The core of the challenge of the "Birth of the Sky" is to complete a high-altitude parachute jump on the top of the world's worst extreme peak!

It is not simply "high-altitude skydiving".

The full name of the challenge of the "Birth of the Sky" should be the extreme peak high-altitude parachute jump!

Climbing the peak is the prerequisite, and completing the parachute jump is the highlight of the whole challenge!

If it is really just a comparison of the height of skydiving, the height of the space parachute jump is enough to kill the "Birth of the Sky" in the eight challenges!

But this challenge itself is contrary to the core of the eight extreme sports!

The eight top extreme sports represented by the eight extreme sports are an extraordinary way to pay tribute to nature and the limits of the flesh!

All challenges must be completed by self-reliance in the worst and most extreme environment!

Instead of sensationalism, flying to the stratosphere at an unimaginable height with the help of technology, and then jumping down!

The challenge of space parachuting is awesome, but it is not in line with the eight spirits!

Not to mention the stratosphere, even jumping back to the earth from outer space cannot get the feedback of natural forces and complete nirvana!

The relevant tasks of the system have made this very clear!

It just wants Chu Chen to truly complete the extreme eight items in the movie, let all mankind remember his madness, become a veritable criminal master, and make every crime he commits become an existence that others can only dream of!

In order to make every detail of the task conform to the original Ozaki Eight Items, in addition to the corresponding necessary equipment, even the mountaineering watch awarded to him by the system is not a multifunctional one.

Only basic functions such as temperature, time, and compass.

Otherwise, Chu Chen would not use this method to test wind direction and wind speed.

At this moment!

The summit of Mount Everest!

At the moment when the stone fell, Chu Chen decisively pressed the timing button on his watch, and stopped the timing until he saw it completely hidden in the sea of ​​clouds!

The whole falling process lasted less than 20 seconds in total.

The wind is northwest!

The wind speed is about 14 to 20 meters per second!

According to the altitude and the free fall speed, the best time to open the parachute is to fall between 1,000 and 1,500 meters!

If converted to altitude, it is about 6,500 to 7,000 meters!

But the bottom of Mount Everest is not sea level after all, but a plateau of more than 5,000 meters!

This drop must be taken into account.

In addition, due to the influence of the environment, the various restrictions on vision will also greatly reduce visibility!

In this case, vision is of little help to parachutists!

Based on the above two points, Chu Chen must have a clear idea of ​​these data before taking off!

Otherwise, the risk of the challenge will be infinitely magnified!

The environment of Mount Everest itself is changeable.

Especially on the south slope, the situation is many times more complicated than on the north slope!

Because of the influence of the mountain back foehn wind and the existence of the Khumbu Glacier, there are very few landing sites to choose from. If you make a mistake, you may hit the extended serac forest!

That's right!

Chu Chen's parachute destination this time is not the Tibetan plateau on the north slope, but the Nibel Sagarmatha National Park on the south slope, which is near the base camp on the south slope!

The reason for choosing the south slope is to avoid the pursuit team's capture!

At this point in time, the show is still going on!

In order to catch him, the pursuit team and the expert group must have laid a net at the foot of the north slope!

Chu Chen had anticipated this before he set off.

He didn't want to jump into the center of someone's pre-ambush trap and be caught in one fell swoop.

In order to avoid this problem, he must find another way and set the Nibel Base Camp on the south slope as the final destination of this trip, catching the pursuit team off guard and escaping!

The biting cold wind swirled between the undulating mountains!

It outlines a Himalayan romance that belongs only to the sacred mountain!

At this moment!

In the overhead lens of the micro-eye, the eyes of the world are focused on the top of the 8848 peak and the inconspicuous black spot!

The next second!

When the camera was given to Chu Chen again, there was already a bright red five-star flag beside him, which was on the top of the 8848 peak, fluttering in the wind!

In the picture,

The bright red five-star flag and the holy peak formed a sharp contrast, inspiring the patriotic feelings of every Chinese in the world!

This is the first time in the thousands of years of human history!

When seeing this bright red, all the Chinese in the live broadcast room couldn't help but stand in awe and launched barrages:

[Everyone stand up! ]

[@Everyone, stand up and salute! ]

[Tears in my eyes! ]

[At this moment, I am really proud to be a Chinese! ]

[Strongly recommend the Ministry of Education to write this scene into our history textbooks! ]

[That's right! This is the star our children should chase, not some fucking sweet candy! ]

[The first person to climb Mount Everest is a Chinese! This thing can be boasted for at least thousands of years! ! ! ]

[Really awesome! ]

[Can I die right now? ]

[Take me with you! It's enough for my life to see this scene! ]

[At the beginning of the live broadcast, I also followed the trend to slander this young man. I apologize for my words and deeds. He is really great! ]

[My favorite contestant is no one! ]

At the same time!

Yanjing, Southeast Sea!

In a conference room of a special department!

At this moment, the bright red dancing on the big screen made the originally noisy conference room quiet instantly!

Looking at the familiar flag that appeared on the top of Mount Everest thousands of miles away, the old men standing in the C position of the venue all saluted solemnly to the five-star flag!

They stood tall!

Their eyes were very focused!

Everyone's excitement was beyond words!

Under the leadership of the white-haired old man, all the soldiers in military uniforms also faced the big screen and saluted!

For a moment, the entire conference room was silent, and you could hear a pin drop!

This scene lasted for a long time, until the camera was focused on Chu Chen again, and the atmosphere returned to normal!

At this time, in the live broadcast, Chu Chen was standing next to the national flag!

He first looked down at his watch, and then said to the live broadcast camera of Tianyan with a frosted face:

"The current time is May 9, 2024, and I am at the summit of Mount Everest, 8848 meters above sea level!"

"This is the highest point on earth, but it is not the end of my challenge, and my crimes will continue... If you still want to catch me, I am always here for you!"

After speaking, he took off his backpack, took off his one-piece down jacket, revealing the black tights inside, and then picked up the helmet on the ground, facing the south slope of Mount Everest, and walked to the edge of the cliff...

Begin to make final preparations for the upcoming challenge...


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