After the incident, the two sides of the two sides had a close contact.

At 2:32 pm, Qin Shuyang sent out the latest edited video.

After sending the video, Qin Shuyang called the boss of his Australian dragon supplier and asked him to increase his supply again. Then Qin Shuyang went to work and prepare for the afternoon business.

Zhao Tianlei was resting and watching short videos, so when he saw Qin Shuyang post another video, he immediately clicked on Qin Shuyang's video.

In the video, there was still a cartoon pig head face.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the boss of [No Worries Restaurant]."

"I didn't expect that after launching the business package at noon today, I received some complaints. This is really unexpected."

"Before, I saw some fans saying that the boss asked them to rush to buy crayfish and other takeaways to entertain customers, which resulted in them not being able to order takeaways at noon, so I thought about launching the business package."

"But I didn't expect the business package to be so popular."

"Don't think I'm not awesome, I'm already pretty awesome, let me show you my kitchen."

The next second, Qin Shuyang's video screen turned into a clean kitchen.

"There are eight stoves in my kitchen."

"When I steam Australian lobsters, I use this large steamer, which can steam four Australian lobsters at a time."

"When I get busy at noon, it's all assembly line work, so I'm making 32 Australian lobsters at the same time."

"Since the preparations are done in advance, I can make 32 Australian lobsters in 20 minutes, which means I can make 192 Australian lobsters in two hours at noon."

"Some customers are quick and grabbed two Australian lobsters at noon, so I sold 180 business packages in two hours at noon."

"I think this supply should be good."

When watching the video, Zhao Tianlei felt that Qin Shuyang's supply was indeed not small.

And Qin Shuyang was so busy cooking Australian lobsters on the assembly line.

"But no matter how hard the boss works, as a consumer, the problem is that he can't buy it."

Zhao Tianlei thinks it's normal for consumers to complain about not being able to buy it.

Failure to solve the supply problem is the boss Qin Shuyang's business, and has nothing to do with consumers.

Just when Zhao Tianlei thought that Qin Shuyang posted this video simply to prove that his supply was very strong, Qin Shuyang's next words let Zhao Tianlei know what it meant to be full of attitude.

"I saw that some uncle fans with more financial strength hoped that the price would be set higher, so that they could buy more conveniently and avoid rushing to buy. I want to talk about my pricing here."

"It's not that I didn't think about pricing higher at the time, after all, I have confidence in my cooking skills."

"But if the price is too high, most fans really can't afford it."

"Uncle fans do have financial strength, but I still hope that other fans can occasionally afford such a lobster if they have something happy, such as birthdays or other celebrations."

"So the price must be this price, I won't raise it."

"But I also hope that those uncle fans with financial strength will not buy from other People buy at high prices, which is equivalent to encouraging the arrogance of scalpers. "

"The main reason for launching business packages is that we don't want scalpers to join in and make trouble, otherwise no one can grab them."

"So even if I am very tired, I will further increase the supply tomorrow."

"I will communicate with the person in charge of the mall later to see if I can temporarily connect the store next door and connect the kitchens of the two stores so that I can have more stoves."

"In this way, I can sell more business packages during the peak meal period."

Hearing this, Zhao Tianlei couldn't help but give Qin Shuyang a thumbs up in his heart: "The boss's attitude is really good, and young people can endure hardships when starting a business."

Zhao Tianlei appreciates Qin Shuyang's attitude.

Qin Shuyang is so young, and he makes a fortune every day.

Not only did he not get cocky, but he worked more diligently, and his requirements for fans were to do what he could.

With such an attitude, Zhao Tianlei felt that Qin Shuyang deserved to succeed.

But Qin Shuyang's video brought more surprises to fans.

Qin Shuyang continued: "In addition, I thought about it and found that I had a misunderstanding."

"Originally, my restaurant opened at 11:20 and 5:20, mainly considering that most fans

The meal time should be at 12 noon and 6 pm. "

"At this time, the store opens, work is over, and the meal time is just right for takeout."

"But this standard should not be in line with the uncle fans in my comment area."

"Even if these uncle fans are not bosses, they must be company executives. They should have more freedom in time, so your social activities may not be at these two time points."

"Then starting from tomorrow morning, I will open in advance."

"Tomorrow, the store will open at 10 o'clock. Uncle fans who need business packages can book packages according to their own time."

"In order to prevent the sales volume in one hour from being exaggerated, I will sell out the supply in the next few hours. I will limit the number of packages I can provide every hour."

"If you don't grab it at 10 o'clock, you can come again at 11 o'clock."

"Anyway, I hope uncle fans can stagger the time so that you can all buy it. ”

“Similarly, the three takeaways of crayfish, braised chicken and pickled fish will also be available at 10 o'clock, the same as the rules of the business package.”

“I will limit the number every hour.”

“In this way, fans who may have more free time will not have to rush for takeaways at mealtime.”

“I want to emphasize here that I didn't do this before because my store was short of staff. Now I have a few more employees, so I can handle it.”

Because Qin Shuyang issued a recruitment notice in the last video, naturally someone came for an interview today.

Qin Shuyang recruited 4 more waiters, and now there are 12 employees, so there is no problem with manpower in the short term.

“If there are still inconveniences, I hope everyone will understand. I will also find ways to increase the supply, and I will never give you a rosy picture.”

“In addition, I hope that everyone will give more good reviews if they think the dishes are delicious, so that there will be motivation. Otherwise, it will be tiring to see a full screen of bad reviews. ”

The content of the video ends here.

The content of this video made Zhao Tianlei have to give Qin Shuyang a thumbs up and a good review.

[High Mountains and Flowing Water]: [The boss's attitude must be praised. He has indeed tried his best. Even if I can't grab it again, I have no complaints. I believe what you said in the last video. More dishes are not just empty talk. I hope you can quickly launch some more delicious dishes.]

This is Zhao Tianlei's sincere words.

Qin Shuyang has worked so hard, and his attitude is absolutely sincere.

And the supply is insufficient, Qin Shuyang is trying to solve it.

If it is too difficult for a young man who has just started a business, Zhao Tianlei thinks it is indeed a bit harsh.

Not only It was Zhao Tianlei, and many other people who saw the video gave good reviews.

[The boss is not only good at cooking, but also has an attitude. He corrects himself immediately when criticized and never makes empty promises. He is a very down-to-earth person. You deserve to make a fortune. ]

[The boss would have closed the business for a rest, but now he is open all day without a rest. I have to give him a thumbs up. But I also hope that the boss takes care of himself and doesn't work too hard. Sustainable food is more important. ]

[Boss, come on, you are such a good cook. If you can increase the supply at mealtime, then you really have no shortcomings. ]

Many people put words like "delicious" in the comment area, which can be counted as good review points.

So, sincerity is the ultimate skill!

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