"If I can foresee the future, I just want to brush strange novels ( to find the latest chapter!

Li Pu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he just came out of the L League branch city, and ended up coming back here.

"I'm going! It's okay here!"

Arriving at the destination, the eldest nephew could not help exclaiming.

At this time, what appeared in front of everyone was a living area with a large area.

There are four small villas inside, and from the outside, it seems that it is not a problem to live at least twenty or thirty people.

The most eye-catching is the twelve cubic game cabins distributed around the community.

"We'll live here in the future? Not bad."

Duo Kai hugged his hands and nodded in approval.

"Benben, how did you find this place?"

Duo Xin asked the question everyone wanted to know.

"Haha! I bought a team spot."

"This training base is under the name of the original team."

Kumamoto said that he would buy the team from Mr. Qin's office, one by one.

Hearing Li Pu sigh for a while.

I don't have a team, so don't give me a pillow when I'm drowsy.

And compared to the old, weak and sick team that joined Jin Shiyan, it was obviously better here.

Don't say anything else, at least I will definitely have more right to speak here.

The eldest nephew, twin sisters, Han Yu, and Big Jelly, a total of four people with one history, all of them are properly their own.

But now there is a problem...

Can these guys pass the assessment of professional players?

Li Pu always felt unreliable.

In terms of strength, it is second, mainly because these guys don't seem to be too reliable masters.

Fortunately, at this time, he thought of Duan Ming.

Should be the only serious person in this group of guys... right?

If Duan Ming also participated in the final assessment with everyone, Li Pu would feel a little at ease.

So taking this opportunity, he introduced Duan Ming, Yi Li and Guangnan to everyone.

Yi Li had already met with everyone before, and because being caught by a snail was too strange, Li Pu had also introduced it to several people at the Hanyu family's dining table.

In addition, Yi Li had actually arrived two days earlier, and he was quite familiar with everyone.

What's more surprising is that this guy is already an L-League certified professional player.

According to his words, he bought a team out of curiosity and participated in the professional assessment by the way.

The result, of course, ended with a smooth pass by bribing the remaining ninety or so examiners on the spot.

It's just that the team no longer exists.

As for the team formation, he also gladly wanted to join in the fun.

In terms of Duan Ming, there is a little problem.

That is Duan Ming's level is still lacking.

However, normal people's LV17 to LV18 should not take too much time.

As for Guangnan's intentional auxiliary position, it is currently a bit saturated.

Li Pu, who was present, was familiar with everyone, so he helped Kumamoto set up a little team configuration based on everyone's personal situation and his own opinions.

Order: Li Pu, Duo Kai

Wilderness: Li Pu, Duo Kai

Mid laner: Li Pu, Duan Ming

AD: Li Pu, Kumamoto, Yi Li (?)

Support: Li Pu, Li Jie, Duo Xin, Thick Eyebrows (?), Han Yu (??)

In the end, Li Pu came to the conclusion that it would be great if there were five of himself.

What he put a question mark on was a temporarily doubtful option.

That is, the parties claim to be competent for the position, but have not yet been verified.

If it wasn't for him to stop him, the mid lane position would have to add a lot of question marks, after all, everyone wants to play in the mid lane.

For now, it's a good thing to have rotations at every position.

After all, this can make the team's tactics more variable, and at the same time, it can also prevent anyone from being able to be there in case something happens.

But the competition for the auxiliary position is the most intense, which is outrageous.

Especially Han Yu, the guy who was also implicated in the dissolution of Jin Shiyan's team, actually claimed that he would only play support.

Li Pu felt that this guy was just trying to get away with the appearance fee.

Based on his understanding of Han Yu, in fact, except for the top order, it is not impossible for him to be incompetent in other positions.

But for now, let this guy go.

"It's okay, you stay here first, and I'll help you find a team from the secondary league."

Patting Guangnan's shoulder, Li Pu thought of an alien friend, Chiclaw.

"Really! Thank you, thank you Captain!"

When Guangnan heard this, he was overjoyed.

Although it was a pity that they couldn't be with Li Pu's first team, the secondary league was one level higher than the secondary league.

The captain really has a big background, and he can arrange a good place for himself casually.

After making corrections for a long time, Li Pu chose promotion careers for his eldest nephew and twin sisters respectively.

So that they can lay the groundwork for subsequent assessments and certification templates.

It's a pity that Nongmei is not a human race, and does not have the racial talent [adaptability] of a pure human race, so he can't help if he wants to.

The purpose of this promotion is not to ask for the level of the rank, but only to be able to shake the skills or talents suitable for use in the Qiyuan Canyon.

After all, a person like Li Pu who does not worry about skills and talents is really a very rare case.

In addition to helping the eldest nephew to brush out an S grade, it cost 3W.

The combined cost of twin sisters is less than 1W.

After completing this matter, everyone began to split up.

Li Pu and Duan Ming's team helped Duan Ming to complete the final level 1.

Others, including Guangnan, brought thick eyebrows to brush monsters.

No way, this guy has pulled down too many levels.

The eldest nephew and others are all LV20 or above, and they will no longer gain level experience in the LV20 area.

So many people help a thick eyebrow to brush monsters, the speed is definitely not slow, maybe they can catch up with Li Pu's efficiency.

As for Yi Li, let him go out alone and mix slowly.

Anyway, he already has the qualifications of a professional player, so he doesn't have to rush to speed up to participate in the assessment.

But before leveling up, Li Pu thought that he still had something in his hand.

That is the random boutique dungeon crystal given by Guangnan.

There is still one chance for this thing, so it's better to take advantage of this trip out of the city to brush it off.

So after thinking about it, he made a special turn to find Red Claw.

Seeing Li Pu's Chiclaw was naturally overjoyed, and when he heard that he was invited to brush the book together, he agreed.

And he also provided a means of transportation, a source car.

After all, the six-color team plans to live in Gao City for a long time in the next few days, and it is convenient to buy a few cars.


HF-13 Mobile Base.

A figure emerged from the black cloud~www.readwn.com~ It was a pink humanoid mecha.

It was the Boombee who just received a message from her sister.

Isn't it the L League, so can she!

The world is so big, I'm going to take a break in his arms!

"You dare to take half a step out of the base!"

"I'll... come back later, just hum."

In the black cloud, Han Shu's roar came out.

From then on, no one cared about how they waved.



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