After a long time, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

No words were spoken that night!

In a blink of an eye.

The next morning!

When the pursuit was in full swing, after a whole night of sailing, Chu Chen finally arrived at the Kisangani section of the Congo River!

After entering Kisangani.

Being in it, Chu Chen immediately felt the huge changes in the water conditions of the river!

This huge change is not only the change in the flow rate of the water.

The drop in the terrain has also increased a lot compared to before.

As a result, the entire river channel has become extremely bumpy!

In the meantime, there are more and more small waterfalls of various kinds!

During this period, the audience could see the wonderful live broadcast of Chu Chen driving a kayak and flying over the waterfall almost every minute!

Some waterfalls are three meters high, some can reach five meters, and even ten meters high!

Watching the scenes, the discussion in the live broadcast room has never stopped!

[Fuck, it's too exciting! ]

[Really asking for death! ]

[Is this the legendary water creature? ]

[So handsome! So handsome! ]

[Chu Shen's physical strength is really invincible! ]

[Yeah, I ate a few energy gels all night, but I can still hold on until now! ]

[It's really too strong! If it were me, I would have died long ago! ]

[Come on, Chu Shen, the pursuit team is already on the way! ]

[This time the expert group sent six pursuit team leaders, and South Africa seems to have sent troops to cooperate with them! ]

[Really? This is going to be a good show! 】




At the same time!

On a military helicopter over the Congo River!

At this moment.

The six pursuit captains are all in place.

They had just arrived in South Africa early this morning, and under the arrangement of the expert group, they quickly gathered together to prepare to arrest Chu Chen!

In order to make their arrest work go more smoothly, the South African military was very considerate and directly sent 20,000 national defense forces and dozens of helicopters for them to deploy at will!

After receiving these aids, the six captains immediately set up a net in the middle and lower reaches of the Congo River.

This time, in order to stop Chu Chen in South Africa, they did a lot of work at the estuary southwest of Kinshasa, and directly pulled up a wire mesh of dozens of meters to surround the estuary!

The mesh of the wire mesh is so tight that even the smallest sardines can't swim through.

Not to mention people!

After arranging all this, the six captains immediately boarded a military helicopter and went upstream along the river to the destination of this trip: Hell's Gate Waterfall in Kisangani!

Because not long ago, they had just received news from the expert group that Chu Chen was currently active in that area!

Sitting in the cabin, Zhou Yun stared at the Congo River outside the window, and the whole person fell into deep thought.

Until now, he couldn't fully imagine in his mind the scene of a person driving a kayak and drifting among these large and small waterfalls!

In his eyes, the difficulty of such a challenge is no less than the "birth of heaven" of Mount Everest!

Without enough courage and courage to support, it is really difficult to reach the end!

Especially the big waterfalls downstream!

How can we conquer it with just this boat?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun couldn't help but let out a long breath to relieve his inner tension:


Seeing him like this, Zhuang Yan frowned and asked calmly: "Captain Zhou, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I just think this place is... a little scary..."




At this moment, in the live broadcast room!

Seeing the muscular captain, who was a little timid, the audience became interested and joked:

[Let me translate it for you: I'm scared! ]

[Haha, I'm really scared! ]

[The muscular captain finally got scared! ]

[Not shameful, in this scene, no one can stand it except Chu Shen! ]

[Whoever goes to this place will have a feast! ]

Hearing him say this, Zhuang Yan was also a little scared, but her eyes were still firm!

There was no trace of timidity at all!

[Yan Yan is so beautiful! 】

[Captain Muscle, don't worry, my wife is here, this is not a problem! 】

[@Upstairs, whoever peed yellow, come and wake him up! 】

[Haha! 】

[I'll do it! 】

[The front row is high-profile and contracted by goddess Yan Yan! 】

[If, I say if! I said I am Yan Yan's man

Friends, do you believe it? 】

【@尿黄哥, there is another one here, trouble! 】

"I really can't imagine how he decided to take on such a challenge, this crazy guy..."

Looking at the Congo River entrenched in the primeval forest, Zhou Yun sighed again.

Hearing this, Captain Sun Bosun, who was sitting next to him, echoed: "If he didn't have this courage, he wouldn't have jumped down from Mount Everest. Speaking of which, this kid is really brave. After reading his case file, I still haven't recovered... Don't underestimate him!"

The next second.

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xiong, who had been searching for targets with a telescope, suddenly said:

"Everyone, there is something going on at two o'clock!"

Hearing what Chen Xiong said, the remaining five captains immediately perked up, and at the same time picked up the telescope and looked in the direction he said!

In the turbulent river, a man in a black waterproof coat was seen fighting the rapids with a paddle in his hand!

Not far in front of him was the famous Hell's Gate Waterfall!

Looking around, the huge waterfall is like a white silk dancing freely, lying on a cliff hundreds of meters wide!

During this period, countless water columns poured down freely, and from time to time, they would stir up huge waves several meters high in the river below!

The steaming water mist made everything around fall into a haze!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yun immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered the helicopter behind him: "All units, please pay attention, all units, please pay attention, find the target! Find the target!"

"He is now in Kisangani, the upper half of the Congo River, about five kilometers away from the Kisangani Falls!"

"Now, all the nearby pursuit team members, please assemble immediately under the Kisangani Falls and prepare to capture the target! In addition, all snipers, please be ready and wait for my order!"

At the command, the nearby pursuit team members responded immediately and came to the bottom of the waterfall, ready to encircle Chu Chen!

At the same time!

All the snipers on the helicopters were ready, took out the explosion-proof net guns and aimed at Chu Chen, waiting for Zhou Yun's order!


PS: Please urge for more updates, please use love to generate electricity! Power generation statistics: 1021/2000! Finally revived with full blood, thank you for your support! )

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