The old man was very happy.

None of Lu Tianqi's colleagues can compete, so Qin Shuyang certainly doesn't need to take it to heart, so he just needs to do his own thing step by step, and there is no need to disrupt his business rhythm because of these people.

After posting the video, Qin Shuyang observed the situation in the comment area.

As expected, it attracted some complaints.

[Boss, you don't serve hard dishes, but two vegetables. Isn't it a bit low-class? ]

[Last time I complained in the comment area that I asked you to serve more dishes, and you posted a video the next day saying that you would serve more dishes. I was moved for a long time, but you only served me vegetables? It's not that vegetables are bad, but eating meat can make your body and mind more happy. ]

[I think you have to consider a problem. We can't always use Australian dragons to entertain customers, we have to change the taste, so it's time to come up with another hard dish. 】

Qin Shuyang certainly knows that these uncle fans have the spending power.

But the problem is that Qin Shuyang is too busy to do anything.

Qin Shuyang chose an uncle fan who had a lot of likes on his comment and replied.

[No Worries Restaurant]: [I will continue to launch hard dishes, don't worry. And the combination of meat and vegetables can achieve balanced nutrition. Don't underestimate vegetarian dishes, I guarantee you will be surprised. ]

After replying to the uncle fan, Qin Shuyang continued to scroll down the comments and saw many comments that teased him.

[No wonder when you posted a video last time, you said that you could put new dishes on the shelves directly without shooting a video. It turns out that vegetables can't be shot with a video. I said, I asked you to put them on the shelves without shooting a video before, and you pretended not to see it. It turns out that you are giving face because you can't shoot it, right? ]

[I believed you last time and thought you had turned over a new leaf, but I didn't expect you to put this dish that can't be filmed on the shelves. These successful uncle fans seem to have some face in front of you, but also seem to have no face. ]

[Actually, I still like watching your videos. If you have the ability, you can also film a video of vegetables. (Dog head expression)]

There are many people in the comment area who teased Qin Shuyang because he couldn't film a video because of vegetables.

Qin Shuyang immediately replied to the comment with the highest number of likes that teased him.

[No Worries Restaurant]: [Young man, you can question my cooking skills, but you can't question my talent. If you insist on not believing in evil, I will film a video for you. (Dog head expression)]

It wasn't long before Qin Shuyang posted the video, and the traffic was rising.

Qin Shuyang said this in the comment area at this time, and many people got excited and followed the comments below.

[Okay, if you can film any vegetable theme, please post a video. ]

[I really want to see what you can do with vegetable-themed videos. Go ahead and shoot. I don’t believe that you can even cut me with vegetables.]

[It’s obviously not easy to shoot videos with vegetable-themed videos, but you’re still stubborn. Just go ahead and shoot vegetable videos. I promise I won’t look down on you.]

Seeing that many people really doubt their talents, Qin Shuyang must let these unbelieving netizens see what he can do.

Qin Shuyang quit TikTok and opened WeChat.

Qin Shuyang made a voice call to his college classmate Lin Xitian.

After the call was connected, he immediately heard a smiling voice: "Senior, what’s the wind tonight? Call me when you have time to chat."

Lin Xitian was a classmate of Qin Shuyang when he was studying.

The two also collaborated on short films and won awards at school, so their relationship is still very good.

Qin Shuyang immediately replied with a smile: "Junior, you are going too far. We have such a deep friendship, isn't it normal to chat with you?"

"Really? Senior, you are making a fortune and you are busy with things every day, and you can still chat with me. It's really an honor."

Then, Lin Xitian said jokingly: "You'd better make sure that you don't need my help. Otherwise, you should tell me in advance. Otherwise, the more you chat with me on the phone, I am afraid that it will be more difficult for you to ask me for help later."

As a good friend, Lin Xitian still knows Qin Shuyang, the senior.

Qin Shuyang laughed: "Junior, you have a misunderstanding about the senior. Am I that kind of person?"

Speaking, Qin Shuyang got to the point.

"Actually, I can't say that I want to ask you for help. I mainly want to ask your dog for help. Can you lend me your Labrador to shoot a video?"

Lin Xitian is a local in Shanghai. When they were working together to shoot the video, Qin Shuyang visited Lin Xitian's home, so he knew that Lin Xitian had a Labrador.

Qin Shuyang didn't have any pets himself, and he didn't want to get a few puppies just for the sake of shooting a video, which would be difficult to deal with later.

Borrowing things is naturally no problem, but Lin Xitian asked: "Senior, I can lend you my dog, but you don't want to shoot a dog meat-themed video, right?"

Qin Shuyang smiled slightly: "Not a dog meat-themed video, I'm not that bored."

After all, few people eat dog meat, and the key is that it's hard to find suppliers, so Qin Shuyang never thought about making this kind of delicacy.

"I just want your dog to appear in the video and cooperate with me to shoot the video."

"As long as you don't kill my dog, I'll lend it to you for a video."

"Then let's put it this way. I'll go to your house to get it tomorrow morning or tomorrow night, which is more convenient."

"Then tomorrow night, just go to my house after work. I'll call my parents later."

"Okay. But let me make it clear first. If I use your dog to shoot a video, I have to keep it on the farm for the time being. You won't be able to see your dog during the few days it's lent to me."

Because there must be enough space for shooting a video.

The old and dilapidated house that Qin Shuyang is renting now is definitely not suitable for shooting a video.

Qin Shuyang doesn't have time to buy a house, so he still has to put it on the cooperative farm.

"That's fine."

"Thank you."

"It's a small matter."

After that, Qin Shuyang chatted with Lin Xitian for a few words, and then called two other classmates who had dogs in their homes in Shanghai, asking them to borrow dogs.

After solving the key dog ​​problem, Qin Shuyang fell asleep with peace of mind.

At 7:30 the next morning, Qin Shuyang arrived at the restaurant early and opened the system's mall interface.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good review points: 569134 points. ]

Qin Shuyang exchanged an Australian Dragon automatic cooking machine in the mall and deducted 500,000 points.

Qin Shuyang saved 500,000 points for half a month, and his heart was bleeding.

However, since steamed lobster with garlic can be done in about 10 minutes.

This machine can make 100 kilograms of steamed lobster with garlic at a time, which is equivalent to making 20 servings at a time, so it can make 120 servings in an hour.

This machine can also pack automatically, and its efficiency is faster than that of Qin Shuyang asking the store employees to pack.

Then, Qin Shuyang exchanged for a potato processing machine.

This potato processing machine only needs 5,000 points. In addition to washing potatoes, it can also cut into pieces, slices or shreds according to Qin Shuyang's needs.

Because the profit of vegetables is low, the points exchanged are also small.

Similarly, Qin Shuyang spent 5,000 points to exchange for a green vegetable processing machine.

In addition to washing green vegetables, it can also distinguish the leaves of green vegetables according to size.

In this way, there is no need for manual sorting, and it is more accurate.

Then Qin Shuyang spent another 20,000 points to exchange for a potato cooking machine and a green vegetable cooking machine respectively.

Both machines can make 100 kilograms at a time, which is quite powerful.

Vegetables are naturally not one kilogram per portion, so it can be considered to make 200 portions at a time.

This potato cooking machine can meet various cooking methods of potatoes.

There will be a certain amount of waste when making potato shreds.

This machine can just help make mashed potatoes.

The profit is so high, and there are not many potato scraps, so Qin Shuyang will not sell them. He will just give them to uncle fans or loyal fans who buy offline.

Qin Shuyang thinks that uncle fans are loyal fans to a certain extent. After all, they have not complained about Qin Shuyang so far, and they have also supported him with a lot of money.

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