After the video was sent out, Qin Shuyang went to take a shower.

I have been in the kitchen all day today, and I am sweating.

While Qin Shuyang was taking a shower, those who had seen Qin Shuyang's video and watched it, even if they did not follow him, would be considered by Douyin as people who were interested in Qin Shuyang's video and recommended to them.

At ten o'clock, Chen Xinbei got off work and returned to the apartment.

Today's work intensity was very high, which made Chen Xinbei still very tired.

After entering the apartment, Chen Xinbei was tired and lay down on the sofa first.

Turning on the TV, the variety show I wanted to watch was still playing ads, so Chen Xinbei took out her mobile phone to watch short videos.

After watching a few short videos, I saw Qin Shuyang's latest video again.

A cartoon character with a pig's face appeared in the video.

Chen Xinbei knew that the owner of this [No Worries Restaurant] had something to say, so she didn't rush to swipe away.

When the video started playing, Qin Shuyang's voice was heard: "Hello, everyone, I am the owner of [No Worries Restaurant]."

"I have been busy all day today. I just finished work. I saw many people in the comment section saying that I am using hunger marketing, which made me feel wronged."

"Here, I really need to emphasize that the store really does not use hunger marketing."

"Because the pickled fish in my store is made after the customer places an order, the number that can be made every day is limited."

"Maybe you don't have a real feeling when I say this, then I will show you the change in the number of comments in the comment section today and yesterday on the mini program, and you will know."

"Yesterday was my first day of business, and yesterday there were 390 negative reviews."

"As of today, as of the time I took the video, the number of negative and medium reviews for takeout has reached 1,285, which is That's not counting the ones who didn't comment. "

"So up to now, I have served 895 meals at least. In fact, I served more than 800 meals at noon and in the evening, but I won't say much without evidence."

"But anyway, even if you count this number, for a small takeaway shop, I serve about 450 meals at noon and in the afternoon, relying on myself alone. This is really not a small amount, right?"

"So don't think I'm doing hunger marketing. As long as I'm busy, can I not serve meals?"

Seeing this, Chen Xinbei couldn't help but mutter to herself: "It's true. The boss is already quite fast to serve 450 meals at noon, and the pickled fish is freshly made."

Because Chen Xinbei didn't get a meal in the afternoon, Chen Xinbei instinctively thought that Qin Shuyang must be doing hunger marketing.

But now that Qin Shuyang has shown the number, it feels like it's not really a hunger marketing approach. It's just that he's too busy.

After all, Qin Shuyang is a human being. We can't ask Qin Shuyang to work non-stop like a machine, right?

"Then can't we find two helpers?"

Just when Chen Xinbei expressed this view, Qin Shuyang in the video continued: "I believe that some people will think that since the sales volume is so high, why can't I find two more helpers to improve the efficiency of serving food?"

"That's because making delicious pickled fish is not something that can be done by just finding a helper."

"If you order pickled fish from my store, and I make it delicious, but my helper makes it unpalatable, and you buy the helper's for the same price, you will definitely feel unfair, right?"

"So I have to ensure the quality of the food."

Qin Shuyang's explanation left Chen Xinbei speechless, and it seemed to be true.

It's unrealistic that such delicious pickled fish can be made by just finding a helper.

If it can really be made so easily, the entire Magic City will only have Qin Shuyang's pickled fish restaurant that makes Chen Xinbei feel delicious.

Just when Chen Xinbei thought that Qin Shuyang's video was just to explain that he didn't have hunger marketing, things were not that simple.

"Here, I really want to appeal for my store. These bad reviews of the store really make me feel very wronged."

"Maybe many people who want to order my pickled fish will be intimidated and dare not place an order after seeing the bad reviews below."

"Here, I really have to say that the taste of my pickled fish is really nothing to say."

"If the pickled fish in my store tastes worse, black fans will not place orders continuously, so I'll show you the evidence."

When speaking

Then, the video turned into a screenshot of the comment area of ​​Qin Shuyang's food delivery platform.

When Chen Xinbei saw the ID name of the bad review in the screenshot, she was confused.

Because in the video, the ID name of the screenshot was Chen Xinbei's [Don't Believe in Love]?

The video paused for a few seconds, allowing people to see the comment given by [Don't Believe in Love], and the screenshot of the screen turned into [I Don't Bother Anyone].

Then, the video began to show screenshots of comments from other black fans who repeatedly gave bad reviews.

While showing the negative reviews, Qin Shuyang said: "So, did you see that? On the one hand, these black fans who gave negative reviews said very bad things, and on the other hand, they placed repeated orders. Don't you think this is outrageous?"

"If the sauerkraut fish in my store really tastes bad and the price is so high, these black fans can't place two orders, right?"

"And it's not just one or two black fans, but hundreds of black fans who do this, so I hope everyone can look at the negative reviews on my store rationally."

"Whether the sauerkraut fish tastes good or not, you can pay attention to the changes in the number of comments under my mini program every day, and you can know how many people have placed orders."

"In addition, starting tomorrow, the price of sauerkraut fish will become 100 yuan for a small portion and 200 yuan for a large portion, a slight increase in price. Friends who are interested are welcome to place an order to try it."

"I also hope that after tasting the sauerkraut fish, you will find it delicious and give it a good review."

"There are so many negative reviews in the comment area, which really affects the mentality."

At the end of the video, Qin Shuyang hopes that fans will give face and give a good review.

"Today's video ends here, see you in the next video."

After the video ended, Chen Xinbei immediately expressed her contempt: "How can this be done? It's too much to take out people's bad reviews and punish them publicly."

Chen Xinbei felt that even if they were to take them out for public punishment, at least they should put a code on them to save face.

Of course, Chen Xinbei knew that Qin Shuyang, as a boss, must be very angry about people who gave bad reviews continuously, so he didn't put a code on them and just took them out for public punishment.

But no matter what, Chen Xinbei is very depressed and a little angry now.

Chen Xinbei clicked on the comment area to take a look.

At this time, there were already tens of thousands of comments under the comment area.

However, what surprised Chen Xinbei was that when she opened the comment area, she didn't see the bad reviews flying all over the sky as before, but many more good reviews.

[Last time I watched the boss's sauerkraut fish video, I thought the boss's sauerkraut fish looked good, so he must be a good cook. Now it seems that even haters can place orders twice, so these haters are the best proof that the taste is good. I will also place an order tomorrow to try it. ]

[I was wondering why I couldn't get the sauerkraut fish, but it turns out that these haters also placed orders. I am really impressed by these haters. Since you are going to give a bad review, can you have some principles and not compete with others? (Contempt expression)]

[To be honest, I didn't dare to place an order because of the bad reviews. Now even haters have placed orders twice in a row, which proves that it is really delicious. I will also place an order tomorrow. I hope the haters have a little backbone. The boss has publicly executed them, so they should not compete tomorrow. (Grinning expression)]

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