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To know the level of the template, to a large extent represents the upper limit of the player.

If we put aside the acquired development for now, we only discuss the template level.

B-level, has already belonged to the cornerstone of each major team.

In some not so strong teams, if the personal awareness is good enough to become an ace player in the future.

B+ level means that you already have the foundation to become an ace player. As long as your actual combat level is not too low, if you cultivate and temper well, there is great hope.

Enough to impress some teams to regroup around it as the core.

As for A+ grades like Boom Rabbit, it is undoubtedly more valued.

Even the strong teams in the upper reaches are willing to make efforts to train them to become real ace players.

Just like the current team of Boomstick Rabbit, the official team has 1 B+, 2 A, and 2 A+.

In the human race competition area in recent years, it is a new and powerful family that is in the limelight.

The transfer of a mature A-level player in the L League can make a lot of news in the circle every time.

If Li Pu could really be rated as A, it would be a big deal for the Gao City branch.

After all, the area around them had not seen A Grade for nearly five years.

For the level assessment of the template, in addition to the attributes of the initial template, you also need to refer to the growth attributes of the subsequent LV1~LV18.

Therefore, Feng Buchang felt that Li Pu had not even finished scanning the initial template, and it was too early to draw a conclusion.

According to the past certification experience, after the 10th scan of the prospective players, the data will start to stagnate.

In other words, we have to continue to observe.

So he waited patiently for the follow-up scan results.

Soon, the eleventh time is completed, the data is 11 points.


He raised his brows slightly, the result was somewhat unexpected.

The twelfth completion, the data is 12 points.

His expression changed slightly.

The thirteenth completed, the data is 13 points.

He looked solemn.

14 o'clock.

15 o'clock.

When the fifteenth scan was completed, and the data of all 15 initial attributes appeared in front of Feng Buchang, his breathing began to become heavier.

Shouldn't there be a monster with an initial attribute of 18 points?

You know, this is only LV1, and the growth attribute has not been measured yet.

The passage of time soon told Feng Buchang the answer.

But at the end of the eighteenth scan, Li Pu's data all stopped at 18 o'clock.

"Hey! It's really full!"

He gasped.

The dignified head of the Gao City branch of the L alliance was moved on the spot.

With all 18 points, it is almost impossible to lose a D-level player with LV18!

In other words, when facing an opponent of D rank or below, you don't have to care about rank suppression at all.

Your full-level attributes are not necessarily strong enough for my 1st-level initial attributes.

You are full, I am free?

How does this make others play?

And there is no need to discuss the situation of full level first. Just saying that both sides start from level 1 laning, the advantages and disadvantages are already very obvious.

Taking LOL as an example, it is equivalent to starting with one sword and three reds slowly going out with the confidence of the opponent at the start.

It took me several soldiers to see you slowly appearing on the line.

Then the opponent habitually presses the TAB key and finds that you have endless?

At this time, a ring of light flashed across the opponent.

He grabbed 2 and succeeded.

But it was so boring.

Also play a fart!

Just wait 15 minutes to launch a poll and forget it!

"This guy is amazing!"

After a while of silence, Feng Buchang sighed.

This is no longer a chance to be certified as an A-level player, but this is already an A-level player.

Although this is too much to say, as long as the subsequent growth attribute is not too stretched.

A-level players are all set.

It is not that the situation where the initial attribute is high and the growth attribute is low has not happened, but it is rare.

Feng Buchang did not believe that such a rare situation would happen to the other party.

Thinking of this, he picked up the communicator.

But as soon as his eyes rolled, he immediately put them down.

"Look again, think again, think again."

Crossing his chin with his hands, he took a few deep breaths to force himself to calm down.

The data on the screen continued to beat, and after 5 minutes...

There was dead silence in Feng Buchang's office.

Forgetting to breathe is an exaggerated description, but at this time it was indeed so quiet that there was no sound of breathing.

The attribute scan is completely completed, and the data panel on the screen freezes.

【Uncle Li】

LV1 template, all attributes are 18 points each.

Growth, all attributes +1 per level.

"Yes, absolutely..."

In the end, Feng Buchang leaned back and collapsed on the chair.

"Ho, it's actually an S-class!"

His face was slightly pale, and he weakly grabbed his thigh.

S-level, just hearing the name, it is known that it is superior to A-level and A+-level.

Only the initial and fully grown templates can be called S-level.

You don't even need to care about the follow-up skill group certification, just being a panel monster is enough to crush half of the professional player templates.

Not to mention the Gao City branch, even the entire L League might not produce one in five years.

For the six inventory slots in Qiyuan Canyon, it is enough to buy all level 123 [Attribute Enhancement Device].

You don't even need straw sandals, don't you see that the agility attribute has already exploded.

Feng Bu had already thought about it, waiting for Li Pu's template to be certified.

He immediately entered the Seven Plains Canyon to buy a permanent one.

Because before the other party is famous, it's cheap!

To know the S-level template, at least a thousand crystal coins are required.

"Which team excavated this Tama?"

"Why don't Qin Bao's trash have any advance information at all?"

After a while, Feng Buchang started to click again and again on the touch screen.

"No team?"

His eyes suddenly lit up, this is amazing!

How could things be so dramatic?

The team that elected this boy collapsed yesterday?

good chance!

Great opportunity!

In an instant, Feng Buchang had a decision in his heart.

He wanted to find a way to draw him over.

It doesn't need much, just keep the opponent in the branch in Gao City all the time.

The S-rank player will definitely be famous soon, and the Gao City branch he is in charge will definitely become famous.

What's more, his daughter has a sub-league team.

Are there any further recruiting opportunities?

But before any operation, there is a necessary premise.

That is to suppress, to suppress this news.

Pressing it down is not only for his own sake, but also for Li Pu's sake.

For the sake of yourself, of course, you don't want others to know about it and then win over before him.

For Li Pu's sake, he was worried that the young man's unstable temperament would be delayed by various temptations.

After all, the opponent's current S-rank has no record match, it can only be said that it has unfulfilled potential~www.readwn.com~ In the long history of the league, the potential rookie who has a good hand but plays sloppy, reduced to a bench or even be There are countless instances of teams being swept out of the house.

Providing a relatively quiet growth environment for a super-potential star like Li Pu, allowing him to grow steadily better and become the mainstay of the L League players, is also within Feng Buchang's responsibility.

"At present, there are only three people who know the news for the time being."

Thinking of this, he tapped the table with his fingers.

"The player himself, I..."

"And the new certification officer girl."



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