If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 269: 【Sister-in-law dancing】

"If I can foresee the future, I just want to brush strange novels ( to find the latest chapter!

In the operating room, Lao Hu was not peeping at what was happening.

Because he was on the phone, and on the other end of the phone was one of his old friends.

He's a good old man, and sometimes he's really good in some ways.

He is extremely sensitive when talking on the phone, and can detect whether Lao Hu is distracted at any time.

This caused him to temporarily not be able to call up the screen in the copy to watch.

However, Lao Hu was not in a hurry, because he felt that the three brothers and sisters at the rare elite level were not so easy to deal with.

For the time being, even if Li Pu has the ability to fight now, it is estimated that he will have to grind it for two or three days.

So, what's the hurry?

"Hey hey, yes yes yes, what little baby said is right."

"It's me 456, it's me 456."

The old man on the phone was chatting happily, but suddenly the screen in front of him flashed.

Suddenly, two big characters appeared.



Old Hu was stunned.

Didn't you say that you need to challenge the level 3 full entry, but the result is just to brush the skill proficiency?

"That's not right."

But the next second, he had doubts.

If you usually brush the skill proficiency, it seems that it doesn't take that long to clear a level.

And before I went in just now, I clearly saw it clearly, it was a level 3 full entry.


At this time, Li Pu walked out of the door of light.

Gold slabs are pinned to his waist, followed by a straw man.

"Mr. Hu, get it done."

He raised his hand and said hello.

"Done? What?"

Lao Hu couldn't believe it.

Li Pu shrugged without explaining too much.

Wipe the vertical touch screen with your hand to remove the original entry.

Then I clicked on the freshly released Level 4 entry.

"Hey!! Level 4 entry!!"

At this time, Lao Hu had to believe it no matter what.

The facts are right in front of you!

This teacher, who has only served for less than a semester, actually got through the full entry of level 3!


It finally appeared!

The ninth metamorphosis of the Imperial Guard Academy!

And most likely, the most perverted one!

Old Hu's eyes widened.

"Level 3 is full of entries, it doesn't seem to be that difficult."

Looking up at Lao Hu's reaction, Li Pu raised his hand again and said, "I'll go check it out first, and talk later."

Leaving these words, he entered the copy light gate again.

Old Hu in the operating room was stunned for a long time in shock.

"Hello? Hello?"

On the phone that fell to the side, there was a questioning voice from the old friend.

But Lao Hu picked up the phone and hung up.

"Young woman, ah, young woman! I have delayed my voyeurism career!"

He was heartbroken to miss Li Pu's process of turning over the three siblings.

Immediately afterwards, with his trembling hands, he dialed a phone number in a special group.

At this time, what should I do as the person in charge of the trial copy.

Report to the leader immediately?

Of course not, at least not here in Lao Hu.

"Hahahahaha! Our imperial capital has made a level 4 entry!"

After shouting into the microphone in an ecstatic voice, he hung up again.

He seemed to have seen the Demon City Guard Academy on the other end of the phone. A certain smelly old man was first confused, then shocked, and then hurriedly asked for confirmation.

At this time, of course, to show off!


So cool!

After completing this most critical step, Lao Hu hurriedly called out the screen in the dungeon.

Just at this time, the extra BOSS appeared.

"This, this?!"

He was shocked again.


At the same moment, inside the copy.

"This is the Ma's exorcist!"


You Huo, who folded his cheeks, shouted out the origin of the new boss.

I saw this concave boss wearing a modified Taoist robe, a copper coin seven-star sword in his left hand, and a small rattle in his right hand.

Unlike the jumping family, it does not have a yellow talisman on its forehead, and its skin is not indigo.

Instead, it looks like a real entity, but a little illusory.

It just so happened that Li Pu had encountered this kind of beast recently, or it should be called a spirit demon.

"You said just now, what's the name of this boss?" x2

Standing on the wall, You Huo asked him.

"Sister-in-law dance."

After Li Pu answered, he muttered to himself, "Isn't this Ma Xiaoling from "Dating a Zombie"?"

"It's just outrageous!"

Yu Huo on the other end exclaimed.

Exorcists are actually a race in a foreign land or a native universe.

They either have an aberration, or they have stunts.

Usually there are bumps and bumps with the demons, and even life-threatening things are not uncommon.

Among them, the exorcists from the two branches of Nanmao and Beima are particularly powerful.

She really didn't expect that the once glorious exorcist could become a spirit demon herself.

No, it should be a copy projection to be exact.

The real spirit demon obviously no longer exists.

More importantly, judging from the name, this Ma's exorcist is probably married to brother Tiaotiao.

What is the epic love story that happened in it?

You Huo's soft part of the woman's heart was instantly hit.

And then there are people who obviously don't care about it.


【Grass! 】

He only knew that he was now facing a rare elite-level BOSS.

"The level 3 entry has not yet been clicked, and it is already a rare elite."

"If you click on [Successful Pill Formation] again."

"Isn't it a rare boss?"

"It seems that in this family, it should be the elder sister-in-law who has the final say."

When Li Pu murmured, the opposite BOSS had already moved.

【Aunt help me! 】

I saw Sister-in-law Tiaotiao raised the sword in her hand, and suddenly a yellow holy light descended on the surface of the sword.

Originally, it was just a simple sword body made of red rope wrapped around copper coins.

Slashed with a wave.

However, Li Pu stood on the spot and did not move.

In the face of this terrifying blow, he didn't even need to activate his injury-free skills.

【The evildoer is dead! 】

【Grass? 】

Because the boss's goal is not himself at all, but want to cut grass.

It seems that what You Huo said about the exorcist is still somewhat true. Haven't you seen other people treat the grass figurine as a monster?

【It's hastily! 】

So for a while, the grass man was caught up and jumped up and down.

Even the attractiveness of Li Pu's source lamp has no effect on BOSS.

It can be seen how deep the obsession of slaying demons and eliminating demons is.

If it weren't for the time limit for the transformation skills, Li Pu really wanted to see how long it would take for the grass figurine to be hacked to death.

However, before he could actually attack, the BOSS stopped.

I saw Sister-in-law Tiaotiao took out a yellow talisman from her arms and threw it into the air, and then hurriedly shook the little bell.

【Husband help me! 】


As soon as the words fell, a coffin fell from the sky and fell to the ground and was torn apart.

And a familiar thing fell out of it, brother jumping.

[Uncle help me! 】


[Little sister-in-law help me! 】



This scene made Li Pu bewildered.

If you are so excessive, then I will not be used to it!



[Sister-in-law dancing] (LV20-rare elite)

Life~www.readwn.com~ Damage S, Armor B, Magic Resist S+, Speed ​​S

Explanation: The natural advantage makes it always overtake Brother Tiaotiao.

【Aunt Help Me】: Sister-in-law summons the power of Ma's ancestors, changes the weapon shape and gains huge real damage

[Husband help me]: Sister-in-law Tiaotiao summons brother Tiaotiao and let him ask for it

[Brother-in-law help me]: Sister-in-law Tiaotiao summons brother Tiaotiao and let him send

[Sister-in-law help me]: Sister-in-law called out Sister-in-law and let her send

[Devil Guard Road]: Sister-in-law's damage to all targets of the corresponding category +100%

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