After a while, other companions arrived.

Ten people gathered around the dark hole like this.

"This tunnel seems to be open."

The sentient female guard leaned down and took a breath.


Lu Bai snorted coldly, and he already had a countermeasure in his heart.

"Want to lead us in?"

"not that simple."

"Everyone, just set fire to it."

He didn't say much, and took out the fuel from the storage space.

This proposal was approved by everyone, so they began to prepare quickly.

In less than a minute, the entrance to the tunnel was stuffed with firewood.

One person set it on fire, and then everyone moved the big stone that had been prepared to completely close the passage.

Only a small air outlet is left, and the wind is fanned by an assistant with wind skills.

After a while, the fire in the passage became vigorous.

Everyone stood beside them, and they could feel the heat wave slowly turning from warm to scorching hot.

"Look over there!"

When a plume of black smoke rose from a distance, someone immediately noticed it.

"And over there!"

But before everyone could lift their feet and rush over, there was smoke coming from another place.

Three, four, five...

"This guy is not only despicable, but also very cunning!"

Lu Bai gritted his teeth.

If the troops are too scattered, even if they meet the armored people, they will only give points.

But who would have guessed, this is simply an unintentional act of the grass man.

It's just been buried in the ground for too long and bored, so it's just digging holes to play.

"Shh! Don't talk!"

Just when everyone was discussing which position to choose, the perceptive female guard suddenly became solemn.

"follow me!"

After three seconds, she rushed out.

Everyone looked at each other with joy.

Perceptual attributes, YYDS!

Sure enough, there is a strong man with a perception close to 100, so cool!

The team was at full speed for less than two minutes.

Sure enough, I saw the armored man standing on the side of the road with his hands on his knees.

【It's hastily! 】

While he was cursing, his body vibrated frequently, as if he was coughing.

"You're not dead this time!"

Lu Bai immediately burst into flames, shouting in mid-air, "Everyone, bless me with BUFF!"

The companions are very cooperative, but anyone who has an auxiliary skill will be thrown away regardless of whether it is useful or not.

"Look at me, a tiger slashes with tears!"

Excited, Lu Bai raised his great sword high and slashed straight down.

【Grass? 】


As a result, the sword fell, and the armor collapsed.

The other party is not as resistant as before, this time it is too fragile!

More importantly, there is nothing under the armor!

The other nine people were all stunned. When did Lu Bai become so fierce? !

However, only Lu Bai himself knew that he cut a loneliness.

In fact, this armor collapsed before his own blade touched it...

My own tears fell in vain!

"It turned out to be a summoned object!"

Looking at this scene, he seemed to have figured it out.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on the badge attached to the armor...


Outside the other exit of the valley, Li Pu had already left with Guangnan.

"Comrade Xiaocao, it's useless."

Feeling the grass man disappear, he shook his head helplessly.

This guy was so good that he almost forgot that there was still a time limit issue.

"Look over there!"

Guang Nan next to him didn't know it, and patted his arm with the back of his hand.

"What are you looking at, don't you know I'm blind?"

Li Pu raised his eyelids as he spoke.


A very big and fat rabbit.

This is a white rabbit shaped like a watermelon, standing upright on its feet.

He squatted on the side of the road and chewed grass with empty eyes, looking dumbfounded and lacking in wisdom.

And from the texture point of view, it seems that this is not a monster, but an ordinary exotic animal.

It seems that the creator of this assessment copy was very attentive, and even placed creatures in it.

"Cute rabbit!"

Guangnan called out the name of the rabbit and introduced: "This is a common rabbit in foreign countries, and it is named because it is very delicious!"

"Shouldn't that be called Delicious Rabbit?"

Li Pu couldn't figure out the logic, but he touched his stomach.

Don't tell me, I'm really hungry.

He waved his hand, wanting to let the grass figurine get started, but remembered that the guy just returned to the grass figurine star.

And even if it is around, it is estimated that it will be a little timid.

Fear of fire, fear of slashing, these are nothing.

He also recently discovered that the grass people are most afraid of herbivorous species.

"never mind."

After thinking about it, Li Pu raised [Flying Crocodile Bite +3].

A second later, under Guangnan's stunned gaze, the fat rabbit arrived.

"give it to me!"

He volunteered to take over the cute rabbit who still had blank eyes and did not resist.

The two came to a stream and caught two more cute rabbits on the way, which should be barely enough to eat.

Guangnan handles the rabbit, and Li Pu starts to make a fire.

As soon as the pyre was erected, a rustling sound was heard.

Curiously opened his eyes, this was the first time he saw the bald man take off his red gloves.

But only the right hand, the left hand remains the same.

I saw that in the future picture, the other party's right hand swiped at the fat rabbit...

"I'll go, what kind of kung fu is this?"

Li Pu was stunned on the spot.

The place on the fat rabbit that Guangnan had rubbed with his hands revealed smooth and shiny skin, as if it had never grown rabbit hair.

"Well, there's something I didn't tell you."

Guangnan stopped, raised his right hand and said, "Actually, I'm the **** substitute that the examiner said."

After saying this, he really licked a fat rabbit.

Then he shook off the white rabbit fur from his hands.

Guangnan: "One of my abilities is that wherever my right hand touches, the hair will fall off."

Li Pu: "..."

He was completely speechless, what kind of ability is this?

Guangnan: "The **** behind me is the **** of light, and the price to pay is to lose all the hair on my body."

Li Pu: "It's not hard to guess..."

After all, he had already noticed that the other party didn't even have a single hair on his body.

As for the hair in other places, even the imagination will feel disgusting.

And the name of the God of Light is so high...

Hey, forget it.

It's none of my business what love is called.

Li Pu thought about it before he was too lazy to complain.

These so-called exotic gods, he always feels that 14 is powerful and 14 is not serious.

There are also 14 strong and not serious ~ neither strong nor serious.

Obviously, the **** behind Guangnan belongs to the last kind.

"Then your left hand..."

However, Li Pu noticed that what he just said was one of his abilities.

In other words, Guangnan's left hand should correspond to another ability.

"This will be kept secret for the time being."

Guangnan showed a mysterious smile, turned his head and continued to deal with the fat rabbit.

Confidentiality What is secrecy, isn't it just hair loss on the right hand and hair growth on the left.

Li Pu had already figured out the urine of these gods.


at this time.

Gao City, 200 km away.



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