Brigade Headquarters.

The brigade commander and the chief of staff were discussing letting Li Yunlong's independent regiment replace the 772nd Regiment.

"This Li Yunlong must be cursing right now!"

Sure enough. The one who knows Li Yunlong best is the brigade commander.

His guess is right!


"As expected of the brigade commander!"

"Hahahaha, every guess is right!"

"Poof~ Even from such a distance, the brigade commander knew that Li Yunlong was cursing!" The barrage of comments filled the screen.

Independent Regiment!

At this time.

The verbal dispute between Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, and Kong Jie has entered a white-hot stage.

Li Yunlong is really spitting out insults, and he is not inferior to the lower score at all!

Zhao Gang:"Old Li, why are you like a wolf, baring your teeth at everyone you catch? I have only been in the Independent Regiment for a few days. You tell me, you have lost your temper with me several times. It would be fine if I didn't argue with you, but you are getting worse and worse. I tell you, I, Zhao Gang, am here to fight against the Japanese and save the country, not to suffer. If you are angry, find a place where no one is around and bang your head against the wall!"

Kong Jie:"That's right, you have only been in the Independent Regiment for a few days, and it's your turn to scold this and that!"

Li Yunlong's eyes moved back and forth, looking at the two of them, and he laughed to himself:"Hehe, you two are wearing the same pants.

You, Kong Erleng, became a political commissar in the blink of an eye.

What are you pretending to be with a green onion stuck in your pig nose? Lao Zhao is an intellectual after all, what are you? You can't recognize a single Chinese character, and you don't know the character for a carrying pole that falls down.

You, Zhu Bajie, wear glasses, why are you pretending to be a college student!


"Hahahaha, Li Yunlong really has real strength!"

"You're full of rhymes, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination!"

"National server troll Li Yunlong!"


"I can’t help it, I am dying of laughter after seeing this plot!"

"Li Yunlong is so smart. When he saw the two of them joining forces, he immediately changed his tactics!"

"Little Prince of Proverbs, this is it!"

"This part made me laugh to death!"

"One vs Two/Laugh and Cry/Laugh and Cry/"

"Famous scene, this is definitely a famous scene, haha!"

The audience in the live broadcast room, when they saw this plot, 043 was completely laughing.

The judges were also very happy.

Not to mention them.

Even Yu Hang couldn't help but smile while writing.

Just when Li Yunlong was scolding happily, the phone rang.

"Li Yunlong!"

"Brigade Commander!"

Hearing that it was the Brigade Commander on the other end of the phone, Li Yunlong immediately stood up obediently!

Kong Jie also stood up from the kang.

Brigade Commander:"You kid must be cursing again, right!"

Li Yunlong:"Which bastard reported me!"

Brigade Commander:"Don't accuse people, I'm just guessing, you just stay here honestly, you have to fight the battle, the attack ahead is not going well, you will have to go up sooner or later, but listen to me, when it's your turn, you must fail to win..."

Li Yunlong:"Just twist off my head and use it as a chamber pot, Brigade Commander, thank you. Thank you, Brigade Commander, I kneel down to you, Brigade Commander!"

Brigade Commander:"Alright, alright, alright, just keep your head for yourself. I don't need such a big chamber pot!"

Kong Jie and Zhao Gang next to him saw how quickly Li Yunlong changed his expression and couldn't help laughing:"This old Li has a dog-like face, he changes his face as soon as he says so. He was baring his teeth just now and is wagging his tail now. What the hell is this?~"

"I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to die of laughter in the live broadcast room!"

"Brigade Commander, I kneel down to you, Brigade Commander, hahaha!"

"Hahahahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!"


"Li Yunlong pioneered kneeling from a distance!"

"it's so funny!"

"Yu Hang wrote the character of Li Yunlong so well!"

"I like Li Yunlong so much!"

From the quarrel between Li Yunlong, Kong Jie and Zhao Gang to the call from the brigade commander, this plot completely established the image of Li Yunlong.

Even the audience had that kind of picture. Several judges in the studio laughed for a long time when they saw this. At the same time, they were greatly shocked by Yu Hang's ability to shape characters!

"Li Yunlong made Yu Hang's writing come alive!"

Lan Xiaolong couldn't help but say

"Yes, this character is so well-made!" Hai Yan also nodded.

"The character of Li Yunlong is so charming. Not only Li Yunlong, but also Kong Jie, the brigade commander, and Zhao Gang. The script of"Bright Sword" he wrote makes these characters come alive. It's absolutely amazing!" Wang Shuo commented

"《"The script of"Drawing Sword" is very worthy of adaptation. It is a rare anti-Japanese drama masterpiece!"

Finally, Liu Heping said something.

Of course, even if Liu Heping didn't say so, the audience in the live broadcast room, including the people in the film and television company, could see it.

So, the next second, in Yu Hang's live broadcast room, the long-lost dragon shadow appeared again.

Along with the special effects, a few big words appeared in front of everyone.

Xiaoma Pentium Film and Television!

Seeing the name of this company, the audience was stunned for a moment

" What company is this? It looks strange!"

"I Am a Special Forces Soldier seems to be produced by Pony."

"Many war films are produced by Xiaoma Pentium, such as"I am a Special Forces Soldier"》,《My brother's name is Shunliu》!"

"So this is the company!"

"hiss...I am a special forces soldier. I joined the army after watching this movie!"

The comments were overwhelming.

However, no one was surprised.

After all, it was normal for companies to bid in Yu Hang's live broadcast room. (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Besides, this is just the beginning. Only one company has appeared. It is estimated that when the plot becomes more exciting later, there will be more than a dozen or even twenty companies that will be affected. The

772nd Regiment of the 386th Brigade was in Cheng Xia.���

, the Eighth Route Army still attacked from above, and the general tactics would not work.

For example, the full-cover tactics commanded by Cheng Xiazi relied entirely on the number of soldiers to fill the gap, and the Yamazaki Battalion , which occupied the high point, was like a live target.

The firepower of the devil's troops was sufficient, and this way of sending heads would definitely not work for Li Yunlong.

Therefore, the tactics he adopted were very flexible , concentrated advantages, and used grenades as the main attack weapon.

First, grenades were relatively light, and second, the amount of grenades was relatively large.

Li Yunlong had previously visited the border arsenal and obtained twenty boxes of grenades from his fellow villager Minister Zhang.

So he planned to gather all the grenades from the 1st Battalion, the 2nd Battalion, and the 3rd Battalion to the 1st Battalion.

There are 360 people in the 1st Battalion.

Each person has 10 grenades, which adds up to 3,600 grenades.

Throw them out in two minutes.

That's a big grenade war.

The positions will explode!

Li Yunlong is going to use earthwork to advance forward in parallel, from the original 80 meters to 50 meters, 30 meters away from the position, shorten the attack distance, and make Yamazaki's artillery lose its advantage.


2. Use psychological tactics to gain the maximum time for moving troops and irritating Yamazaki Yehei.

On the battlefield, one more minute of preparation time means one more chance of winning.

In addition, the emotional stability of a commander is of great significance to the victory or defeat of this battle.

Li Yunlong adopted psychological tactics, using a loudspeaker to shout and use ugly and humiliating words to irritate the opponent and make the opponent lose his original reason.

In addition, use this time to move troops and make adequate preparations.

3. Take the signal flare as the basis to achieve unified orders and enforce the orders.

As soon as the guns and cannons sounded, the whole regiment had to listen to the orders of the regiment commander Li Yunlong.

In terms of command, the whole regiment achieved unified orders and enforced the orders. In addition, the commandos used the signal flare as the basis, threw out all the grenades within two minutes, and the whole regiment was dispatched, including the cooks and grooms, to launch a hand-to-hand fight with the whole regiment.

Before Li Yunlong, Cheng Xiazi's 772nd Regiment had attacked eight times in a row, and the casualties of the Yamazaki Battalion had exceeded half.

In addition, there was artillery support from the brigade headquarters, because the brigade commander saw through Li Yunlong's tactics at a glance, so he directly requested that all the artillery fire be used up in order to reduce unnecessary casualties for the independent regiment, and even shouted:"Fire all the shells for me, I can't fight!"

In the end.

Li Yunlong wiped out the Yamazaki Battalion!

Even seized a lieutenant's knife!

In this battle, Wei Heshang was also very eye-catching, and he killed one Japanese soldier with one knife.

However, Kong Jie, this fool rushed too fiercely, holding a big knife to fight the Japanese, and as a result, he was injured again.

Just this part of the plot.

Yu Hang analyzed and explained the Lijiaopo Highland Attack Battle from three dimensions!

It also highlighted the point that Li Yunlong can fight. Studio scene.

Lan Xiaolong looked at the content written by Yu Hang, and nodded, approving it very much

"Li Yunlong's three points can indeed defeat the Yamazaki Battalion. By bombing with grenades and finally using hand-to-hand combat, he can win!"

"Moreover, Yu Hang also mentioned a key issue. The Yamazaki Battalion had been fighting a long and continuous war with Cheng Xiazi of the 772nd Regiment. The Japanese troops were naturally a little tired. In addition, the number of personnel was halved, and the morale plummeted. In contrast, Li Yunlong's independent regiment was on standby in its own territory, waiting for the opportunity to tire out. The morale of the soldiers was high and they were full of energy!"

"As for the result, everyone can imagine it!"

After listening to Lan Xiaolong's analysis, not only did he get the approval of the judges, but the audience also said that they understood it.

"Indeed, just as Kong Jie said, the entire independent regiment has made up for its crimes and their combat effectiveness has probably reached 200%!"

"The 722nd Regiment and the Yamazaki Battalion have been fighting for a long time and must be exhausted. With Li Yunlong's grenade tactics and then a hand-to-hand combat, they can really wipe out the Yamazaki Battalion!"

"Li Yunlong's tactics are very smart!"

"Grenade bombing, only Li Yunlong could think of it!"

"3,600 grenades! Even if they can’t kill these Japs, they can at least scare them to death!"

"No, Kong Jie was injured again!"

"Li Yunlong is indeed the brigade commander’s biological son, haha!"

"Blind Cheng: Brigade Commander, why didn’t you fire your cannon when I was coming up?"

"Hahaha, what kind of psychological tactics, probably scolding those little Japs!"

The barrage of comments flooded the screen.

At the brigade headquarters, the brigade chief of staff excitedly reported the good news to the brigade commander:"Brigade commander, the independent regiment reports that the Yamazaki Battalion has been wiped out, and Li Yunlong and others are cleaning up the battlefield!"

"I said that Li Yunlong had a lot of tricks for fighting. If the independent regiment had been sent earlier, the casualties might have been much smaller!"The brigade commander was also very happy.

"Hey, don’t praise him. This kid can’t stand being praised. If he’s praised, something bad will happen!"

"When the Fourth Front Army crossed the grassland, Commander-in-Chief Xu asked Li Yunlong's regiment to cover the rear and praised him in person, saying that he had many clever ideas for fighting. Well, this praise caused trouble. The tens of thousands of troops in front bought up all the food. Li Yunlong couldn't raise any food, so he simply let his soldiers rob food. As a result, he was demoted from regiment commander to cook!"

The brigade chief of staff talked about Li Yunlong's past

"Hahahahaha, there is nothing in this world that Li Yunlong, this bastard, dares not do!" The brigade commander said with a laugh.

"You know what, Li Yunlong can really do it!"

"Li Yunlong was so bold as to let his soldiers rob food!"

"Hahaha, it’s true, if you praise someone, something bad will happen!"

"Li Yunlong is a guy who deserves praises!"

The comments were overwhelming.

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