The price of the dish was raised, but the price was still high.

The next day at noon, netizens were helpless to see Qin Shuyang raise the price again.

Because this time he did not maintain the price for two days, he raised the price again, which was a bit too much.

However, many people have accepted the high consumption in Shanghai, so they are not surprised.

In fact, the price increase does not matter, the problem is whether Qin Shuyang will raise the price above the original price.

After Qin Shuyang finished his work at noon, he took a break and saw that many people’s good reviews revealed this concern.

[The taste of pickled fish is indeed good, if it is just restored to the original price, it can be accepted. Then the question is, boss, your original price should not change, right? ]

[300 yuan per pound is really the limit. As a worker, I can only taste it once or twice a week. If you raise the price again, I really can't afford it. ]

[Don't really be like those restaurants selling tires, raising the price to a level that people can't afford. I hope the boss can be a little cheaper. ]

Qin Shuyang's price increase is indeed quite fast.

But Qin Shuyang has principles.

So Qin Shuyang replied to a comment in the comment section of the video.

[No Worries Restaurant]: [The initial price of pickled fish is 300 yuan, and it will never increase in the future, please rest assured. ]

Qin Shuyang's reply immediately received a lot of praise.

[Boss, you have a conscience. ]

[To be honest, I'm really worried that you keep raising the price, and in the end only rich people can afford it. Now I dare to make this promise, I believe in the boss's character. ]

[I have to say that the boss's attitude towards doing things is really impeccable. ]

Qin Shuyang was still very happy to see the good comments from netizens.

After all, good reviews are definitely more enjoyable than bad reviews.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Shuyang closed the store and returned to his room.

After returning to the room, Qin Shuyang did not lie on the bed to rest. He took a shower and sat down to edit the video that he had not edited well yesterday.

Qin Shuyang has successfully filmed all the lobster materials in the past few days.

If he can edit it well today, Qin Shuyang plans to send it out.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Shuyang has accumulated a lot of good reviews in the past few days.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good review points: 180749 points. ]

[Recipes: Pickled fish, crayfish collection. ]

[Props: fish slicer*1, pickled fish cooking machine*1, fish killing machine*1]

These 180,000 good reviews are Qin Shuyang's confidence.

"I hope there won't be so many bad reviews this time."

There were so many people who gave bad reviews to the video I sent out last time, and I guess there will be more this time.

Even if he knew there would be negative reviews, it would definitely be impossible for Qin Shuyang to change the style of his videos.

As a top student in the directing department, Qin Shuyang has his own artistic pursuit for video shooting.

Only classics can be passed down.

Those food videos that don't have any splashes have no artistic content. Basically, every food blogger shoots the same thing. Who would like to watch it a second time!

After studying directing for four years, if the food videos he shot in the end were the same as those of other ordinary bloggers, Qin Shuyang would feel that he was too sorry for his four years of hard study in college.

In addition, Qin Shuyang now has a food system and makes a lot of money every day, so he will definitely not be a director again.

If he doesn't become a director, he can't have nowhere to use what he has learned, right?

So he can only use it on short videos.

Qin Shuyang edited the video until 10 o'clock.

After checking it once and making sure there was no problem, Qin Shuyang sent the video out.

After sending the video, Qin Shuyang went back to bed to rest, looking forward to the effect of the video.

"I hope that the 50,000 fans who follow me can give me some support and say something good for me."

In recent days, Qin Shuyang has been seen by many people as having a serious work attitude.

Although the price has been rising, as long as it does not exceed the original price, it is still acceptable.

Therefore, in recent days, many people have followed Qin Shuyang.

Now the number of fans has reached 50,000.

Although this number of fans is completely incomparable with those bloggers with tens of millions of fans.

But as long as many people give bad reviews, they can say a few good words for Qin Shuyang.

Even if Qin Shuyang does not care about bad reviews, he still hopes that someone can support his video creation and give him more confidence.

After posting the video, Qin Shuyang lay on the bed, intending to observe the effect of the video before going to sleep.

At the same time, in a luxurious modern house of 200 square meters in Shanghai.

I saw a 30-year-old, mature and

The elegant woman sat on the carpet, leaning back against the base of the sofa, and was looking at the WeChat Moments on her phone.

The woman's eyes were wet when she looked at the content of the Moments.

The woman's name is Li Mengrou, she is the owner of a clothing online store, and she is doing well in her career, earning several million yuan a year.

The reason why her eyes were wet when she looked at the Moments at this moment was because Li Mengrou saw the wedding photos of her ex-boyfriend and his current wife.

Looking at the happy look on her ex-boyfriend's wedding photos, Li Mengrou was so angry that her teeth itched.

"I wish you can't have children and get hit by a car when you go out."

Li Mengrou could only curse the scumbag who delayed her youth for seven years across the screen.

From the age of 18 to 25, the best youth of a girl was delayed by a scumbag like this. Li Mengrou really hated it.

But what can she do even if she hated it?

After cursing for a few words, Li Mengrou felt that it was meaningless. She wanted to block her ex-boyfriend's WeChat, but she didn't.

It's not that Li Mengrou is reluctant to part with her, but because she wants to keep her WeChat account and wait for the day when she is happy, so that her ex-boyfriend can also see how happy she is.

Let her ex-boyfriend know that even if she leaves him, she can still live a good life.

Li Mengrou is not in the mood to watch TV at the moment, so the TV in the living room is just for sound.

Li Mengrou lay down on the carpet directly, and then opened Douyin, wanting to watch short videos to relax.

As a person with a story, Douyin understands Li Mengrou very well.

After watching a few videos, it started to push emotional short videos to Li Mengrou.

The first emotional copy: [You are the person I never want to lose. ]

The copy video is accompanied by a slightly sad BGM, and there is a crying voice of the character: "What should I do if I can't forget you?"

The ex is married, what's the point of not being able to forget, Li Mengrou feels that this video is boring.

Li Mengrou didn't even want to click on the comment area, and swiped away.

After watching several videos with copywriting, Li Mengrou felt that they were all boring.

However, when she watched the 11th video, the video had a sad background music and the whole screen was black, and then a copywriting appeared: [People asked me what kind of person I like, I have to start describing you again. ]

Looking at this copywriting, Li Mengrou's hand that was about to move away stopped temporarily, and she couldn't help but sighed: "Hey."

Although Li Mengrou had just cursed her ex-boyfriend.

But as her first love, and the whole process of love was very beautiful, otherwise the first love would not have lasted for seven years.

From college campus to graduation and entering society, they almost got married.

Even if they broke up later.

But Li Mengrou had to admit that the way her ex-boyfriend looked was the way she liked.

Because of this, in the five years since the breakup, many people introduced her to potential partners and arranged blind dates. Li Mengrou had also seen them, but she was not satisfied.

People who introduced Li Mengrou to potential partners saw that Li Mengrou was so picky, so they would ask Li Mengrou what kind of person she liked.

Li Mengrou would say that she likes tall guys, not necessarily handsome, but they have to look good when they smile, and their smiles have to be encouraging.

And this is how Li Mengrou felt when her ex-boyfriend first came to her.

She knew that she had to move on from her last relationship, and it would be best to completely forget about her ex.

But the look she liked had already been fixed, so what could she do about it!

I really can't forget him!

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