When Qian Xun returned to the battlefield, the second batch of parachuting fighters had arrived.

With their help, at this time the number of Warcraft cleanups has exceeded 200+.

Only a small number of monsters are left either fleeing or fighting the combatants.

"Stop everything and change to a defensive stance!"

Under the doubtful eyes of everyone, Qian Xun stood in the center of the battlefield and gave an order.

Although puzzled, this is a well-trained team.

All output occupations immediately stopped their attacks and retreated to the line of defense formed by the large troops.

The front row guards topped the attacking monsters and were only responsible for attracting hatred.

Auxiliary and Healing Guards are steadily brushing their blood lines in the rear.

After Qian Xun told what he had seen and heard, everyone was even more puzzled.

A big onion that absorbs blue light?

What is that.

"I...seem to know!"

In the crowd, Li Luo, who pondered for a while, suddenly said, "There is a possibility!"

"I once turned to the information about The Onion Superman."

"It mentions that under certain circumstances, it will evolve."

"But no concrete answers were given at the time."

When he said this, Qian Xun was slightly disappointed.

Because of this material, I read it in the library a long time ago.

But then, Li Luo's words suddenly changed: "Later, with doubts, I ran to ask Mr. Zhang Xuan, the administrator of the library."

"Teacher Zhang Xuan said, In fact, Onion Superman cannot evolve independently."

"Actually it's just an ingredient for the evolution of a boss monster."

"What really evolves depends on the origin of the boss and the formula for evolution."

"He also said that if the evolution is completed, the strength of the BOSS will take a qualitative leap!"

This remark immediately sparked a discussion among the crowd.

"Is Zhang Xuan so knowledgeable?"

"I remember he wasn't even qualified..."

"Now is not the time to discuss this, shouldn't you think about the formula for the evolution of BOSS?"

"Onions, potatoes, cauliflower, green peppers, carrots?"

"What kind of dish is this..."

Vaguely, someone is already close to the answer.

"What about Teacher Li?"

But Qian Xun glanced around and found that there was no one.

"He? He has long been chasing after the beast."

Han Yu stuck his head out from behind a big rock.

"Brother Dog, it seems that something is wrong, the beasts are starting to retreat!"

Among the guards in the front row who were in charge of resistance, someone shouted at this time.

Qian Xun frowned immediately when he saw it.

It was because he discovered that the direction of the beasts fleeing was actually the same...

All are in the direction of evolving BOSS!

"It doesn't matter, everyone comes with me!"

With a wave of his arms, he rushed out first.


Li Pu chased the fleeing monsters and drilled around in the stone forest.

Just now, he felt that Qian Xun and himself were staggered 200 meters apart, because the other party was too fast, so he didn't have time to say hello.

At this time, his attention was all on these monsters,

This is the first time he has completely obtained more than LV30 World of Warcraft experience, and with the large number, he has gained a lot.

Now you only need to clean up the batch in front of you, and you will be able to upgrade yourself.

The problem is that these LV32 monsters are really not slow to run.

The time it took for Li Pu to get rid of one had already caused the rest to run away.

So chasing, chasing, cutting, and unknowingly, he left the large army.


Just when he was about to cut down one and prepare to chase again, he suddenly stopped.

Because he sensed that there was a strong demonic aura about 300 meters away.

"LV45? No, LV46?"

Between doubts, Li Pu found that the other party's breath was still rising.

As for the firmness of the breath...it seems to be the boss level.

For a moment, he hesitated.

This is Blue Star, but there is no regional suppression force to protect itself.

He has never had the experience of facing LV45+BOSS.

"But look, it's alright."

After thinking about it, Li Pu decided to explore it first.

So he stopped chasing those monsters, he jumped on the boulder and started to move there.

After a while, he and Qian Xun discovered the big onion.

But compared to when Qian Xun saw it before, it has grown a bit bigger.

It just so happened that a few monsters also came here.

【Potato! 】

【Green pepper! 】

As if attracted by something, they headed towards the onion.


The water-like blue light on the surface of the onion allowed these monsters to enter the body unimpeded.

"It's kind of weird."

Li Pu closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He could feel that after absorbing the few beasts, the BOSS's breath improved a little.

The stare, who had reached the peak of the BOSS level just now, went even further, entering the level of a rare elite.

So he opened his eyes again, and attacked the BOSS with his foresight ability.

The result he got was the same as Qian Xun, all mandatory -1.

Just then, there were heavy and dense footsteps behind him.

The comers were not reinforcements, but a group of over 30 monsters.

Even if he didn't know the details, Li Pu knew that he couldn't let the BOSS continue to absorb it.


Possessed by the light, he jumped from the boulder and slapped the floor.

Boom! X16


More than half of the demon beasts were directly killed by Lei Zhu, but some of them were no longer within the skill range and passed his defense.

thump! xN

The sound of beasts blending in was heard from behind again.

In the next second, Li Pu quickly retreated.

Because he felt that the breath was shaking, which was a sign that he was about to break out of the cocoon.

Just when he had retreated to 200 meters, a loud noise shook the earth.

Bang! !

The strong shock wave blew Li Pu's trousers, and his footsteps were almost unsteady.

When the BOSS's aura reached the rare elite level LV50, it stopped abruptly.

Li Pu dodged and hid behind a big rock.

You shouldn't be able to beat this boss.

Without acting rashly, he turned on the foresight and quietly looked out.

I saw a very strange humanoid standing on the top of the big stone in the distance.

Its height is about 3 meters, and its whole body is thick and yellow.

Holding a white turban on his head~www.readwn.com~ has a total of three pairs of arms.

Three of them were empty-handed, with the index finger outstretched in a pointing gesture.

The other three hands hold a shield, a machete, and an unknown staff.

After blinking, he thought.

In the future, we plan to launch a tentative attack on the boss.

Then when he was fifty meters away, he saw three explosions on his body.

Immediately afterwards, the blood volume was completely emptied and was killed in seconds.

"What's the situation?"

Li Pu was stunned on the spot.

You must know that the grass figurines exist now, but they are only 200 kilometers away.

In other words, is it equivalent to this BOSS killing himself twice in a row just now?



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