In fact, for these uncle fans, posting comments still requires some grace.

You can't act too defensive, right?

Even if you say that the young man narrowed the road, that's not appropriate!

Qin Shuyang's cooking skills are unique.

Even if Qin Shuyang narrowed the road, shouldn't they still buy it?

So how to say it, both to show that you are not defensive and to find a way to make Qin Shuyang stop shooting such youth memories videos, is the key.

To be honest, looking at the few videos Qin Shuyang has shot so far, the knife of youth memories is more painful than those stabbing with the knife of love.

In addition, these successful people are more worried about one problem.

That is, hard dishes like Australian dragons are definitely very expensive in Qin Shuyang's store.

The main consumer group is definitely these business people, plus some young people with better economic conditions.

But no matter what, the main consumer group is these uncle fans.

If Qin Shuyang shoots videos of such hard dishes in the future, just like today's Australian dragons, and directly cuts these uncle fans, it will really be a bit hurt.

You can't spend a lot of money on consumption, but you still get cut every other day, right?

The most important thing is that these business people can't boycott it.

Because even if you boycott, if the customer wants to eat, what can you do?

So boycotting is still useless.

Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of situation of cutting their uncle fans, in the eyes of these successful people, Qin Shuyang is better to shoot some love food films that young people like to watch.

It is definitely unrealistic to ask Qin Shuyang not to shoot directly, and they don't have such a big face.

Soon, a comment with a relatively high EQ appeared in the comment area.

[Like the Sea]: [Boss, the video of Australian dragon you shot is good, and Australian dragon is indeed more upscale as a staple food. But to be honest, if it is a business package, I hope there are more dishes. If you don’t have time to shoot the video, just put it on the shelves directly. Anyway, there are a lot of materials that can be shot, and you don’t need these few theme videos of staple dishes. ]

First praise Qin Shuyang’s video for being well shot to prove that he has not broken the defense.

Then let Qin Shuyang put up more staple dishes to prove that he can afford it and show the strength of uncle fans.

And uncle fans are powerful, Qin Shuyang can’t fail to satisfy the mood of uncle fans to consume.

Qin Shuyang can only shoot one video in a week, which is obviously too slow.

Last time when Cao Yuzhe asked Qin Shuyang if he could put it on the shelves directly, Qin Shuyang made an excuse that he had to discuss cooperation with suppliers, so he took a video during the cooperation.

The excuse is good.

But it doesn’t make sense.

Can’t Qin Shuyang discuss cooperation with many suppliers at once?

Many successful people feel that this statement is good, so they change their words, but the core is still the same, and then leave a message in the comment area.

[The boss is indeed very talented in shooting videos, but you are so busy with business that you can't keep up with the speed of creation, which is really troublesome. You should introduce more dishes first to meet our needs for business entertainment. Videos can be shot slowly later, don't rush. ]

[Many of my customers are from other places, sometimes they may only come to Shanghai once every six months. I want to treat them well, but your dishes are too few. Sometimes I feel ashamed, so you should introduce more dishes, and it doesn't matter if they are more expensive. ]

[You can't open a branch, so I think you should at least not disappoint the fans from other places who come from afar. So it's better to introduce more dishes so that we can entertain them. You don't want to disappoint the fans. ]

Anyway, business entertainment is reimbursed by the company, so these successful people don't care whether the dishes are expensive or not.

On the contrary, they also hope that Qin Shuyang will introduce more hard dishes.

In addition, anyone who is in the business world should have face.

The dishes in Qin Shuyang's shop are so expensive.

If there are a few more hard dishes, the value of this meal will be tens of thousands.

After eating tens of thousands of meals, do you have the nerve to not cooperate?

And to be honest, many successful people are in their prime, with elderly parents and young children.

With money, of course, they hope to be healthy.

Except for those who love to drink and can't live without alcohol, most people don't like to drink.

Since serving Qin Shuyang's dishes to customers, customers are only busy eating dishes and don't like to drink.

This is the second hidden benefit.

So for these rich people

For example, they are not really afraid of the high prices of Qin Shuyang's store.

In fact, many netizens are looking forward to the uncle fans coming out to speak.

Even people like Liu Mufeng and Zhao Xinwen want to see successful people like their fathers. They must have been hurt by the video, so what kind of attitude will they have when commenting.

As a result, when the uncle fans finally spoke out, none of them were hurt. Instead, they liked Qin Shuyang's video and said it was well shot.

This made Zhao Xinwen and Liu Mufeng doubt their lives.

If they hadn't received a call from their father to apologize, they really thought that Qin Shuyang's video would not hurt the uncle fans.

However, Zhao Xinwen and Liu Mufeng certainly would not think that successful people all over the world would be hurt by the video just because their father called to apologize.

Nor would they think that all the successful people who follow Qin Shuyang are those who reconciled with their children because of the last braised chicken video.

There are always some successful people who like food!

Looking at these very well-structured comments, Zhao Xinwen could only sigh: "I really hope to be like these successful people, with a good career and a good life."

Not seeing any uncle fans come out to complain, Zhao Xinwen left Qin Shuyang's comment area disappointedly and browsed other short videos.

Not only Zhao Xinwen, many netizens were very disappointed.

Originally, I wanted to comfort these successful people and express my feelings that we are all the same.

As a result, uncle fans have a big pattern.

As expected, they don't understand the world of rich people at all!


In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

When Qin Shuyang woke up in the morning, he naturally took a look at the system's good reviews first.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good review points: 84367 points. ]

"Last night's video had a normal increase."

Qin Shuyang's good reviews were more than 20,000 8 days ago, and now more than 80,000, an increase of about 60,000.

Equivalent to 8,000 good reviews per day

In fact, if the netizens who gave good reviews under the video last night could include the words "Qin Shuyang's restaurant is delicious", it would be considered as promoting the store and could be counted as good review points.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing, so it cannot be counted.

But I am relieved that I didn't get scolded much!

Qin Shuyang put on his clothes and got up to wash up.

While brushing his teeth, Qin Shuyang took a look at the comments section.

In addition to the jokes of many netizens, Qin Shuyang felt that it was not easy for these uncle fans to have a pattern.

"Uncle fans are still very face-saving and didn't complain about me much."

"These business people hope to have more dishes. Hard dishes are definitely impossible. It's okay to make some vegetables and put them on the shelves without shooting videos."

Qin Shuyang thinks that a table of dishes must have some vegetables, and it can't be all fish and meat.

Vegetables have low profits, so the points redeemed by the machine will be cheaper.

Qin Shuyang can still redeem these points.

After Qin Shuyang finished brushing his teeth, he replied in the comment area and pinned the comment to the top so that more people can see it.

[No Worries Restaurant]: [If you don’t post videos, there will be no traffic, and it will not be convenient to promote the dishes. However, the restaurant’s dishes are indeed a bit limited at present, and shooting videos is indeed time-consuming. Recently, I will consider directly putting new dishes on the shelves, so please stay tuned. ]

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