

At this point, the rock on the top of the cliff was less than 2 meters away from him!

Seeing the peak getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room had long been tense to the extreme, and every audience screened their eyes.He held his breath, and dared not to leave the screen for a moment!

At the same time!

Guyana Plateau!

The pursuit teams on both sides of the Churun ​​River are also ready!

Looking around, the expressions on the faces of the six captains were very serious!

At this moment, the intercom on Zhuang Yan’s shoulder suddenly rang!


After the sound of electricity, a Chinese man’s voice came out from it: “All units, please pay attention, all units, please pay attention, the target will reach the top soon, the target will reach the top soon!”

The one who spoke was the pilot of the ship-borne helicopter!

As soon as he finished speaking, the roar of the propeller came from far away and hovered over the Angel Falls!

Hearing the voice, Zhuang Yan immediately took off the intercom on her shoulder and said to the helicopter pilot: “Received!”

After replying, she gently walked to Zhou Yun’s side: “Captain Zhou, the target is coming up…”


Hearing this, Zhou Yun nodded thoughtfully, and then immediately picked up the intercom and gave an order to all the pursuit team members:

“Everyone, please pay attention, the target is coming up!”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present, including the pursuit team members who were on guard in the distance, were all alert!

This time, it was one of the few opportunities for them to bring Chu Chen to justice. If they missed it, all their previous efforts would be in vain!

At this moment, not only the team members, but also the six captains felt mixed emotions and had a lot of feelings!

Especially Zhou Yun and Chen Xiong!

Since the beginning of the show, they have been in charge of Chu Chen’s case.

They know the sadness and unwillingness along the way better than anyone else!

Although this guy is not a real criminal, what he did has far exceeded the world’s understanding of robbery crimes!

But now, it’s time to end this farce!

Thinking of this, scenes from the past appeared in front of them.

Swallow Cave in Mexico, Mount Everest in China, Congo River in Africa, Alps in Switzerland…

Recalling all this, the eyes of the two captains could not help but become firm, and slowly raised their guns!

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