On the studio scene, looking at the public screen in the live broadcast room, the barrage was all asking major film and television companies to make a move.

Seeing this, Sa Beining looked at Liu Heping next to him and asked,"Teacher Liu, do you think that the"One Man's Martial Arts" created by contestant No. 18 is worth adapting into a film and television drama?"

Hearing this, the audience all pricked up their ears.

Liu Heping was stunned.

Then, he carefully recalled the content of"One Man's Martial Arts".

Just as the audience said,

Xiahou Wu is definitely the protagonist!

And Feng Yuxiu, his character, and his fierce attack, are definitely the villain!

The plot arrangement is also reasonable.

Feng Yuxiu came out of the mountain and wanted to compete with the heroes of the world!

The image of this character is very full!

There are clear character characteristics.

There is a scar on the face, a congenital disability, and a limp.

A martial arts fanatic!

There is also a separate emotional line!

This is a flesh-and-blood character.


Xiahou Wu is also a flesh-and-blood character.

The story line starts with Feng Yuxiu challenging various masters. In the middle, there can be police pursuit and investigation of Feng Yuxiu, as well as the emotional drama, memories and experiences of Feng Yuxiu and Xiahou Wu.

In the end, there is a showdown between the two!


Liu Heping said, just one simple word.


He approved of Yu Hang's script.

Hai Yan, Lan Xiaolong, and Wang Shuo beside him.

They were actually thinking about it just now.

《Is"One Man's Martial Arts" worthy of being adapted into a movie?

It really is!

Based on the information and content that Yu Hang has given so far, it can be completely organized into a complete plot line!......

"Did you hear that? Even Mr. Liu said it’s worth adapting!"

"What about the film and television companies? Stop lurking and come out!"

"There are so few action movies nowadays, I think this script is pretty good!"

"Want to see!"

"Want to see +1!"

"Want to see +10086!"

"But, there are too few actors who can shoot kung fu action movies nowadays!"

"Six, six, six, six, Yu Hang has got the recognition of Boss Liu Heping!"

""Shit, Yu Hang is about to take off!"

The comments in the live broadcast room were crazy.

You know, this is Liu Heping!

Even he thinks the script is worth adapting.

How can it be bad?......

Huayi Brothers

CEO, gold medal producer Wang Zhonglei, had just finished a meeting and returned to the office when he received a call from the head of the script adaptation department.

"What? Liu Heping himself said it was suitable for adaptation into a movie?"

""Okay, I got it!"

After hanging up the phone,

Wang Zhonglei used his computer to open the live broadcast room of the Youth Entrepreneurship Competition.

As soon as he entered, he saw that the screen was full of comments discussing the possibility of adapting"One Man's Martial Arts" into a film and television drama.

As the CEO of a famous film and television company, he certainly paid attention to the program"Youth Entrepreneurship Competition".

However, today was just the qualifying match from the top 32 to the top 16.

Wang Zhonglei didn't pay much attention to it.

Unexpectedly, a dark horse suddenly emerged.

The script he wrote was recognized by the industry leader Liu Heping!


Wang Zhonglei rushed here without stopping.


CEOs and heads of other film and television companies also flocked to the live broadcast room of"Youth Entrepreneurship Competition".

Huayi Brothers entered the live broadcast room!

Noon Sunshine entered the live broadcast room!

New Classics Media entered the live broadcast room!

Huace Film and Television entered the live broadcast room! Ciwen

Media entered the live broadcast room!

Penguin Video entered the live broadcast room! iQiyi Video entered the live broadcast room!......

In Yu Hang's live broadcast room, more than a dozen official accounts of film and television companies instantly flooded in.


The audience was stunned!

"Holy crap!!!"

"Here he comes, here he comes, the boss is coming!"

"Huayi Brothers, Noon Sunshine, New Classics Media..."

"As expected of Mr. Liu, just one sentence can cause such a sensation!"

"Six, six, six, six, six, six!"

"Liu Heping is indeed a big shot in the industry!"

"This is too cool!"



The comments in the live broadcast room were instantly flooding the screen.

At the same time, the popularity of Yu Hang's live broadcast room was rising rapidly.

Originally, there were only 2 million people.

In a few minutes, it broke 3 million.

And it was still rising.

The public screens of other players' live broadcast rooms were filled with comments and rhythm.

"Oh shit, hurry to contestant No. 18’s live broadcast room, all the major film and television companies are here!"

"Contestant No. 18’s script may be adapted into a movie!"

"Come to contestant No. 18’s live broadcast room!"......

Sa Beining was about to say something.

Suddenly, he saw so many film and television companies entering the live broadcast room.

He was stunned.

But fortunately, he reacted quickly.

"Welcome all the bigwigs from the film and television companies to enter the live broadcast room!"

""Welcome, welcome!"

Sa Beining said hurriedly.


Liu Heping, Wang Shuo, Hai Yan, Lan Xiaolong and others also saw this scene.

They didn't react much.

Because, this is too normal!

It's no exaggeration to say that

Liu Heping's words just now,"One Man's Martial Arts" is worthy of being adapted into a film and television drama!

It is enough to make these film and television companies take action!

After all, this is a script that Liu Heping approved!......

On the other side, inside the house,

Yu Hang was smoking leisurely.

He had no idea that his live broadcast room was already crowded with people from major film and television companies.

Even many well-known directors came after hearing the news.

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