The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of fog.

In the blink of an eye, night fell.

The vast plateau was shrouded in endless black.

But the turbulent Congo River still did not change its hideousness.

At this moment, the live broadcast screen was dark and nothing could be seen.

You could only see a beam of light from a headlamp, shaking on the water.

In addition to this beam of light, there would be violent panting sounds from time to time, and just listening to it would make people unconsciously nervous, fearing that something might happen to Chu Chen!

The challenge has just begun here.

At the moment, he is at the beginning of the upper reaches of the Congo River, about three or four hundred kilometers away from the Kisangani Falls.

According to Chu Chen's current sailing speed.

If nothing goes wrong throughout the journey, he should arrive in Kisangani tomorrow morning.

The Kisangani Falls is the real starting point of the Congo River Abyss Rafting Challenge.

There are a total of 7 waterfalls in this waterfall group. Although the flow and drop are not as good as the last Livingston, it is also very shocking!

Especially the highest Hell's Gate Falls, which is more than 900 meters wide and has a maximum drop of 50 meters, which is equivalent to a 16-story building!

And this is not the most fatal.

The most fatal thing is that this is just one of them!

The remaining six and some scattered small waterfalls should not be underestimated!

It can be said that if an Abyss Charge athlete can pass Kisangani unscathed, he can be regarded as a standalone existence!

At the same time!

Huaxia, Yanjing!

When Chu Chen drove a kayak and headed straight for Kisangani in the dark night, after some efforts, Lin Xu finally found Chu Chen's trace in the satellite surveillance video!


Hearing his shout, Liu Xuemin, who was discussing the arrest of other contestants with three other experts, immediately put down his work and walked to his side.

"What's the situation?"

"After robbing the arms transport truck, Chu Chen immediately left Cape Town and went to the Belgravia Mountains in Kimberley."

As he said, Lin Xu froze a surveillance picture and enlarged it for Liu Xuemin to see.

On the surveillance picture, Chu Chen was sitting in the cab of the arms transport truck, driving along the inter-provincial highway to Kimberley!

"What is he doing there?" Liu Xuemin muttered involuntarily while looking at the surveillance picture.

"Not sure, the trees on the mountain blocked the view."

Liu Xuemin didn't believe that Chu Chen's action was unintentional, so he asked Lin Xu to fast forward the surveillance video.

Through the surveillance, they found that Chu Chen stayed on the mountain for about three hours, and only drove down the mountain in the afternoon.

"What did he do on the mountain for so long?"

Looking at the surveillance, Lin Xu couldn't help asking.

Liu Xuemin was also wondering about this question, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

It was just a hunch that this place might be part of his criminal plan.

After going down the mountain, Chu Chen drove all the way to the outskirts of Kimberley, and then sneaked into its main urban area and stayed in a small hotel.

Based on this clue, the famous De Beers soon came into the sight of the two!

At this point, Liu Xuemin finally figured out the purpose of his coming to South Africa: "This guy's target is not Armscor, but De Beers! Xiaolin, quickly notify Zhou Yun, Chen Xiong and others, and let them lead the team to fly to South Africa as soon as they land, meet up with Zhuang Yan and Zheng Yang, and investigate the De Beers line!"

"What's wrong, Teacher Liu?"

As soon as Liu Xuemin gave the order, Chen Zijin came over.

Hearing this, Liu Xuemin said: "I found Chu Chen's whereabouts."

"Oh?" As soon as he heard Chu Chen, this guy immediately became interested.

Then, Liu Xuemin said: "After robbing the arms transport vehicle, he first went to Belgravia Mountain in Kimberley, and then lurked in the city center of Kimberley. Following this clue, we found that his target this time is likely to be the famous De Beers..."

"De Beers? De Beers, which monopolizes the world's diamond mining business and sales channels?"

Liu Xuemin nodded.

After exchanging a glance with him, Chen Zijin seemed to realize something and immediately asked Lin Xu to upload the map of Kimberly to the big screen in the command room!


Looking at the map of Kimberly and recalling Chu Chen's trajectory, Chen Zijin immediately discovered the problem:

"His target may not be De Beers, but the Kimberly diamond mine..."

When Chen Zijin said this, all the experts were stunned.

As the star product of De Beers, the name of Kimberly diamonds is almost known to everyone.

Zhu Guowei: "Diamond mine?"

Wang Ruomei: "Do you mean that his purpose of robbing those arms is actually to attack the diamond mine?"

Chen Zijin nodded and said: "The famous Kimberly mining area is under the Belgravia Mountains. After robbing the arms transport vehicle, he went there first. It is likely that he wanted to scout the area in advance and then wait for an opportunity to act."

"Then why didn't he do it? Was he discovered?" Wang Ruomei suddenly asked.

"I don't know. It may be that the timing is not right, or it may be some other reason..."

The next second, while several people were talking, Lin Xu found another key clue and called all of them over:

"Come and take a look at this."

As he spoke, he pointed to the enlarged image of Chu Chen on the computer screen:

"This is the image of him entering the garage captured by the surveillance camera in the underground garage of the De Beers Building. After he entered the garage, all the surveillance videos of the day were erased. It was not until the next day that it returned to normal. If nothing unexpected happened, he should have tampered with it..."

"Can it be repaired?" Liu Xuemin asked.

Lin Xu shrugged and said, "No, if it is just a simple programmatic deletion, there may be a way, but he should have directly destroyed the hard disk and source files."

"Has he never come out of the underground garage since then?" Liu Xuemin asked again.

Lin Xu exhaled and said, "Let me check."

After that, he started typing on the keyboard and flipped back several pages of the surveillance video at the garage exit, but did not find Chu Chen.

"Disappeared again?" Wang Ruomei asked in confusion.

At this moment, Chen Zijin suddenly said:

"Use satellite to check if there was any movement in the Kimberley mining area the day after he disappeared?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Xu immediately did as he was told and re-activated the satellite monitoring system to check.

The result was really shocking!

When they saw Chu Chen take off his mask and blow up the entire Belgravia Mountain, everyone in the command room couldn't help but take a breath!


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