A Bubble Rabbit in a formal suit appeared in front of the two of them.

"Han, Teacher Han!"

The first to react was Guangnan.

He is a big fan of the L League, so he naturally pays much attention to the famous Bubble Rabbit in recent years.

And Boom Rabbit happened to be the specially invited chief examiner for this assessment.

"meet again."

Li Pu nodded.

"You are here... to participate in the assessment?"

Boom Rabbit gave him a deep look.

"That's right."

Li Pu nodded again.

"Then I wish you a successful examination."

Boom Rabbit didn't say much, turned around and left a sentence: "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

"You know each other?"

Watching Boom Rabbit leave, Guang Nan turned to Li Pu in surprise.

"That's it."

Li Pu moved on.

This time, Guang Nan looked at the boy with a little more admiration.

Not only was he spotted by the team early on, but he also knew senior players on active duty. It seems that the background is not simple!

It's just that such a proud person, I am afraid that he has already reserved his teammates.

I'm afraid he doesn't look down on him as a **** who got into the stinky ditch...


Thinking of this, he sighed.

Even the pace of keeping up could not help but slow down a bit.

Because it is the first batch of assessments this year, the L League branch still pays more attention.

There are many staff members in the building to guide, so even if the building turns seven and eighteen turns, Li Pu and Guangnan smoothly came to a conference hall on a certain floor.


Before the staff opened the door, Li Pu sensed the mixed atmosphere inside.

There are nearly 100 people in this hall, all of whom have reached the LV20 upper limit of the area.

Many people's aura intensity is very staring, and even their original level seems to have reached LV35.

Jin Shiyan is right, there is no weak person who comes to participate in the professional player assessment.

Even Guang Nan next to him... well, this guy seems to be the one with the weakest breath.

If such a group of guys really swarmed up, Li Pu knew that he couldn't stand it without a doubt.

He estimated that he could hit a dozen or so at most, no more.

"It's not easy to do it, it's not easy to do it, but luckily I'm prepared."

Muttering to himself, he walked into the hall.

Simply register and be seated.

After a while, other reference personnel arrived one after another.

After the staff confirmed it, a slightly fat middle-aged man stepped onto the stage.

His breath is very mediocre, not even LV15.

However, the official prestige that has been cultivated in the workplace for many years makes everyone unable to ignore.

And the other party also has a big identity, that is, the minister of the L alliance branch of Gao City.

A middle-aged man named Feng Buchang.

Although his level is not high, he has been sitting in this position for many years.

Under his governance, the Gao City branch has grown rapidly and steadily over the years.

Being able to become the central area of ​​the L alliance in the surrounding area, this person has contributed greatly.

"Everyone, please stop talking."

As soon as Feng Buchang opened his mouth, the audience consciously stopped speaking.

He pinched his mustache and expressed his satisfaction.

Whenever this is the case, Feng Buchang always has a small sense of superiority.

Players who will shine on the L League stage in the future must not have their tails tucked in front of themselves at this time.

The tough guy has to be honest.

He glanced at everyone one by one, and sure enough, they all sat upright like a little girl.

There is no case... No, the squinting eyes with Erlang's legs crossed and eating snacks mean several things.

For a moment, Feng Buchang thought he had returned to last year's final assessment.

Last year, his daughter participated in the assessment, and she was almost presumptuous to this extent.

But the difference is that it is his own daughter.

And this young man in front of him...

Are you looking down on my dignified branch minister Feng Buchang?

However, before he could attack, Boom Bunny walked up to the stage and took the microphone.

Boom Rabbit: "Okay, thank you Minister Feng for your opening remarks."

Feng Buchang: "..."

The middle-aged man felt a little aggrieved. Is this the end of his opening remarks?

Is it an official or a little guy?

However, compared to the popular hot chicken in the L League today, Feng Buchang felt that he was really just a jerk.

"Introduce yourself, the chief examiner of this assessment, Han F539774."

It's not without reason that the bang bang rabbit interrupted Feng Buchang's words.

The experience of the past few years has told her that these human race officials are full of nonsense.

Hearing the name, Li Pu showed a slightly concerned expression, and his memory of trivial matters was finally awakened.

With such a long list of broken names, is the other party also from HF-13?

But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the current test.

"Next, let me announce the specific rules of this assessment."

Boom Rabbit is worthy of being a cyborg family, with its own reverb and loud volume.

"There are no absentees in this assessment, a total of 99 people, and 1 person is God."

It was just her first sentence that caused everyone's uproar.

Is there a **** for this assessment?

The ability of the gods is often greater than that of ordinary guards. There are many powerful and well-known players in the top ten league events. They are actually gods.

I don't know what the branch is for this time, and announced the participation of the gods in advance.

However, there has been more than one precedent for this kind of pre-announcement, so everyone can accept it.

They even felt that the ~www.readwn.com~ assessment was relatively fair.

After all, this is a very interesting piece of information.

With or without God, it will affect everyone's strategy.

The participation of the gods is likely to reduce the chances of other examiners passing.

But from another point of view, as long as you can form a team with the gods, the chances of passing the assessment will be greatly improved.

Therefore, the news of God's participation in it can be regarded as some people are happy and some are sad.

"It's brave."

Li Pu prefers the happy kind.

With that God in his place, it should be even more difficult for him to attract the attention of everyone.

It is also easier to implement your own small plans.

"I just don't know who the master of the gods is, and will he take the initiative to admit it."

"Now that the examiner makes such an announcement, I think he is even more afraid to stand up, otherwise he will most likely become a target of fire."

"He doesn't dare to come out, so let's get him out."

"That's right, the abilities of the gods are generally very special. After entering the dungeon, there is no need to worry that he will not show his tricks."

Except for someone hiding apprehension and someone eating crispy noodles, the other referees were chatting.

Suddenly, a careful question was raised.

"No, there are a total of 99 people sitting below here. Is there another one who is invisible?"

"I just said that there are no absences. Does the examiner mean that there are gods in the 99 of us?"

"Or is it that the treatment of the gods is different, and you have already entered the book in advance?"

The discussion that was about to stop suddenly started.

At this moment, Li Pu raised his hand indifferently.

Attracting all eyes, all shot over.



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