Seeing this scene, several captains and a group of pursuit team members were all shocked!


Zhuang Yan wanted to reach out and grab him, but in the end he was one step short!

He could only watch him drifting away in the silver-white flying stream!

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have been paused!

Through the live broadcast screen, the audience can clearly see the smile on Chu Chen’s face!

This smile is very intriguing.

There is pride, provocation, but more of it is confidence!

It’s like everything is under his control!

At this time, the originally noisy discussions in the live broadcast room disappeared instantly.

The barrage was also completely cleared at this moment!

The pupils of every audience member were enlarged due to extreme shock, and the atmosphere of the entire live broadcast room fell into a dead silence!

But this situation did not last too long!

When Chu Chen completely disappeared in the waterfall, a burst of unbelievable exclamations surged like a wave, followed by various comments:

[What the hell, what’s going on? ]

[Oh my god! ]

[This is the eighth challenge: Final Trust? ! ]

[Over 1,000 meters, just jump down like this? ]

[Final Trust: Angel Falls Extreme Diving! ]


[This guy actually completed all eight challenges…]

[Will he really not die? ]

[It’s worth it even if he dies! ]

[The moment I chose this path, it means that I will complete it. Except for death, no one can stop me. I am practicing my belief with my life – Chu Chen! ]

[Even if I die, I will be deified! ]

[Everyone stand up! ]

[You must stand up! ]

[Oh my god! It’s really incredible…】

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room instantly floated across the screen like snowflakes!

Various words intertwined together, and every audience member felt an unprecedented shock at Chu Chen’s move!

At the same time, several captains of the pursuit team were also shocked by this sudden scene!

The originally tense nerves were completely broken at this moment!

Looking around, the expressions on everyone’s faces were extremely complicated!

They never dreamed that the last challenge of the extreme eight events would be to jump off the Angel Falls?

The vertical height of this rock wall is more than 1,000 meters.

It has long exceeded the maximum distance of human diving!

Even if there is water below, under the effect of gravity acceleration, this impact is not something that the human body can withstand!

Is he really going to sacrifice his life to realize that so-called belief?

At this moment, not only them, but all the hostility on the faces of the pursuit team members has disappeared.

Instead, there is deep shock and confusion.

They thought that this operation would successfully bring Chu Chen to justice, but the result was a loophole!

At this moment, a strong sense of powerlessness hovered in everyone’s heart!

At the same time, in the command room!

When Chu Chen’s figure disappeared in the waterfall, several experts were also stunned by this scene!

For more than a minute, no one spoke!


At this moment, Lin Xu’s Rubik’s Cube suddenly fell to the ground, breaking the silence.

At the same time, it also made everyone recover from the shock!

The next second, Wang Ruomei slowly said: “This cliff is more than a thousand meters high. If you jump down like this, is there any possibility of survival?”

“He no longer cares about life and death…”

The speaker is Chen Zijin.

“If necessary, he will sacrifice his life without hesitation… The purpose is to complete this great crime and become an unprecedented existence!”

“And this is the secret of the last challenge! The final trust is not the trust in one’s own courage, nor the fear brought by the challenge, but the feedback of the power of nature.”

While speaking, Chen Zijin walked all the way to the blackboard with eight challenges written on it, picked up a pen and crossed out the final trust at the end, and then continued:

“… The moment the current seven challenges are completed, the so-called nirvana has begun. As long as you can put everything aside and jump down without hesitation, you can control the power of nature and gain a new life… We have all overlooked this crucial point…”

Chen Zijin’s words made several experts fall into deep thought!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the command room was also extremely subtle!


[Can people who can complete eight challenges really achieve nirvana? ]

[What a great crime! ]

[This show is absolutelyIt can be recorded in the history books, it’s so shocking! ]

[According to him, Chu Shen is dead? ]

[Ah? No way! ]

[No! ]

[Do you believe I am Qin Shi Huang, or do you believe Chu Shen will die? ]

[I declare in advance that I am a die-hard fan of Chu Shen, but I think he is definitely in danger this time. More than 1,000 meters, I’m not kidding! ]

[Let me tell you this, jumping from more than 1,000 meters is basically the same as jumping out of a plane…]

[Hey, this guy is too extreme! ]

[If he is not extreme, he can’t have committed such a legendary crime! ]

[Don’t die, Chu Shen! ]

[Woo woo woo! ]

At this moment, not only in the command room, but every corner of the world is boiling because of Chu Chen’s shocking jump!

On the hot search list of major social media, almost all of them are news about Chu Chen’s backward diving and completing the extreme eight events!

The popularity is very explosive!

On Weibo, countless posts, comments and shares emerged like a tide!

Due to the large amount of traffic, it did not stop until the entire APP exploded completely!

In addition, Douyin, Bilibili, Twitter, Tik Tok, YouTube, Facebook, the same is true. As long as you open the APP, you can find the hot searches and videos that Chu Chen finally trusts on the homepage!

Pull out any video at random, the number of likes is over 100 million!

Among them, a clip video released by the official “Criminal Simulation” has exceeded 1 billion likes!

In addition to the Internet, many traditional paper media have also reported on this incident!

“The Times”, “New York Times”, “Huaxia Daily”, “Le Monde” and so on!

In China, on the university campuses of almost every city, you can see countless students walking out of the dormitory and shouting wildly on the playground. The scene is more explosive than when EDG won the championship!

As the incident fermented, it was not just China.

The whole world seemed to be ignited by Chu Chen’s amazing move!

People’s shock, doubts, worries and discussions intertwined, forming a powerful wave of public opinion!

And Chu Chen’s fate, at this moment, was hanging in the abyss of the unknown, making everyone’s heart tighten!

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