The video was a joke, but it was a joke.

Because even a heartless man like Cao Yuzhe was defeated, the criticism of this video was even louder than the love story of Heiyu last time.

Qin Shuyang was still thinking about observing it before going to bed to see how it works.

Even if there are really a lot of bad reviews, will there be some fans who speak for him?

Unexpectedly, all the reviews were bad, and there was not a single fan who spoke for him.

"Don't I have any loyal fans?"

Qin Shuyang felt that this was too wrong.

After all, there are more than 50,000 fans following him.

This made Qin Shuyang wonder if all the people who follow him are black fans.

"Forget it, they are all bad reviews, I won't watch them anymore."

Qin Shuyang didn't bother with these bad reviews.

As for the fact that many people expressed their boycott in the comment area and refused to buy the crayfish and pickled fish in Qin Shuyang's store, Qin Shuyang was not afraid at all.

Because there are so many people rushing to buy every day, there is almost always a shortage of supply.

Even if these black fans who gave bad reviews boycotted Qin Shuyang's pickled fish and crayfish, Qin Shuyang didn't believe that no one would buy them.

And Qin Shuyang really didn't believe that he had no loyal fans.

They may just not like to comment online, which doesn't mean they don't consume.

So Qin Shuyang really didn't take these bad reviews to heart.

Soon, Qin Shuyang fell asleep leisurely.

At 6 o'clock the next morning, when he woke up, Qin Shuyang looked at the system interface.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good reviews: 181209 points. ]

Compared with the good reviews last night, only less than 400 good reviews were added.

"It's good to have more good reviews."

Last night, the scolding was louder, and Qin Shuyang had lowered his requirements.

There are still good reviews, which means that there are still people who appreciate their videos.

After getting up and washing, Qin Shuyang went for a run to exercise.

When he returned to the store at 7:10, Qin Shuyang did not rush to take a shower, but exchanged the crayfish-related machines before Wu Yongfeng and He Xuqiang came to work.

"System, I want to exchange a crayfish cleaning machine."

The crayfish cleaning machine provided by the system, in addition to cleaning crayfish, can also help remove shrimp gills and shrimp threads, so the points are twice as expensive as the fish killing machine Qin Shuyang exchanged before, a full 20,000 points.

However, summer is coming, crayfish will definitely be popular, so without this crayfish cleaning machine, Qin Shuyang estimated that the store would definitely be too busy.

"Then I want to exchange two crayfish cooking machines."

These two machines can automatically cook crayfish according to recipes.

The crayfish cooking machine can make a pot of crayfish in 20 minutes, a pot of 100 kilograms, and comes with a packaging and packaging function, just like the pickled fish cooking machine.

Crayfish must be very popular in summer, so Qin Shuyang exchanged two machines to avoid being too busy.

"The crayfish cleaning machine requires 20,000 points, and the crayfish cooking machine requires 50,000 points. The total cost is 120,000 points. Please confirm it."


"Okay, the exchange is successful."

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good reviews: 61,209 points. ]

Qin Shuyang did not exchange all the points. Recently, they have all been bad reviews. I will keep some for emergencies.

"Please choose a place to put it."

There is no room in the kitchen, so Qin Shuyang can only put it in the front room.

"I have to go and see a new store."

Qin Shuyang has made almost two million yuan by selling pickled fish in the past few days with huge profits. He has enough money to rent a larger store.

After changing the store, Qin Shuyang will no longer have to do takeout, but can do dine-in.

After placing the machine, Qin Shuyang went back to the room to take a shower.

At eight o'clock, several suppliers delivered black fish, crayfish and other ingredients one after another.

Qin Shuyang ordered 2,000 kilograms of black fish and 2,000 kilograms of crayfish today.

Qin Shuyang felt that crayfish would definitely take away some of the sales of pickled fish, so he ordered a little less black fish.

After Wu Yongfeng and He Xuqiang unloaded the goods, Qin Shuyang said to the two people: "You don't have to wash the crayfish yourself."

"This is a crayfish washing machine. It can wash 100 kilograms of crayfish at a time. When you put the crayfish in, just make sure they are fresh."

"Don't put those dead crayfish in, it will affect the taste."

The price is so expensive, Qin Shuyang must ensure the freshness of the ingredients



Wu Yongfeng and He Xuqiang nodded.

In fact, when the two came, they noticed that there were three unfamiliar machines in the room.

Now that Qin Shuyang introduced them, they knew that they must be the kind of machines that help serve meals.

"By the way, do you know anyone who can endure hardships and stand hard work?"

"I need two more people in my shop."

"If you do, you can call and ask if you are willing to come to work here. The salary and benefits are the same as yours."

Now that crayfish has been launched, although there is a crayfish cleaning machine, ingredients such as peppers must be cleaned by people, and the workload must be greater. Wu Yongfeng and He Xuqiang will definitely not be able to handle it.

And there is also the work of packaging to be done.

If we don't recruit people, we will definitely not be able to handle the lunch.

Wu Yongfeng immediately said, "Boss, is my wife okay? She can endure hardships."

He Xuqiang also replied, "My wife can endure hardships. My wife works in the factory, and I feel that it is better for her to come to you, boss. She is also strong, not much worse than me."

Seeing that the two people are not avoiding relatives, Qin Shuyang smiled and said, "Okay, I feel at ease using people you know well."

"But let me make it clear first, if they are lazy at work, I will still fire them."

Qin Shuyang offered a salary of 15,000, which is definitely high in the waiter market.

If they can't endure hardships, Qin Shuyang won't have too much money and have no place to spend it, and support lazy employees.

"Boss, don't worry, when working, my hands and feet are absolutely nimble."

"Okay, then you can call your wife to help. But there is one thing, I am still single, you must not show off your love during work, otherwise you will be deducted from your salary."

The last sentence was naturally a joke by Qin Shuyang.

"How dare I?"

The two smiled slightly.

After working with Qin Shuyang for a few days, the two knew that the boss was still very approachable.

"Then you guys go to work, I'll go out and see if there are any suitable shops to change the working environment."

"Okay, boss, leave the shop to us without worry."

The shop is not open now, just handling the preparation of ingredients, the two are still confident that they can handle it.

Their wives will come over later, and the four of them will definitely be able to easily prepare before opening the shop.

And the two felt that Qin Shuyang should change the shop, otherwise the store is really not big enough.

"Okay, the shop is left to you."

After saying that, Qin Shuyang left.

When Qin Shuyang started looking for a shop, Li Mengrou had already woken up.

When she woke up, Li Mengrou's eyes were bloodshot, and it was obvious that she didn't sleep well last night.

The aftereffects of Qin Shuyang's video were so great that Li Mengrou didn't fall asleep until two in the morning last night.

Even after falling asleep, I was awakened once at five in the morning.

I woke up with bloodshot eyes.

After cooking some oatmeal porridge for breakfast, Li Mengrou put on makeup and returned to the company at 8:45.

When Li Mengrou returned to the office, the secretary came in to report today's work arrangements.

After the secretary finished reporting, Li Mengrou instructed: "By the way, tell the people in the company today that several of our partners will come to the company to discuss cooperation in the next few days. Everyone should try not to eat takeout with a strong smell in the company."

"For example, pickled fish and crayfish."

Li Mengrou resisted it herself, and now the company's employees are also temporarily banned.

Li Mengrou believes that if no one buys it for a few days, Qin Shuyang should admit his mistakes, turn over a new leaf, and stop shooting such videos in the future.

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