Just as everyone guessed.

After Jiang Yufeng left, the two old women returned to their previous attitude towards Jiang Yuyan, beating and scolding her, making her suffer.

Today is the anniversary of Jiang Yuyan's mother's death. She still quietly completed the work in her hands, and then took the time to take out her mother's spirit tablet and prepare to worship.

However, fate played a big joke. Just when Jiang Yuyan was about to worship her mother, Qing Sao and Xiu Gu happened to come over and witnessed this scene.

When Yu Hang wrote the plot here.


The audience felt very bad!...

Jiang Yuyan was brought to Liu by the two old maids, and Jiang Biehe happened to be present.

Xiu Gu threw the spirit tablet of Jiang Yuyan's mother on the ground without any hesitation. Jiang Yuyan immediately knelt on the ground, hugged her mother's spirit tablet tightly, and eagerly asked Liu for forgiveness.

She knew very well that Liu had great disgust for her mother.

Liu publicly insulted Jiang Yuyan's mother in front of Jiang Biehe, calling her a bitch, and ordered the spirit tablet to be chopped up and burned.

Liu's cold words made Jiang Yuyan feel heartbroken.

Her father Jiang Biehe was unable to refute in front of Liu and remained silent.

Feeling her father's weakness and helplessness, her despair deepened.

Jiang Yuyan hugged her mother's spirit tablet tightly, tears welling up in her eyes, her heart was filled with helplessness and despair.

【I, Yuyan, will never forget the humiliation I suffered today!】

【Jiang Biehe, Jiang Liushi, I, Yuyan, will never, ever forget the humiliation of today!】......

"My blood pressure rose just from watching this!"

"Jiang Biehe is too cowardly!"

"Oh my God, today is Jiang Jiang’s mother’s death anniversary!"

"Ahhhhhh, I knew Yu Hang was going to kill someone!"

"please do not!"

"This evil woman is so vicious!"

"Feeling sorry for Jiang Jiang..."

""Evil bitch, evil bitch!"

In the live broadcast room, barrages of comments were flying.

All the audience were furious when they saw the plot written by Yu Hang.

At the same time, they felt sorry for Jiang Yuyan.

Today was her mother's death anniversary!

Yu Hang, this bastard, deserved to die!

Why did he choose this day!


The audience went crazy!

Although Yu Hang saw these comments in the live broadcast room, he could feel that there must be a lot of viewers scolding him at this moment.

Not only scolding him.

If it weren't for the screen, it is estimated that these viewers would want to beat him up.

It's so hateful!

Jiang Yuyan's life was not easy to get better.

It's only been a few days, and she was beaten back to her original state!


Finally, Jiang Yuyan, with tears in her eyes, chopped her mother's memorial tablet into two pieces.

Liu left contentedly with the two old maids. Jiang Biehe sighed and left silently, leaving Jiang Yuyan alone.

In the brazier, a raging fire burned. Jiang Yuyan squatted on the ground, staring at her mother's memorial tablet gradually turning into ashes.

The firelight reflected on her face, illuminating the deep sadness and despair in her eyes.

Jiang Yuyan's state of mind was as hot as a flame, burning with the pain and helplessness in her heart.......

"too pitiful!"


"This is too miserable!"

"The worst heroine..."

"Oh, it makes me feel so sad!"

"Jiang Jiang must cheer up!"

"This Liu is too vicious!"

"Jiang Biehe is such a coward!"

The comments were overwhelming.

Netizens were also feeling sorry for Jiang Yuyan.......

"Ah, Yu Hang is so abominable, why did he write Jiang Jiang so miserably!"

When Reba saw this paragraph, she couldn't help it! She even started to curse Yu Hang.


Yang Mi couldn't help but curse.

Obviously, the two of them had completely put themselves into the role of Jiang Yuyan.

They felt the same way. It was so uncomfortable!......

Jiang Yuyan returned to the woodshed in a daze, and the scene before her made her heart ache.

Qing Sao and Xiu Gu had blood on their hands, and next to them lay the slaughtered Lang Lang, the stray puppy she had taken in.

Jiang Yuyan looked at Lang Lang's body, and her heart completely collapsed.

Since she came to the Jiang family, she has been under tremendous pressure and pain, but she couldn't find someone to talk to.

Until Lang Lang appeared, she finally found a partner to talk to.

Lang Lang is not only a puppy, but also Jiang Yuyan's spiritual sustenance.

In Lang Lang, she found confidants and comfort, and had someone to confide in.

Losing Lang Lang was like losing the last support and support for Jiang Yuyan, and her mood was extremely heavy and desperate.

In this strange and cruel environment, Jiang Yuyan faced all kinds of hardships alone and helplessly, and Lang Lang's departure dealt a fatal blow to her soul.

Her heart was as painful as being torn apart, unable to find a way out, and could only bear it all silently.......

"Destroy it!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"I'm screwed!!!"

"How can this be possible!!!"

"Yu Hang, you bastard!"

"Oh My God..."

"Langlang is dead too..."

"Jiang Jiang completely collapsed!"

"Damn it, I'm dying of knife!"

""Yu Hang, how can you be so cruel!"

Seeing this, even the audience couldn't hold back.

The comments in the live broadcast room.

Yu Hang was scolded badly!......

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