At this moment, in the live broadcast room!

Because the incident happened suddenly, and the Sky Eye lens had completely lost the image of Chu Chen, all the viewers could not help but wait for Chu Chen to appear with their hearts in their throats!

[Too scary! ]

[My palms are full of sweat! ]

[Oh my goodness, you are playing disappearance again, right? ! ]

[Too scary! ]


The next second.

While everyone was talking, tens of thousands of tons of snow rushed directly to the foot of the mountain like a sudden mountain torrent, making a deafening sound!

The huge sound instantly caused the birds and animals in the jungle to flee in all directions!

"The scene is too chaotic! I can't find him at all! Don't worry about him for now, where are you and Captain Chen now?"

"We are heading south along the foothills!"

Hearing what Zhuang Yan said, Zhou Yun picked up the telescope again to observe the trend of the snow: "Don't look back, step on the accelerator to the bottom!"

After speaking, he raised his voice again and communicated with the pilot: "At nine o'clock, our people need support, please go immediately!"


After receiving the order, the pilot immediately turned around and flew towards Chen Xiong and Zhuang Yan!

After taking a breath, Zhou Yun said to Joanna again:

"Our two captains and team members may be in danger of life. I need you to notify the relevant departments to organize rescue immediately! Please!"

"No problem, leave this to me!"

After speaking, Joanna immediately reported the matter to the crisis management team and asked them to quickly notify the relevant departments to come to the scene to rescue people!


At this moment, Chen Xiong and Zhuang Yan.

As time went by, thousands of tons of snow were getting closer and closer to the two!

But now, the horsepower of the car has reached the maximum torque output, and it can't accelerate!


Chen Xiong looked around anxiously and reminded Zhuang Yan.

"No faster!"

As he was talking, a string of flames suddenly burst out from the hood in front of the car!

What you fear is what you get!

During this period, because Zhuang Yan desperately stepped on the accelerator, the engine fire expanded and got stuck in the cylinder, and then spontaneously combusted!

Spontaneous combustion of the engine is a very dangerous signal.

If the fire is not extinguished in time, the whole car may explode at any time!

Realizing that it was not good, Zhuang Yan frowned and immediately raised her voice and said:

"Hold on!"

The next second!

Before Chen Xiong could react, she turned the steering wheel to the left, and rushed down the mountain road with the car, and plunged into the jungle next to it!


Fortunately, it was an off-road vehicle.

If it was another car, the chassis might have fallen apart long ago!

The trees in the jungle are not very dense.

But there was no room for maneuver.

The road here was not easy to walk on.

In order to avoid these trees, Zhuang Yan had to slow down, but this gave the avalanche an opportunity.

It only took a moment.

He caught up with them again.


However, this situation did not last long.

One minute later!

Due to the buffering of the trees, the flow speed of the snow slowed down visibly, and it stopped completely after a while!

But even so, the two people's car was still doomed in the end!

Only half of the front of the car was exposed.

The rest of the car was pressed under the snow.

In the end, thanks to Zhou Yun and the rescuers who arrived in time, Chen Xiong and Zhuang Yan were successfully rescued.

As soon as they got out of the car, the whole car exploded.

It took only one minute!

If the rescue had been a little later, it might have been a different ending.

There was no danger, and a wonderful avalanche escape drama came to an end here.

Seeing that the two were fine, the audience in the live broadcast room was relieved!

[What a close call! ]

[Ah, it was just a little bit! ]

[Yan Yan was really calm! Otherwise, it would be really over! ]

[Wife, come home with me, this job is too dangerous! ]

[Where is Chu Shen? Will Chu Shen be okay? ]

[Chu Shen: Do you still remember me? ]

[Don't worry, Chu Shen must be fine! ]

[I still don't understand why the avalanche suddenly happened! ]

[I don't understand it either, tell me if you figure it out! ]

[Thanks to this accident, otherwise Chu Chen would have been arrested! ]


At the same time!

In the command room of the expert group!

The scene that happened at the arrest site was seen by all five experts!

At first, they all thought that the avalanche was an accident like the audience.

But at this moment, Liu Xuemin's words changed their views!

"This is not an accident at all..."

After he finished speaking, all the experts looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Guowei asked.

After looking at Zhu Guowei, Liu Xuemin let out a long sigh, and then continued meaningfully: "The initiator of this accident is none other than Chu Chen..."

"Chu Chen?"

Hearing this, the other experts were also stunned and completely confused.

Seeing this, Liu Xuemin continued: "That's right. If I'm not mistaken, this avalanche should be caused by him!"

He caused it?

Liu Xuemin's words shocked the four people again!

[Fuck, what's going on? ]

[Oh my goodness, he can even create an avalanche? No way! ]

[I don't believe there are such awesome people in this world! ]

[How is it possible? This is clearly an accident! ]

[Yes, an avalanche is purely an accident, okay? How can it be created? ]

In the live broadcast room, there was a lot of discussion.

At this time, Liu Xuemin continued:

"I just read the relevant information about the Dolomites in detail. The snow accumulation of this mountain is very rich, and the current season happens to be the time when it accumulates the most snow. These conditions provide the possibility for the occurrence of this avalanche."

"In other words, this mountain is already at the critical point of avalanche. It only needs an opportunity to make it erupt. I believe Chu Chen must have anticipated this."

"The reason why he dared to tell the pursuit team about the challenge location with great fanfare is that he wanted to use this avalanche to pave a perfect escape route for himself..."

After Liu Xuemin finished speaking, Lin Xu on the side immediately raised the key to the problem: "But the problem is that avalanches, a natural phenomenon, cannot be controlled at all?"

Lin Xu's words expressed the thoughts of many people.

Hearing this, Liu Xuemin smiled and replied: "You are wrong, this can be controlled. The key to this problem lies in the skateboard he is standing on. The sound of the skateboard sliding on the snow and the curve of the skateboard itself are changing the state of the snow every moment, and eventually the quantitative change leads to qualitative change..."


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