After the meeting, Liu Xuemin called Zhuang Yan.

"How is it, Xiaozhuang, has your work in the pursuit team been going smoothly these days?"

Zhuang Yan smiled and said, "It's going well."

"How many players were eliminated?" Liu Xuemin asked with interest.

Zhuang Yan said, "Ten cases have been investigated."

Liu Xuemin nodded, and then asked, "Is your grandpa okay?"

Zhuang Yan: "He's fine. Before I came, he asked you to take care of him."

Liu Xuemin: "It's been several years since I last saw Mr. Zhuang. The last time we met was at a seminar at Yanjing Police University. I think you just enrolled at that time?"

Zhuang Yan: "Well... almost."

Liu Xuemin: "After this program is over, I will definitely visit him in person..."

Zhuang Yan: "Grandpa often mentioned you at home. Before he left, he repeatedly told me to cherish this opportunity. I will learn from your experience..."

Liu Xuemin smiled, and then changed the subject:

"You must be more careful when you go to Africa this time. Chu Chen is different from the players you usually face. This guy not only has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, but also has a very high IQ. He is good at all kinds of criminal methods, and is good at disguise, fighting, camouflage, driving, blasting, shooting... At the same time, he is also an extreme sports expert..."

After he finished speaking, Zhuang Yan nodded: "Well... I have read his information and case files. Is he really only 19 years old?"

"His background has been checked, and there is no problem." Liu Xuemin replied.

"He is indeed a tough opponent..." Zhuang Yan frowned and murmured

"In the past few days, he has caused chaos in most of the world. First, he robbed a money transport machine, then robbed a museum, and now he has robbed an arms transport vehicle and disappeared... I am really afraid that he will do something too extreme and make it difficult for the country..." Liu Xuemin said with a frown.

"Don't worry, this time, I will definitely bring him back to you."

Liu Xuemin nodded: "Xiao Zhuang, in fact, from a certain perspective, you and he should be the same kind of people. You are both rare high-IQ geniuses, and you are also young people. This time I transferred you to participate in this case. On the one hand, it is based on your professional ability, but more importantly, I want you to change the thinking of the entire pursuit team..."

"I understand what you mean."

"Huh, this kid is not easy to deal with... Well, I won't say more, let's get ready to go."


After Zhuang Yan left, Liu Xuemin also returned to the command room and came straight to Lin Xu!

At present, since he has obtained the investigation authority, Lin Xu is using technical means to attack China's satellite monitoring system!

These national-level satellite monitoring systems will repair previous loopholes every once in a while.

Previously, the loopholes he created had long been repaired by technicians. If he wanted to use them, he could only overcome them again.

As for why the expert group did not use this method before, it was entirely because they did not have the investigation authority.

If you do not get the authority, whether it is invading the satellite system of other countries or privately using your own country's satellite monitoring to monitor other people's territories, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It is precisely based on this point that whether it is Mexico or Nepal before, the expert group will use this investigation method only after applying for cross-border pursuit authority.

"How is it?" Liu Xuemin walked to his side and asked.

"It will be ready soon." Lin Xu said with his eyes fixed.

"How long will it take?" Lin Xu answered while typing on the keyboard quickly: "Very soon, at most an hour." "Okay, if there is news, notify me as soon as possible." "No problem!" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... At the same time. Africa! Zaire's Sabah Plateau! The winding and turbulent Chambishi River. Still flowing tirelessly into the distance, until the end of the horizon! At this moment, it has been almost fifteen minutes since Chu Chen disappeared! When the live broadcast camera switched from the command room to here, the audience's already hanging hearts were raised a few points: [What's going on? ] [Why hasn't Chu Shen come out yet? ] [Are you playing hide and seek with me again? ] [Please don't scare me like this! ] [Girls, I'm so nervous! ] [

Don't worry, Chenchen's husband will be fine! 】

In the live broadcast room, the audience discussed it one by one.

At this moment, the camera of the intelligent sky eye suddenly stopped in front of a sharp bend in the river, as if waiting for something.

The next second.

Just when everyone was confused, the prelude of "Children of the dark" by the children of darkness suddenly sounded!

"Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump--!"

Then, accompanied by the exciting music, a black single-person kayak instantly rushed out of the sharp bend and broke into the live broadcast screen!


The rudder blade of the boat.

It broke countless waves.

Under the presentation of the high-definition lens, it looks very textured!

Some of the splashing water droplets dissipated, and some were swallowed by the rapids!

But more of them hit Chu Chen's body, making his black waterproof clothes glow with a chilling cold light in the sun!

At this moment, Chu Chen was holding a titanium alloy paddle, concentrating on controlling the direction of the boat in the rapids, trying to keep it in the middle of the river as much as possible!

The surging rapids.

It rose and fell on both sides of him.

As soon as a wave fell.

Another wave followed.

Bringing endless pressure!

Such a scene makes the tiny single boat look very insignificant, as if it will be swallowed up at any time!

In the fight against the rapids.

Chu Chen's explosive muscles are extremely powerful and beautiful.

Especially the arm circumference of more than 40 centimeters is particularly eye-catching, attracting a group of fans to shout:

[So handsome, so handsome, so handsome! ]


[I really want to lie in his broad chest! ]

[I really want to become the paddle in his hand, accompany him in the battle, let him control it! ]

[Both good-looking and muscular! He is my ideal type! ]

[Chu Shen's arm circumference is really amazing, it feels like it must be at least 40! ]

In addition to these fanatical female fans, some viewers who pay attention to the challenge itself also raised their own questions:

[What kind of challenge is this? ]

[Water creatures? ]

[It should be water creatures! ]

[The river he is in now is the source of the Congo River in Africa, the Chambishi River. Judging from the direction he is heading, his final destination should be the Congo River? ]

[He doesn't want to use this small broken boat to travel the entire length of the Congo River, right? ]


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