The two of them were busy, but the two sides did not have a good time.

In order to observe the effect of Qin Shuyang's store, and of course to get closer to his father and daughter, Zhao Tianlei came to Zhao Xinwen's office at 5 o'clock.

Zhao Xinwen was working, and she was quite surprised to see Zhao Tianlei knocking on the door.

Zhao Xinwen immediately stood up from her office chair and asked with a smile: "Dad, why did you come here suddenly without saying hello."

Zhao Tianlei would naturally not say directly that he was trying to get closer to Zhao Xinwen.

The father-daughter relationship is based on blood, so there is no need to rush.

It is obviously impossible to recover to a particularly good level all at once.

Zhao Tianlei said: "I mainly want to come and see how the boss's first day of opening the store is going. Don't you plan to go and see it?"

"I plan to go after I finish this. Since you are here, let's go and see it together."

Although Zhao Xinwen is a die-hard fan of Qin Shuyang, she is also the general manager of this shopping mall.

Zhao Xinwen also wants to know whether Qin Shuyang's entry can achieve the expected effect on the popularity of the shopping mall.

When walking out of the office with Zhao Xinwen, Zhao Tianlei asked with a smile: "Boss Qin is now in our shopping mall. If we go to buy takeout, do we have to queue up?"

"Of course."

Zhao Xinwen smiled slightly: "Don't think about cutting in line."

"In fact, I also had selfish motives at the time. I thought about asking the boss if I could give him a VIP card so that I wouldn't have to queue up in the future. As a result, the boss decisively refused."

"Well, it seems that I thought too much."

Zhao Tianlei was not too surprised.

Qin Shuyang said that he would launch a business package, but the premise is that ordinary fans would not be able to buy the dishes in his store.

It can be seen that in Qin Shuyang's place, there is no difference in treatment between wealthy uncle fans and ordinary fans.

Even Qin Shuyang's die-hard fans.

Die-hard fans are treated equally and can all take screenshots to buy takeout.

There is no such thing as a super VIP who can ignore the privilege of queuing.

As they chatted, the two soon arrived at the door of Qin Shuyang's store.

Seeing such a long line, Zhao Tianlei couldn't help but sigh: "This boss's business is really good, the line is so long."

As a die-hard fan, Zhao Xinwen had gone to Qin Shuyang's store after get off work to buy, so she was not surprised at all by the queuing scene.

"The new store has changed its location, but it doesn't affect the popularity at all. The business of the boss's store is similar to what we thought, and it can bring huge popularity to the mall."

At this time, Zhao Tianlei couldn't help but say: "In fact, I feel that queuing is really a bit of a waste of this popularity. Girl, do you think it would be better to make a queuing software for the boss?"

"This way, these queuing customers don't have to stand and wait all the time. They can use the time waiting in line to go shopping in the mall, which may be more helpful to boost the performance of our mall."

Zhao Xinwen pondered for a while and nodded: "It makes sense. If customers get a number, they don't have to queue here. Then they go shopping in the mall while queuing. They may see something they like and buy it."

"But if it is made into software, many people may not want to download it. It may be better to make it into a queuing applet."

"You young people must know more than me. You can discuss it with the boss later to see if he is willing."

"If he is willing, we will find someone to help him develop and maintain the applet."

This kind of queuing applet is not a particularly complicated thing, but people who don't understand computer programs certainly don't know how to develop it.

Zhao Tianlei felt that it was unnecessary to pay the difference since he had already helped Qin Shuyang decorate the store for free.

The most important thing was that if Qin Shuyang officially opened the store in the future, there would be more people queuing up.

So instead of wasting time queuing up, it would be better to let these customers go shopping in the mall.

This money is definitely worth spending.

"Okay, I'll discuss it with Boss Qin later."

"Dad, I'll take you to other places to shop."

As he said that, Zhao Xinwen said to the secretary behind him: "Xiao Wang, please help me queue up here, and buy some crayfish, pickled fish and braised chicken."


The secretary nodded and went to queue up.

Zhao Tianlei would naturally not refuse. After all, he came here to get closer to his father and daughter, and it was reasonable to have a meal together.

After walking around the mall, Zhao Tianlei felt mixed emotions: "Girl, I hope this

This shopping mall can be revived under your management. "

"After all, this is where my father started his business."

The starting point of his career, but now it has fallen.

It's just like first love.

Even if his career is getting better and better now, Zhao Tianlei will inevitably feel heartbroken.

"Dad, I will work hard."

After a walk, Zhao Tianlei and Zhao Xinwen returned to the office. The secretary brought the takeaway at 6:05.

After dinner, Zhao Xinwen sent Zhao Tianlei away.

At 9 o'clock, when Qin Shuyang's store was cleaning, Zhao Xinwen came to find Qin Shuyang.

When Qin Shuyang saw Zhao Xinwen coming, he got up from his chair and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, why are you here?"

Now that they are partners, Qin Shuyang must change the address.

Mr. Zhao is more serious than Miss Zhao.

Zhao Xinwen smiled and explained her purpose: "Boss Qin, I came to discuss something with you. I saw that when you opened the store, the loyal fans kept queuing at the door, which was a waste of time.

"How about I find a few programmers to help you make a small queuing program, so that they can know when to come to pick up the takeaway."

"Then you can walk around the mall while waiting, so as not to waste time. What do you think?"


Qin Shuyang readily agreed.

This will give loyal fans one more choice.

If you are very tired and just want to sit in line, then sit in line.

On the contrary, you can go shopping, which is also good.

"Okay, I will arrange for a programmer to come and discuss the functions of the small program with you tomorrow."


"Boss Qin, then I won't disturb you after get off work. "

After saying that, Zhao Xinwen left.

After cleaning the shop, Qin Shuyang closed the shop and went back.

After returning to his residence, Qin Shuyang still checked the progress of the video shooting before returning to his room.

Because this video, it is not enough to just shoot with a camera for 24 hours.

After shooting the general material, Qin Shuyang also needs to let the lobster make some posed pictures that meet the needs.

In the next few days, Qin Shuyang was busy cooking in the shop.

During the afternoon break, Qin Shuyang would go home to shoot videos and strive to launch the business package as soon as possible.

When shooting the crayfish love story, the crayfish is small and very easy to handle.

The Australian lobster is so big that Qin Shuyang would be easily injured if he didn't wear gloves.

This made it more difficult to pose and delayed Qin Shuyang's efforts for many days.

Qin Shuyang didn't finish this video until June 24.

At 10 o'clock that night, Qin Shuyang sent out the edited video.

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