The video screen changed again, and [Xiaochu] and [Xiaolian] have grown up.

And [Xiaofu] has become thin and old.

In the picture of [Xiaofu] on the left, [Xiaofu] tried to catch earthworms, but the earthworms ran away repeatedly.

The few scenes where [Xiaofu] let the earthworms run away were given close-up shots, and a copy appeared: [You used to be omnipotent, but time makes people old, and now you can't even catch earthworms. ]

At this time, in the picture of [Xiaochu] and [Xiaolian], [Xiaochu] has grown up and is able to catch earthworms by himself.

In addition to catching earthworms, [Xiaochu] can also catch insects, centipedes and other kinds of food.

A text appeared on the video: [Parents always believe that their children will become better than themselves, and you have grown up to be what their parents expect. ]

Then, it was night time.

[Xiaofu] could only eat corn, while [Xiaochu] and [Xiaolian] had all kinds of food, which was extremely rich.

The text appeared again in the video: [You have become better, but your light can only shine forward, not the people who have always been behind you. ]

Seeing this, Wang Hangxuan said to himself with guilt: "After making money, I never thought about my parents, Wang Hangxuan, you are really a bit of an asshole."

At Fudan University, Wang Hangxuan has always been a top student in the computer department, so after graduation he found a very, very good job with an annual salary of more than 400,000 yuan.

In addition to the 20,000 yuan that must be saved every month for the down payment of buying a house in the future, Wang Hangxuan spends the rest of the money on going out with his girlfriend.

In the two years since graduation, Wang Hangxuan has replaced Miao Caiwei with a new Apple phone every year, and they are all top-of-the-line phones worth 10,000 yuan.

Wang Hangxuan himself uses the old Apple phone that Miao Caiwei retired.

But Wang Hangxuan's parents use Android phones worth a thousand yuan, and they have been using them for several years.

A person who would leave him, but also gave her holiday red envelopes and gifts.

And the person who would always stand behind him and would not leave, did not plan a dime for them.

Wang Hangxuan felt extremely guilty at this moment.

The video screen changed to the next day, [Xiao Fu] was still picking corn.

In the picture on the right, [Xiao Chu] went out to find food, and [Xiao Lian] stayed at home.

When [Xiao Chu] was looking for food, a rooster marked as [Xiao San] appeared in the picture.

Seeing this, Wang Hangxuan felt a little confused: "No wonder the boss's previous video was so criticized."

After personally experiencing the huge lethality of Qin Shuyang's video, Wang Hangxuan felt that it was hard not to become a black fan.

As expected, [Xiao Lian] and [Xiao San] became very good friends.

When [Xiao Chu] came back with the earthworm, he saw that [Xiao Lian] and [Xiao San] had become so good, and the earthworm in his mouth fell to the ground.

This reminded Wang Hangxuan of the scene when he saw Miao Caiwei and Ma Wei Bo appear that day and the crayfish takeaway in his hand fell to the ground.

At the mouth of [Xiao Lian], a dialog box appeared: [You can't give me the life I want. ]

After that, [Xiao Lian] and [Xiao San] left, leaving [Xiao Chu] to scream at the sky.

It started to rain in the sky, and [Xiao Chu] didn't know how to hide from the rain. He stood in the rain in despair and got soaked like a drowned chicken.

The screen went black, and when it reappeared, it was divided into three parts.

On the left, [Xiao Fu] was lying on the hospital bed with a towel covering his head.

In the middle, [Xiao Chu] was sitting alone in a small nest, looking absent-minded.

On the right, [Xiao Lian] and [Xiao San] were playing on the sunny grass.

At this time, Qin Shuyang's voice rang out: "You never care about the people who have tried their best to let you stand on your shoulders, become better, and live a better life."

"On the contrary, you can't forget the people who hurt you, no longer care about you, and live a good life."

"A person is locked in the cage of love, shouldn't you die?"

As he said, Qin Shuyang reached out and grabbed [Xiao Chu] in the video.

As the screen switched, [Xiao Chu] had become an ingredient on the chopping board.

Cut the chicken into pieces.

Cut mushrooms, green peppers and other ingredients into pieces.

Next, blanch the chicken in cold water and add cooking wine to remove the fishy smell.

Then add oil to the pan, add rock sugar and stir-fry the sugar color, then add

Chicken, then add various ingredients and secret seasonings to stew.

Finally, in the casserole, there is a delicious braised chicken.

[For delicious braised chicken, please search [No Worries Restaurant] on Douyin mini program. ]

[Heart. ]


Wang Hangxuan felt that even if he was a die-hard fan, he couldn't do this.

"Can't the boss's video be a little gentler? Watching the video is as uncomfortable as torture."

Wang Hangxuan knew that Qin Shuyang shot this video to tell those who were hurt by love like him, not to always be obsessed with the people who abandoned you, but to think more about the people around you.

But Qin Shuyang could obviously remove the love part to make people feel better.

One family knife is really enough to make people wake up, there is no need to use two knives.

At the end of the video, unlike in the past, the screen turned black and a text appeared: [Others only pay attention to the 618 Shopping Festival, but I hope you pay attention to 616 Father's Day, at least take him out for a good meal. ]

"By the way, 616 is Father's Day, and I didn't even pay attention to it."

Wang Hangxuan usually only pays attention to Valentine's Day, 520, Chinese Valentine's Day, his girlfriend's birthday, and Double Eleven.

Father's Day, Mother's Day, or his parents' birthdays, he has never paid attention to them, and never thought about celebrating such festivals.

Wang Hangxuan shamelessly opened the shopping app and ordered two Apple phones, and changed the address to his parents' home.

Every year when Wang Hangxuan went home for the New Year, his parents had to take their phones to ask him to help clean up all kinds of automatically installed junk apps.

I know that buying them Apple phones can avoid being bothered by these junk apps.

And the latest top-of-the-line mobile phone that he buys for his girlfriend every year is enough for his parents to buy two ordinary Apple phones.

But he never did it.

After placing the order, Wang Hangxuan called his father's mobile phone number.

As soon as the call was connected, he heard a deep and familiar voice: "Son, is there something wrong with calling so late?"

Hearing his father's voice, Wang Hangxuan felt inexplicably moved.

Fearing that his voice would choke, Wang Hangxuan adjusted his mood and said, "It's okay, I just called to ask, are you and mom doing well recently?"

"Your mom and I are in good health. How are you in Shanghai? If you are in a bad mood recently, try not to work too hard and eat more good food."

"I will take good care of myself. I bought a new mobile phone for you and mom respectively. Don't refuse to accept it when you think it is a courier sent by a stranger."

"Why spend money indiscriminately? My and your mom's mobile phones are still usable."

"It's okay. It's cheap to buy mobile phones on 618."

Wang Hangxuan began to tell his parents on the phone that mobile phones are not expensive, so that they would not feel uneasy when using them.

Wang Hangxuan is not the only one who feels betrayed after watching Qin Shuyang's videos.

Li Mengrou, who has the same experience as Wang Hangxuan, has been heartbroken by Qin Shuyang's betrayal.

Especially because it has been so many years since Li Mengrou broke up with Cao Yuzhe, her family has introduced many potential partners to her.

As a result, Li Mengrou refuses this and that, and now she is considered an older girl, which makes her parents very anxious.

But sometimes Li Mengrou is disgusted by the two people who keep urging her, and feels that she will not die if she does not get married, so she quarrels with her parents.

Because she can't get over the person who abandoned her and quarrels with her parents who love her, Li Mengrou feels that she really deserves to die.

"Boss really likes to kill people and hurt their hearts. Even if he is handsome, his appearance fans can't stand your betrayal!"

After Qin Shuyang took a video of crayfish last time, Li Mengrou became a black fan.

Later, Qin Shuyang's photos were exposed, and Li Mengrou really couldn't hate the handsome guy, and became a appearance fan again.

This time, Qin Shuyang stabbed himself in the heart with both the love knife and the family knife, and his fans were about to turn into haters.

Complaining, Li Mengrou silently called her father.

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