"Ah? Feng Yuxiu is not really going to kill Xiahou Wu's junior sister, right?"

"Oh my god, killing my sister is a way of preaching. I like it!"

"That shouldn’t be the case. Xiahou Wu has just been released from prison!"

"The King of Grappling should be better than the two who practiced boxing and kicking, right?"

The comments in the live broadcast room were full of discussion....

The king of catching, Wang Zhe.

Lives in Mong Kok!

Now a tattoo artist.

Nothing to do today.

Listening to some songs, smoking welding fumes.

Wang Zhe is very relaxed!


The door is pushed open.

"Rest today, no tattoo!"

"Come over tomorrow!"

Wang Zhe said without turning his head.

However, no one answered.

This made Wang Zhe confused.

He turned around and saw a young man with a scar on his face.

"I am Feng Yuxiu, a junior, and I come to ask for your advice!"

"Today we are going to decide who is better and who is better!"

Feng Yuxiu clasped his hands together with an indifferent expression.

Wang Zhe looked at the young man in front of him.

At first glance, he noticed Feng Yuxiu's legs!

One leg is long and the other is short.

He was born with a disability!

Suddenly, he thought of the news that Hong Kong and Macau boxing champion Shark En and Northern Leg King Tan Jingyao were beaten to death in recent days.

"You killed Tan Jingyao!"

Wang Zhe stood up from his chair, his expression serious.

"It's me!"

Feng Yuxiu answered very straightforwardly.

Wang Zhe was tall, with tight muscles, and exuded a domineering temperament that made people dare not underestimate him.

Feng Yuxiu was thin, with his hands in his pockets, giving people a lazy feeling.

His eyes were empty and unfocused, as if he was indifferent to everything around him.

His face was expressionless and showed no emotion.

The two stood opposite each other.

Their eyes met!

In this narrow room, the air froze instantly, filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere.......

"It’s started, it’s started!!!"

"Wang Zhe wants to avenge King Beitui!"

"First punch, then kick, then grab. Does this mean that the people behind have better kung fu skills?"

"The King of Grappling is definitely better than the Boxing King or the Leg King, right?"

"I am a grappler, and my grappler skills are awesome. I am called the grappler king, so I must be very strong!!!"

In the live broadcast room, comments were flooding the screen.......

Feng Yuxiu challenged the Hong Kong and Macau boxing champion with his fists!

He challenged the Northern Leg King with his legs!

This time, he challenged the Grappling King, and he was no exception! He started with a Shaolin Dragon Grab!

Feng Yuxiu moved!

His moves were fierce and deadly!

Wang Zhe countered them.

Every time Feng Yuxiu was about to capture him,

Wang Zhe used his clever strength to resolve them!

The so-called grappling.

This is not just about capturing, but also requires the use of hands and feet to win by taking advantage of the opponent's flaws.

Although Feng Yuxiu's skills are slightly inferior to Wang Zhe's, his counter-moves are experienced.

After several fierce fights, Wang Zhe finally caught a flaw in Feng Yuxiu and quickly picked him up.

At this moment, it seemed that victory had already tilted towards Wang Zhe, but Feng Yuxiu did not surrender.

Feng Yuxiu saw himself being picked up by Wang Zhe, and he knew that he was in a very dangerous situation.

However, he did not retreat, but took an extremely decisive action without hesitation.

He used his own body as the price to avoid Wang Zhe's attack by hurting himself and the enemy. At this moment, the picture seemed to be frozen in the air.

Feng Yuxiu's body was twisted, his movements were fierce, and his body seemed to be in great pain.

He successfully avoided Wang Zhe's fatal attack at the cost of his own body.

However, Wang Zhe was pleased. He had just caught Feng Yuxiu's flaw and did not take any ruthless action. At this moment, Feng Yuxiu found an opportunity.

Seizing the opportunity of the opponent's wide open middle gate, he used a move of breaking tendons and twisting bones to win the game!

Capture the king!


"Just as Lan Xiaolong said, these people didn't dare to be ruthless when fighting with Feng Yuxiu!"

"Indeed, Feng Yuxiu is a madman, but they are not. Killing people is against the law...."

"It's really hard to resist such a madman!"

"Yes, it’s a fight to determine who’s superior and who’s inferior, and it’s also a fight to decide life and death. Feng Yuxiu is here to kill people!"

"hiss...Feng Yuxiu is really cruel. He is cruel to his enemies and to himself!"

"Wang Zhe had the chance to defeat Feng Yuxiu, but he backed off!"

"This seems to be the first time Feng Yuxiu has been injured?"

"It is really not easy to capture the king!"

When the audience saw Yu Hang's description of Feng Yuxiu's ruthless move of injuring himself 800 and injuring the enemy 1,000, they all said that Feng Yuxiu was really a madman!......

Studio scene

"Teacher Lan, it's exactly what I told you!"

Sa Beining said.


Lan Xiaolong had said before.

These people were scared when they fought with Feng Yuxiu!

That's why they were killed by Feng Yuxiu!

Lan Xiaolong smiled after hearing this.

"Now I have no worries anymore, even though I am homeless, I stand tall and proud, ready to compete with all the heroes in the world!"

"Feng Yuxiu no longer has any worries in his heart. He only wants to be the best in the world now!"

Hai Yan commented......

"It really corresponds to that saying, if there is no woman in your heart, you will be a god when you draw your sword!"

"Women will only slow down the speed at which I draw my sword!"

"I don’t think Xiahou Wu can necessarily defeat Feng Yuxiu, he has something on his mind!"

"Damn it, it suddenly occurred to me that if Feng Yuxiu killed Xiahou Wei's junior sister......This moment is sublime!"......?

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