If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 229: Grass Man's Resentment

This [Locked Resentment Deep Palace] is a 6-player dungeon, and it just so happens that Li Pu himself is not too sure.

Now, if you count the eldest nephew and Kumamoto, there should be no problem.

He doesn't know the level of Kumamoto, but if the eldest nephew can provide at least one or two blocking numbers?

As long as it can help to block too many monsters a little, it is enough.

But it's a little too late today. Li Pu, who has been in Qiyuan Canyon for a long time, thinks it's better to take a rest during the day before entering the dungeon.

Anyway, the time of the dungeon is set by itself, and it will not be night because it is night.

So Li Pu proposed to let his eldest nephew go back to Jin Shiyan's residence with him, and come back during the day.

In fact, Kumamoto didn't completely trust them so far, and when she heard this, she was afraid that Li Xie would run away.

As a result, his own exclusive support may be gone.

It's just that before the princess of the bear clan can speak, Li Xie himself is not willing.

"I'm not going, this is already the best hotel nearby."

Sure enough, this guy is still craving comfort.

"You are so special."

Li Pu took out the folding stool again, and shot again.

"If that's the case, then I'll stay as well."

After wiping his sweat, he turned to Kumamoto and said, "But you don't have to pay for the room."

"But I'm worried about your escape."

Kumamoto was blunt.

Li Pu frowned, but he understood.

So, he took out the copy crystal of [Locked Resentment Deep Palace] and threw it over: "That's it."

"This, such a precious thing, do you want to give it to me?"

Catching it subconsciously, Kumamoto felt a little overwhelmed immediately.

A copy crystal, this is something that money can't necessarily buy.

"What are you thinking, I'm just letting you here temporarily."

Of course, Li Pu couldn't just give it to someone for nothing. After thinking about it, he said, "Now I'm worried about you running away."

【Grass? 】

In the next second, Li Cao appeared out of thin air.

"Show me her."

He pointed to Kumamoto.

【Grass! 】

The grass man nodded.

Kumamoto looked at Li Pu, then at the straw man, and then took out a small notebook.

[Big uncle: lacks the most basic sense of trust in people]

【Have a cute and strange straw man】

She scribbled a few strokes on it.

"Hey, what are you writing?"

Hearing this sound, Li Pu always felt that the other party was writing something bad about him.

"By the way, then we have to leave the city early tomorrow."

Kumamoto didn't answer, but raised another topic.

"Uncle, a city at the level of Gao City is not allowed to open dungeon crystals in the city."

Without waiting for Li Pu to express his doubts, Li Jie explained: "It must be a certain distance away from the city before it can be used."

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid that the dungeon leakage monster may appear in the city."

"After all, the area of ​​the city is very large. Even if the monsters are sent out for a certain distance, there is still a chance that they may be within the city limits."

"And even if there is only a copy of the projection of Warcraft, it is not enough, because this kind of thing is not clear."

"Of course, if you're not afraid of being detained, you can use it secretly where no one can see it."

"As long as you don't get reported."

Unexpectedly, the eldest nephew didn't stay in the city for nothing during this time, and he knew a lot.

"Is it."

Li Pu nodded, and then asked Kumamoto a question that made Li Jie's dismay: "Then do you have transportation."

"Yes, I have."

Kumamoto made an answer that made Li Jie even more disgusting.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Without waiting for the eldest nephew to stop him, Li Pu said to the grass man, "See off the guest."

【Grass! 】

The straw man carried the petite Kumamoto and walked out the door.

"Eh?! You let me down!"

Kumamoto was taken aback by this sudden move.

Moreover, why is this grass man so powerful?

"I haven't asked your name yet!"

Before being carried out, Kumamoto asked a question.

"Li Pu."

Following the boy's answer, the straw man walked out and closed the door.


"what the hell."

Kumamoto, who was put down in front of the door, was slightly annoyed.

So I took out a small notebook and started recording.

[Li Pu: Violent maniac, likes to beat relatives]

[Being very rude, I don't know how to pity fragrance and jade]

[The big hands are very warm and look good]

"Ah, what am I writing!"

At the last sentence, her face flushed slightly.

At this moment, the hand that has been round and round took the pen.

【Lazy, you can move your mouth and never move your hands】

[Stingy and stingy, a total of 31 bottles of insecticide were confiscated]

[The working hours are overtime, which is a serious violation of the Summoner Labor Law]

The straw man added a few lines to himself, and he could see that he was not a little resentful.

Recently, Li Pu was too lazy to prepare for class.

The actual reason was that You Huo couldn't stand being squeezed every night, and finally went on strike.

Recently, I didn't even dare to come out, for fear that the lectures would be recorded as soon as I came out.

So Li Pu did not know where to find a few bizarre and exotic books, as well as a tablet computer.

Every night, the grass-man transcribes the content of the book, and then converts the input into voice and takes it to the classroom.

In short, the professional job of a teacher, he does not even need to touch it.

It's just that the straw man suffers. It feels that after a few semesters like this, it will change from Teacher Li Cao to a knowledgeable Professor Li Cao.

"Is that so? You hate that guy too."

Seeing the content on the small book, Kumamoto immediately felt sympathy for the straw man.

【Grass? 】

The grass man nodded and shook his head again.

In fact, after linking the attributes of the summoner, it is quite moisturizing on the grass human star.

He is about to become the king of the area near his hometown.


The next morning, outside the gate of Gao City.

There is a green round figure, which is jumping close.

Every time I jumped, there was an indescribable exhaustion.

"Damn it, it's finally here, boo."

The thick eyebrows are full of dust.

To be honest, it doesn't even know how it got here.

It travels alone most of the time, except for the occasional encounter with some guards along the way.

Slime's physique seems to be more attractive to beasts, and the number of times that he has died is almost impossible to count with both hands, after all, it has no hands.

Had it not been for a mouthful of promised marshmallows that kept faith, it might have given up halfway.

If you don't talk about morality~www.readwn.com~, then what is the difference between your own slime and the word "lime" removed.

"But then again, where should I go to find them when we get there, boo."

Looking at the big city gate, it muttered to itself.

I have to say that the construction of Gao City is well done, and even the lawns outside the city are well maintained.

The green of this piece is almost integrated with the green of the slime.

At this moment, the thick eyebrows suddenly heard the roar of the engine, and a burst of passionate and loud music.


A Yuanli off-road vehicle that seemed to have stepped on the accelerator was speeding towards it.

"Hey, isn't it..."

It was crushed by the wheel just in time to say that.




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