At the foot of Mount Everest!

Seeing Chu Chen's ultimate leap to break through 6050, the logistics team watching at the foot of the mountain burst into exclamations!

At this moment!

Even a female special forces member like Ye Siyu couldn't help but tremble in her heart when she saw Chu Chen's operation!

Han Ruobing next to her even covered her eyes directly, not daring to look directly at the live broadcast screen!

The next second, until she heard Chu Chen's heavy breathing again, she dared to open her eyes and watch carefully through her fingers!

At the same time.

On the other side.

Seeing the scene just now, the two pursuit captains were also shocked and stood there in silence for a long time!

After coming to his senses, Zhou Yun swallowed his saliva and said, "What a crazy guy..."

Hearing this, Chen Xiong nodded: "Yeah... What should we do now?"

At this time, facing Chu Chen, the two experienced pursuit captains were at a loss and had no idea what to do next.

At the height he is now, there are few people on the entire earth who can go up!

Going up to catch people is simply unrealistic, so we can only think of other ways.

Looking at the black spot on the snow-capped mountains, Zhou Yun carefully considered it, and then said: "I think we can approach him in the air."

"Approach him in the air? You mean using a riot net..."

Zhou Yun nodded, and then continued to say: "Well, it's a riot net."

For this trip to Tibet, the pursuit team can be said to have made sufficient preparations.

In order to deal with various emergencies, they brought all the equipment they could bring.

This includes the riot net gun, a very common arrest tool in daily riot and anti-terrorism activities!

The so-called riot net gun is a tool gun that can shoot out a riot net.

The operation is very simple!

After aiming at the target, you need to pull the trigger to launch a capture net woven from high-strength nylon rope.

Once hit, the target will immediately lose its ability to move!

In certain specific environments, riot net guns can effectively restrict criminals!

The effective range is very long, up to 200 meters.

The hit rate is also good. If operated properly, it can almost reach 100% hit rate!

However, this hit rate is only limited to plains.

The effect of use in high-altitude areas has not been tested yet.

Zhou Yun really had no choice but to come up with this trick.

Because at the moment, apart from this method, the pursuit team has no other better means of capture to use.

As a pursuer, he can't just watch Chu Chen helplessly under his nose.

If he doesn't do something, it's really too embarrassing.

After all, hundreds of millions of people are watching!

The next second, Zhou Yun continued:

"He is not able to move now, we have to seize this opportunity."

Hearing this, Chen Xiong nodded: "It is indeed a solution. So, Captain Zhou, you take charge, and I will take the people to fly over."

"Well, okay, then you be careful."

"Don't worry!"

After finalizing the plan, Chen Xiong immediately took the five pursuit team members on the helicopter and flew towards Chu Chen!

At the same time.

The north wall of Mount Everest!

After successfully standing on 6050, Chu Chen did not stop, but chose to move forward!

Due to his body's super adaptability, he did not feel tired because of the increase in altitude, and he has been climbing according to his plan!

The second node after 6050 is 7010.

This section of the road is a huge, steep slope that can't be seen at a glance!

The drop is about 400 meters.

This drop does not seem to be large.

But because it is a steep slope that is gradually climbed, the whole journey will actually become very long!

It is no less than a long journey!

If it is a traditional route, there are at least two camps for rest at the same altitude.

But the route chosen by Chu Chen has none.

Of course, the camp is only one aspect.

The most important thing is that this section of the road is the place with the strongest wind during the entire climbing process.

It is okay during the day, but at night, the maximum wind speed here can reach level 12!

Based on this, Chu Chen must rush to 7010 in one breath before dark.

Otherwise, the resistance to his progress will be infinitely magnified!

The next second!

Just as Chu Chen launched an attack on 7010, the roar of the helicopter propeller suddenly

From far to near!

Following the sound, a black military helicopter soon came into view!

At this moment, on the plane!

After discovering Chu Chen, the helicopter pilot shouted into the cabin:

"Target found, target found!"

Upon hearing the sound, Chen Xiong decisively opened the cabin door, and then immediately took out the explosion-proof net gun and posed for shooting: "The target is not within the effective range, can you fly closer!"

"No! The plane has reached its maximum ceiling! You only have ten seconds! After ten seconds, we must retreat!"

Under normal circumstances, the flight altitude of ordinary helicopters is only a few hundred meters.

Even for well-made civilian helicopters, most of the ceilings are only between two and four thousand meters!

Military ones may be a little higher, but not much higher.

The maximum ceiling is less than 6,000 meters!

At the moment, their helicopter has reached its maximum ceiling!

One step forward is courting death.

At this time, some of the electronic instruments in the cabin had begun to malfunction.

Various alarms also sounded!

The whole situation looked very critical!

Seeing this, the pilot didn't care whether Chen Xiong agreed or not, and directly said again: "Close the door, we have to go! Immediately!!"

Chen Xiong was very unwilling, but finally gave up aiming and closed the cabin door!


After closing the door, he angrily took off his oxygen mask and angrily threw the explosion-proof net gun on the seat next to him!

Seeing this, the barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy again!

[Helicopters can't reach the height, but Chu Shen has no pressure! ]

[Really awesome! ]

[I have never been defeated by anyone in my life, Chu Shen is the first! ]

[A real god-like man! ]

[It feels like Captain Chen is going to be angry to death! ]

[Helicopters can't reach the height, but he went up! ]

[If anyone commits a crime in the future, just run here and you will never be caught! ]

[You have been smart since you were young! ]

[You will not be caught, but you will die! ]

At the same time!

Yanjing, Southeast Sea!

In a meeting room of a special department!

At this moment, on the big screen in the meeting room, a video of Chu Chen climbing Mount Everest is playing!

Around the conference table below the big screen, there are many old men in military uniforms and Zhongshan suits!

Among them, the one sitting in the right position is a white-haired old man with three stars and one leaf on his shoulders.

Next to him is a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses!

After the video was played, the middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses said to all the great men present:

"Commanders, let me first briefly introduce the basic situation of this person. His name is Chu Chen, he is only 19 years old this year, and he is the 99th contestant in the recently popular variety show "Mocking Crime". He has no father or mother and a very clean background."

"Not long ago, he robbed 400 million Chinese yuan from the Huamo Bank in Mexico and distributed it to the poor in the slums. This morning, he robbed the ancient Tibetan cultural relics worth 10 billion yuan from the Mount Everest Museum. In order to avoid being hunted down, he is now fleeing to the top of Mount Everest!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the white-haired old man with three stars and one leaf said with a complicated expression:

"I heard that he is completing a challenge about extreme sports? What is it called the Extreme Eight Events?"

"Yes, he is now doing the second challenge of the Extreme Eight Events!"

The old man nodded, his expression became more complicated.

Looking at him, it seems that he is brewing something!

At this moment, the entire conference room was very quiet, and only the buzzing sound of the projector was still clearly audible.

After a while, the white-haired old man sighed, and then said: "The higher-ups attach great importance to his challenge to Mount Everest, and asked us to coordinate with relevant departments to give him certain conveniences."

"As for this program, the higher-ups mean to continue it, and ordered us to always pay attention to Chu Chen's movements and effectively protect his personal safety. No matter how outrageous he does in the program, don't intervene..."

After the white-haired old man finished speaking, he looked at a cold-faced middle-aged man on his right: "This task... Xiao Lu, let's give it to your shadow troops."

Received the order.

The cold-faced middle-aged man nodded, and then immediately said in a deep voice:

"Okay, Chief, I will arrange it immediately after the meeting!"


(PS: Today's update is completed, please urge, reward, and use love to generate electricity!)

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