In the simple but spacious hall with earth and rock structures, there are oil lamps that are enough to illuminate the space.

There are wooden tables in the hall, and a strange magic circle is drawn under the table.

At each table, there are four people sitting around playing mahjong.

They were all thin and emaciated, and it was a little difficult to even pick up the mahjong tiles, but all of them had very excited expressions.

"It's all black hair, black eyes and yellow skin."

Li Pu looked around, but suddenly said, "No."

One of them looks so out of place, his height is about 210~220cm.

Wearing a purple basketball vest with size 34 written on it, with a big bald head.

What's more, the guy's skin is black.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Shaking his head, he continued to observe.

Among the poker players, there are about twenty monsters in maid costumes passing through.

The figure is very good-looking, but it is a pity that the head is a dice.

Their behavior is also very strange, and they are actually pouring tea and water to this group of obsessed poker players.

Obviously, these refreshments and teas are the only source of nutrition for all brand friends.

At this time, the dice monsters were too busy to stop, all because a strange guest suddenly appeared here.

This guest is also addicted to playing cards, yes, but instead of refreshments, he only drinks water.

And keep drinking.

【Grass! 】

He slapped a card forcefully on the table, and the straw man raised his hands excitedly to celebrate.

Then he grabbed the left and right teapots that were just filled, and inserted the spouts into the sides of the straw bale's head where they looked like ears.

Start pouring.

In no time, the teapot was empty.

There was a black line on the head of the dice monster next to him, so he could only quickly refill the pot.

【? 】

At this moment, a scorpion maid found Li Pu.

So he took well-trained and graceful steps and walked towards him lightly.

【Are you coming? 】

It stretched out its fingers and hooked it with a psychedelic tick.

At the same time, the head is spinning rapidly, and the numbers on the dice are constantly changing.

In fact, from the first moment he stepped into this rock hall, Li Pu found himself in a state of battle.

Judging from the performance of the crowd, it is not difficult to guess that they have fallen into illusion.

So he knew that he must have also become the target of the illusion, but he was blocked by [Papa].

【Are you coming? 】

Finding that the target did not respond, the dice monster hooked his finger again.


Li Pu thought for a while and kicked it into blue light.

This dice is very weak, and the LV21's crispy skin is just a common monster.

【Come! ]xN

This immediately alerted all the dice monsters, they all stopped what they were doing, rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards Li Pu.

As a result, of course, needless to say, there will be no more magical beasts in the hall after a while.

However, the group of guys who were hit by illusions were still playing mahjong in full swing.

Li Pu walked behind the straw man and slapped the straw man on the back of his head with a backhand.


【Grass? 】

The straw bag head directly smashed the mahjong table into pieces, but it also woke up.

The interruption of the game caused the other three players to stop, and they just sat there dumbfounded, without any response.

"It seems that we have to wake up one by one."

Perceiving this situation, Li Pu touched his chin.

【Grass! 】

When the grass man heard this, he immediately waved his grass fist.

The grass may be soft, but its fist is certainly not soft.

"and many more."

Li Pu reached out his hand to block it, turned to the grass man and said, "Do you want to cut off my fortune?"

This **** stuff, I usually have to procrastinate in class, now I'm pretending to be positive.

When it comes to being a good person and doing good deeds, of course he has to do it himself.

Look at the hundreds of people around, all of them are LV20~LV30 guards.

How much do I have to pay for my treatment?

Without further ado, he approached a man.

Controlling the strength, he gently slapped his face.



The blue-light liquid spit out from the opponent's mouth.

【Grass? ! 】

The straw man felt that the slap was harder than his fist.

The young man who was slapped staggered under his feet and almost fell.

But fortunately, he finally stood firm.

Judging from the expression, this person has been out of the control of illusion.

At this time, the emotions in his eyes are very complicated, and of course there is a grateful look.

"Thank you for saving me."

He said with a swollen face.

Although the illusion of the dice monsters can't control his words and deeds, he is actually aware of everything that happens.

That feeling, as if consciousness was trapped in the body, awake but out of control.

That's why Li Pu saw the blame and slap in the face just now.

Also keep it in mind.

What a pain.

In fact, he felt that even if the strength was weakened by one-tenth, it should be enough to break the control.

However, he wasn't going to say that.

If he is the only one with a swollen face, he will feel at a loss.

In fact, being rescued is already the greatest luck.

The young man was fully aware of his weakness, and suspected that if he continued to be controlled like this, it is estimated that everyone present would not be able to hold on for long.


However, Li Pu did not say no thanks at this time, but sincerely thanked him.

6000+ crystal coins.

The guy in front of him seems to be a rich man.

When he thought that there were so many people waiting for him to go, his palms itch.

So, he walked to the second person.

"Huh? Is it hot?"

Looking up, he was slightly puzzled.

The middle-aged man with a blank expression in his seat was sweating on his forehead.

"Forget it, forget it."

He sighed in the palm of his hand, and he waved.



"Thank you, thank you..."

"I thank you too."

After the process, the next one.

Snapped! xN

"Pfft!" xN

Li Pu's actions were quick, and it only took a few minutes.

He made money, no, he rescued everyone present.

The group of guys in front of them are unexpectedly rich, and the average treatment fee for half of them is as high as 3000+.

One trip down, and directly harvested hundreds of thousands of crystal coins.

This made Li Pu's current net worth finally cross the 100W mark.

"Brother, thank you so much."

Among them, a middle-aged man with white hair stood up as a representative.

Although everyone's face is swollen, the rest of the life feels really good.

"No, I've already poured a lot of money... No, it's already been rewarded."

Li Pu covered his chest, warm.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that the young man in front of them was very noble.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, let's go out first."

The middle-aged man looked around cautiously, and waved to everyone quickly.

Li Pu agreed with the other party's statement.

Because at the other end of the hall, in the passage that continues to extend underground, you can faintly feel the presence of monsters.

These guys are here, it is not convenient for them to use their hands and feet.

He intends to wait for the other party to leave before he can rest assured to explore.

However, when everyone came out Li Pu's expression changed a bit.

"This, this is..."



【Dice Monster】(LV21)

Health D, Damage E, Armor D, Magic Resist C, Speed ​​C

Description: In some harmful places, it has the status of not losing to the pokemon.

[Confusion]: The dice monster launches a unique illusion, causing the target to lose control of himself

[God's Will]: The dice monster determines the level of attack power according to the number that turns out

[Destiny]: The dice monster determines the level of damage received according to the number that is turned

[Opposite]: The rotation result of the dice monster will never meet the observer's expectation

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