If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 279: Do you dare to open your eyes

He did not expect that there is actually a ferry here.

The river wind blowing head-on told Li Pu that there were many people nearby.

And most of them are qualified, it seems that there are not a few people who need to cross the river.

So he approached the past without attracting much attention.

He opened his eyes and looked at it, his face was a little weird.

Just now he thought it was his perception was wrong, because the scene in front of him was a bit absurd.

Everyone was lining up in an orderly manner, waiting to be launched.

There was a thin little old man who was standing beside a huge cannon on the pier.

The dilapidated log cabin behind him should be his residence.

No ships, that's all this ferry is.

Closing his eyes, Li Pu walked to the end of the line.

About 20 people, he shouldn't have to wait too long.

"Master, you see I've been in line for so long, how about it cheaper?"

At this time, a voice sounded from the front of the team: "500 crystal coins, a bit expensive."

The sturdy man in the animal skin costume seemed to want to haggle with the old man.

"Oh, sorry."

The old man fanned the big palm fan, and said cheerfully: "It's just this price, it can't be changed."

The price of his guns has always been 500, and it has never been cheaper or raised for anyone.

Isn't everyone lining up to come up, everyone will cut the price after you haggle, and the business will still be done?

This kind of person, he can meet one or two every day, and he is too lazy to deal with it.

"Hey, I said you old thing!"

"I don't want to give you a face yet?"

"500 crystal coins in one shot, who are you bluffing?!"

When the big man saw that the other party seemed to talk very well, he immediately showed his true colors.

"Hehe, boy, if you talk to me like this."

However, the old man was not afraid at all, and said kindly, "I'm about to lie down."

Li Pu: "..."

Don't mess with this old man.

In fact, he had already made a judgment in his mind.

Don't look at the other party's dry and thin, in fact, the breath is very strong.

Judging roughly, he felt that at least three more big men might not be opponents.

"Ah this..."

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the big man also knew that he was not in control.

"That old man, if you have something to say, say something, and if you have something to say!"

Seeing that the old man really stood up from the small bench, he hurriedly smiled and said, "500 is 500, can I still give it."

After saying this, he immediately stuffed 500 crystal coins in the past.

"now it's right."

The old man sat down again with satisfaction, pointed to the cannon and said, "Then go in by yourself."

Hearing this, Li Pu suddenly became interested again.

Open your eyes and plan to watch the whole process of the launch.

I saw that the big man obediently walked to the huge muzzle, and the tall body got in without being crowded at all.

But Li Pu found a very strange thing, that is, this cannon... There is no lead.

This is somewhat inconsistent with my own perception.

Immediately afterwards, the old man stood up.

Go to the tail of the cannon and start luck.

"No way."

Li Pu was stunned for a moment and questioned in a low voice.

Is it the legendary hand-beating cannon?

The martial arts master in the movie?

With such a wide river, can you beat it with human flesh?

He doesn't believe it.

In fact, it's not just Li Pu, the guards who are also here for the first time have the same thoughts as him.

All looked suspicious and expressed disbelief.

The old man could feel the attitude of the crowd just from the corner of his eye.

"Ha ha."

But he was not annoyed, but still smiled amiably.

Then he flipped his wrist and took out a whistle.

What does this mean?

Everyone was puzzled, and Li Pu was even more puzzled in advance.


Just then, the old man blew his whistle.

Then, a strange scene happened.

The cannon heard the signal and stood up!

That's right, gave birth to a pair of duck feet and stood up.

Then it jumped into the river with a dash and quickly swam to the other side of the river.

Li Pu: "..."

Li Pu: "..."

Li Pu: "..."

After all, isn't this thing still a boat!

He felt a little bit of wasted time and affection by this neurotic old man.

But thinking about the fact that there is really no terrain around to use it, it seems that I can only pass by the cannon boat.

After sending the big man to the other side, the cannon boat swam back.

In fact, the speed is not slow.

After waiting for about an hour, Li Pu finally got in line.

During this period, the team has not been added, so he happens to be the last one.

"Please put it away."

He didn't ink any ink, he directly took out 500 and handed it over.


However, the old man looked at Li Pu carefully, but did not take the money.

"Boy, you..."

After hesitating for a while, he still said, "Can you open your eyes and let me see."

Li Pu didn't understand what the other party meant, but still raised his eyelids.

He didn't turn on the ability to foresee, and he didn't have eyes at all.


The old man was stunned for a moment, thought about it and finally persuaded: "You better cross the river elsewhere."

"It's a little dangerous for you here."

This made Li Pu even more confused.

LV30 area, dangerous?

To be honest, he wouldn't have a problem with him even if he was just crossing the river like this right now.

It's just that the fish in the river are annoying, not dangerous.

Could it be that there is a deformed giant snail waiting for you on the other side of the river?

Of course that is impossible.

What's more, he had stayed in that LV30 area.

Where is the danger.

"It's a curse."

Seeing that Li Pu didn't believe it, the old man kindly advised: "Recently, there has been a cursed beast on the other side of the river."

"Specially for dark hair, dark eyes, yellow skin."

"The territory of the cursed beast is just 50 kilometers northeast of the river."

"Once you step into that cursed territory, it seems that people can't come back."

good guy.

Are you sure you're not implying my past?

After Li Pu heard it, he wanted to go even more.

"It's okay, uncle, I didn't plan to go in that direction."

He is no longer the weak guy who just came out of HF-13 and was only LV14.

Now that he is LV19, he has risen to 5 levels.


The old man pondered for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Anyway, I have kindly reminded me, and the rest is my own business.

Is it hard to make money and not earn it?

Raising this summoned cannon is expensive, but it costs a lot of crystal coins.

"Thanks, let's go."

When the other party came back to his senses, Li Pu was already standing on the gun body.

The gun body can stand firm, in fact, there is no need to go inside~www.readwn.com~ The old man didn't say much, just blew the whistle.

As soon as it was started, a strong wind rushed in immediately.

bang bang bang!

Perhaps smelling him, those pesky fish began to leap out of the water frequently.

However, it could only end in failure by hitting the barrel of the gun.

It didn't take long for the gunboat to reach the other side.

Without saying a word, Li Pu jumped off the shore and went straight to the northeast.

Cursed Warcraft?

When you hear the name, it's a good thing!



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