If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 287: The strongest hemp monster

"In that case, let's play with you."

He was very confident.

Driving is the best way to do it yourself.

So he quickly moved a minecart onto the track, and Li Pu stood on it.

This minecart is not big and the structure is a bit crude, in fact, it is a wheel + board + wooden box.

And the drive device is actually hand-cranked, which is outrageous.

After taking a look, Li Pu's first action was to take out his long sword and cut off the entire wooden box.

Reduce weight to increase speed.

Pushing it up the track for a while, he jumped on it.

Da da da da!

Shaking the wheel quickly, the speed of the scooter under the foot is getting faster and faster.

It was pitch black in the narrow, straight passage, but luckily there was still plenty of air.

Li Pu could feel that the distance between himself and such a **** was shortening.

After more than ten seconds, Yaoji Maguai discovered this situation.

【Pot pot! Damn it! 】

In desperation, it croaked, and at the same time began to speed up the wheel.


Li Pu smiled coldly at this and said softly, "It's all in vain."

However, in the next second, there was a turning road ahead.


Under the action of inertia, Yaoji Maguai's minecart tilted outward, and the two inner wheels were directly suspended from the track, and it was about to overturn.

But the inclination angle of the minecart was just at the critical point where it was about to roll over, and it passed the curve in a single-wheeled attitude.


Under the control of Yaoji Maguai, the minecart ran away quickly on all four wheels.

"Too fancy."

Perceiving this scene, Li Pu gently shook his head.

His speed is significantly faster, and even if he has the skills of Yaoji Maguai, he will definitely not be able to go through the corners smoothly.

In the end, it seems that only slammed into the rock wall of the curve.

However, just as the minecart was about to lose control when it entered the bend, Li Pu kicked on the rock wall.

"Let me kidnap."


The hard rock wall sank directly, and his minecart had already deviated from the track at this moment, but was abruptly brought back by the recoil force.

However, after this delay, the Yaoji Maguai on the other end opened the distance again.

This mine road is extremely rugged, with curves one after another.

Every time Li Pu was about to catch up, the opponent used the turning technique to re-open the distance.

Yaoji Maguai is extremely light and flexible, but he repeatedly relies on brute force to forcibly turn.

boom! boom! boom!

The self, who is clearly superior in speed, has never been able to catch up.

And Li Pu's attitude gradually changed from contempt at the beginning to appreciation.

"I'd like to call you a Jishu Yaoji."

Perceiving that the other party had successfully passed a corner again, he finally gave a positive evaluation.

At the same time, he stretched out his feet and kicked the rock wall with ease.


This time, however, the sound was completely different from before.


Opening his eyes, Li Pu's face changed slightly.

It seems that this mine has been kicked too many times by myself, and it can no longer support it and is about to collapse.


Inside the gate of Gao City, an amphibious power vehicle drove out.

Lin She sat in the driver's seat with a slightly excited expression.

"Mahjong Warcraft, it is very interesting to hear."

Calling up the map panel, she drove in the designated direction.

The main city of the human race next door sent a message for help, saying that there was a suspected appearance of intelligent monsters, and asked Gao City to help in the investigation.

Originally, this was a report that occurred in the LV30 area, and should not be attributed to the city management of Gao.

However, considering the friendship between the two cities and the fact that Gao City is closer to the site of the incident, this side finally agreed to the request.

As usual, Lin She's mission this time is still to detect information and then deal with it as appropriate.

It's just that other teammates have their own tasks, and the information mentioned that they must have black hair, black glasses and yellow skin.

Among the idle intelligence teams, she was the only one who met the conditions.

Of course, just to be on the safe side, this time, Lin She called a few old friends from the energy race who happened to come to Gao City recently.

I don't know if they can enter the so-called cursed land in their imitation state.

After all, the temporary color change is not a big problem for them.

"This direction... seems a little familiar."

Red Claw, who was sitting in the co-pilot, stared at the route with a slightly different premonition.

That's right, Lin She's friend is the six-color team.

"Don't do any investigation as I said."

Lan Neng, who was sitting in the back row, drew the form of a man, clasped his hands and said, "There are a few of us here. It doesn't matter what kind of intelligent monster it is or not, just flatten it all."

"Yes, by the way, you can also practice leveling."

The green energy next to him echoed: "We haven't leveled for a long time."

"Don't be careless, don't forget the lessons of the previous poker monsters?"

Huang Neng, who is a concave life, transforms the appearance of a human female.

"Poker monster?"

Lin She, who was driving, was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

Poker monsters and mahjong monsters are similar to one another.

Maybe you can get any information from the experience of these energy groups.

"I've never heard of Mahjong blame."

Chiclaw understood what the other party meant, so he recalled: "But the most powerful thing about Poker Monster is fusion."

"Single-card poker monsters are actually very weak, that is, the level of general monsters."

"But once a pair is formed, three of a kind, four of a kind, the combat power will explode."

Lin She nodded when he heard this. According to the information sent over there, it seems that there was a similar statement.

Lan Neng: "I was beaten by the Four Belt Ones back then."

Lu Neng: "You are considered good, I can't even handle A."

Huang Neng: "Two wastes, I'm the one who killed Sunja anyway."

Lin She listened to the memories of several people, and suddenly thought of something.

"Then what is the strongest fusion poker monster you have ever encountered?"

she asked.

"Of course it's a straight flush of 10JQKA of spades."

Even if Chiclaw mentions it now, he still has lingering fears: "At that time, our entire team almost collapsed, and the combat power is indeed not covered."

"What is the biggest card in mahjong?"

Then he asked back.

"This... thirteen?"

Lin She tilted his head.




Li Pu, with his shirt on, jumped out of the rock pile~www.readwn.com~ The spacious underground space has a more obvious source of warmth than the upper floor.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave in the underground of this mine. After the passages were broken, he also fell to the bottom.

As for the ruthless chicken, it seems to have disappeared.

Opening his eyes, Li Pu saw that a large number of Yeyuan crystal ore on the surrounding rock walls were sinking deep into it, and it looked like a starry sky.

This scene is a little bit beautiful.

However, the time left for him to appreciate does not exist, and soon a large number of figures will appear in the future pictures.

"This, this is...!"

Li Pu's eyes narrowed slightly.



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