During the time when Chu Chen did not appear in the live broadcast room, many viewers criticized the program team in the barrage, hoping that they could give Chu Chen more shots!

[Where did Chu Shen go? ]

[Dog director, can you give Chu Shen more shots! ]

[Zhang Yiwen, I give you three seconds to let Chu Shen appear in the live broadcast room immediately! Otherwise, I will unfollow you! ]

[It's really the opposite of Tian Gang! Let Chu Shen come out! ]

[Brothers, watch the show rationally and give other contestants a chance! ]

[It's not that we didn't give them a chance, but they are useless even if we give them a chance! ]

[Except Chu Shen, I don't want to watch anyone, I'm really not interested! ]

[That's right! 】

At this time, the contestant No. 33 appeared on the live screen. He was starting his second crime, and he had already locked the target and was about to take action!

But the audience did not buy it. There was almost no one barrage of thousands of comments related to him. They were all about Chu Chen, or complaining about the program team.

Seeing these comments, Zhang Yiwen, who was in the backstage, was also helpless.

During this period, Chu Chen's appearance rate has been quite high, and other contestants have no chance to show up.

Now that his second crime has finally come to an end, it is time to give other contestants some shots, otherwise it is really unreasonable.

However, after all, Chu Chen is now a popular contestant with a high degree of attention!

As long as other contestants are not committing crimes, he must be guaranteed to appear on the screen more often!


Ten minutes later.

As soon as the crime of contestant No. 33 was over, Zhang Yiwen asked the backstage director to give the camera to Chu Chen!

"Hurry up and give Chu Chen the camera! See where he is now?"


The next second, accompanied by countless barrages, the live broadcast screen suddenly went black!

When it gradually became brighter, the scene had switched from the supermarket where contestant No. 33 had committed a crime to a plane full of foreigners!

At this moment, the cabin was full and crowded.

At a glance.

Most of the passengers were Asian and African black, with only a few white people.

Since the plane had just taken off, several black stewardesses wearing "South African International Airlines" uniforms were pushing a dining cart and distributing food to passengers in the economy class.

And at this moment, the micro-eye in the sky also locked onto a middle-aged black man wearing a peaked cap!

He had rough skin and a full beard, and his eyes could not be seen because his face was covered by the brim of the hat.

At this moment, two stewardesses came close to him with a cart and asked him with a smile: "Hello, sir, what would you like to drink?"

"Give me some water, thank you." The man answered in very standard English.


After the stewardess answered, she took a bottle of water from the dining cart and handed it to him: "Here you go."

"Thank you."

"Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you."

The man took the water, thanked him, and left a very intriguing smile in the camera.

Seeing this, some viewers in the live broadcast room have already discovered the clues and launched barrages:

[Fuck, fuck, Chu Shen? ! ]

[This guy is not Chu Shen, right? ]

[Chu Shen? Is it true? ]

[No need to ask, it must be him! Otherwise, why give him the camera! ]

[What the above said makes sense! ]

[I think it's him too. I can recognize this guy even if he turns into ashes! ]

[Disguise again, right? 】

【Where is he going? 】

The black man is indeed Chu Chen!

Right now, he is on a red-eye flight of South African Airways, over the Indian Ocean, with his destination being Cape Town International Airport in South Africa, preparing for his next challenge!

This time, his target is the Kimberley Diamond Mine, the largest diamond mine in South Africa!

After receiving the mission, Chu Chen immediately set his sights on the world's largest natural diamond mine!

In this world, the Kimberley Diamond Mine has not stopped mining. It is still the largest and deepest diamond mine in the world, located in the Cape Province of South Africa!

So far, this world-famous diamond mine has an annual diamond output of more than 1 ton, and the output is very stable!

The famous Diamond of the Century comes from here!

The Diamond of the Century is one of the three largest diamonds in the world, with a total weight of 599 grams


Its brilliance can never be replicated by modern cutting technology!

Until now, the flawlessness of this diamond has not been surpassed!

The birth of the Diamond of the Century made De Beers, the company behind the Kimberley Diamond Mine, become the mainstay of the diamond industry and the focus of countless people's attention!

From that day on, De Beers completely monopolized the diamond mining business in South Africa, and became the world's largest rough diamond sales company, controlling the global market!

Today, their central sales organization has become a legal monopoly industry!

All rough diamonds produced in South Africa need to flow into the market through De Beers!

The diamond-related businesses they are involved in almost cover exploration, mining, polishing, cutting, design, sales and other links!

In addition, De Beers also enjoys the privileges of diamond pricing, diamond classification, diamond grading, and supply control!

Back then, the phrase "Diamonds are forever, and one diamond will last forever" was a marketing scam created by De Beers Diamonds to enhance the popularity of its brand!

Because of this most successful marketing scam in the 20th century, the Oppenheimer family behind De Beers has also become a world-famous family.

Last year, Macallan Oppenheimer, the actual controller of De Beers, once again ranked among the top of the Forbes Global Rich List with a net worth of 68 billion US dollars, and attracted worldwide attention and unlimited glory!

As the world's largest monopoly capitalist, at present, the entire South Africa, and even the entire African economy, are under his control!

In every three South African families, there is a labor force working for him!

The so-called wealth that rivals a country is just that!

In addition, he also has several world-renowned mercenary groups under his command, guarding the large and small diamond mines throughout South Africa, and the force should not be underestimated!

It is indeed difficult to take risks under their noses!

In addition, since this time point is the day when the Kimberley diamond mine is produced, a large number of raw diamonds need to be transported to their diamond factory in the Eastern Cape Province.

Based on this, during this period, the entire Kimberley will strengthen its vigilance and become the focus of attention!

In this case, robbing it is no less than snatching food from a tiger's mouth!

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