"Damn, it turns out this Hong Kong and Macau boxing champion is a drug addict!"

"Not only does he have no martial ethics, he also takes drugs!"

"Feng Yuxiu's kung fu is a bit abnormal, he can even dodge a gun!"

"If you are not the best in the world, who is?"

"Don’t forget, Feng Yuxiu was born with a limp, yet he was able to master such extraordinary martial arts. It’s amazing!"

"First punch, then kick, then grappling, all five weapons in one, brothers, I've started practicing!"


In the live broadcast room, the audience was discussing the topic. Many netizens even said that they had already started practicing martial arts according to the formula given by Yu Hang!

Of course, most people were just joking.

However, there were also a few people.

Some of them were martial artists themselves, and especially after hearing the formula passed down from Yu Hang, they simply regarded it as a treasure.

Li Jun.

He has loved Chinese Kung Fu since he was a child.

However, he is a half-baked one and has never had a proper master. He basically practiced blindly.

Recently,"National���The 2019 Screenwriter Creative Competition was launched, of course he paid attention to it.

Who would have thought.

The first match from the top 32 to the top 16.

The topic is martial arts!

He is very interested.

Especially the script"One Man's Martial Arts" that Yu Hang is currently writing.

The character he created, Feng Yuxiu.

He likes this role so much!

Born with a disability, but this did not defeat his will to practice martial arts.

He even practiced a set of peerless martial arts! He wants to compete with all the heroes in the world!


Feng Yuxiu is his idol!

First punch, then kick, then grab, the five weapons of internal family are combined into one.

This sentence is simply a wise saying!

He found the direction instantly!


I will practice according to this formula in the future!...


In the studio.

Sa Beining looked at the comments in the live broadcast room.

Many netizens said that they would practice martial arts according to the formula given by Yu Hang!

Not only Sa Beining saw it, but also Liu Heping and Lan Xiaolong beside him.

"It seems that everyone wants to become a Kung Fu master!"

Liu Heping said with a smile

"We Chinese, Chinese men, who doesn't have a martial arts dream in our hearts~" Hai Yan also said with a smile, with a hint of pride in his tone

"Yes, I loved reading martial arts novels when I was a kid, but I didn’t know any real masters, otherwise I would have learned a few tricks from them!"Wang Shuo said, but his tone was a little regretful.

Hearing Wang Shuo's words, let alone the judges, even the audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

Good guy.

With Wang Shuo's personality, if he knew some martial arts, he would be so great.......

Inside the room,

Yu Hang continued to write.

When the audience saw him start, they all started to watch carefully.

Obviously, everyone was attracted by the script"One Man's Martial Arts" written by Yu Hang.

Including several judges.

Stanley Prison!


Xiahou Wu was massaging the back of an old man in prison and treating his injuries!

The TV on the wall was playing today's morning news.

"Last night, a bizarre murder occurred in the Salisbury Road Tunnel. A male corpse was found at the scene with multiple scars on his body. The deceased was named Mai Rongen, nicknamed Shark En, and had multiple criminal records. The police found drugs at the scene. The murder case may be related to drug disputes. It is now under investigation by Officer Lu Xuanxin of the Serious Crime Squad!"

Hearing the news.

Xiahou Wu's face changed drastically!

He suddenly remembered that a few days ago, a man with a scar on his face came to see him.

At that time.

As soon as the man came in, he said that he admired him very much.

He also said that he wanted to go his own way, to defeat all the masters he had defeated, and then challenge himself to be the best in the world!

"Xiahou Wu, in today's martial arts world, your kung fu is recognized as the best. We will compete to see who's better, and also to decide life and death!"

"Your junior sister lives in Foshan. If you don’t come out to fight me, I will kill her!"

"Kung Fu is a killing skill, not a fight between children, it is a matter of life and death!"

"First punch, then kick, then grab, five weapons in one....."

I was recalling what the man said to me at that time.

Thinking about the news just now,

Xiahou Wei suddenly felt something was wrong.......

"Oh shit!"

"Is this Xiahou Wu the best in the world?"


"I go!"

"I said this role is very important!"

"In other words, the final duel is between Feng Yuxiu and Xiahou Wu?"

"Who is this Xiahou Wu? What is his background? Didn't Mr. Yu Hang introduce him to me?"

The audience watching the live broadcast were all surprised when they saw this content. It turned out that Feng Yuxiu had visited Xiahou Wu in Stanley a few days ago. From the conversation, they learned that Xiahou Wu is the current number one in the world! It's really unexpected!


Xiahou Wu quickly found the prison guard and said that he wanted to meet Officer Lu Xuanxin and that he could help her solve the case.


, the prison guard stood at attention and saluted Xiahou Wu:"Yes, sir!"

"Do you want to buy some milk tea and toast? Do you think you are still an instructor and can find anyone you want?"

Hearing this title.

Xiahou Wu smiled bitterly.

He turned around and locked his eyes on the group of inmates who were taking a walk in the prison. A large group of them gathered together, obviously members of the same gang.

Xiahou Wu walked towards the other party's boss with firm steps and saw him clasping his hands.

Everyone felt puzzled and didn't understand what Xiahou Wu was going to do, but their doubts were quickly broken by Xiahou Wu's actions.

Xiahou Wu suddenly burst out with amazing strength, his body was like a flash of lightning, and he quickly pounced on the other party's boss.

His punches and kicks were like a storm, and every���Each move was full of power and accuracy, his fists broke through the air and instantly hit the opponent's vital points, making them unable to fight back.

His leg techniques were flexible and varied, and he quickly kicked his opponents' bodies, making them fall to the ground in pain.

Xiahou Wu's figure was like a tiger on the battlefield, indestructible, and he beat his opponents without any chance of fighting back.

The fighting scene was extremely fierce, and the sound of fists hitting flesh echoed in the air of the prison.

Xiahou Wu's body was strong and powerful, and each of his attacks carried great power, making his opponents unable to resist.

In the end, Xiahou Wu knocked down sixteen people by himself. They lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

Xiahou Wu stood among them, his chest heaving, and sweat dripping to the ground.

It was not until a large number of prison guards arrived that Xiahou Wu squatted down with his head in his hands and shouted,"I want to see Officer Lu Xuanxin!"......

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