According to Li Pu's expectations, the battle situation is best to go on for as long as possible while the side has a secure advantage.

But in fact, in the contest between the six-color teams, they never had the advantage for a long time.

So today's match with Mange's team is the first time.

The experience is somewhat lacking, and many places have not been handled in place.

Of course, Li Pu is still far superior to the opposing jungler in the matchup. The two little dragons and the two pioneer crabs in the early stage were all included in his bag.

Duo Kai had already smashed the opponent's order, and with the help of the two tower-pushing pioneer crabs released by Li Pu.

She made great progress all the way, pushing down all the buildings on the road.

But in the same way, Duan Ming has always been at a disadvantage because of his blood.

Even though he stubbornly defended the middle tower as a humanoid defense tower, the already rising Redskin frequently supported the bottom lane when Li Pu was addicted to spawning monsters.

As a seasoned team, the Man Brothers also know how to avoid the most important things.

And their strategy in this game is to switch, hard switch.

If you pierce my top lane and get top lane resources, then I will mirror your bot lane.

Therefore, the economic gap between the two teams has not widened, and even the Mange team is still catching up little by little.

After all, the knife is a basic skill, and it takes a long time to practice to be stable and efficient.

Duo Kai is keen on slashing people, and he often has little patience and lack of concentration in making up the knife.

In her opinion, supplementing the head is more cost-effective, so she doesn't pay much attention to it.

And Kumamoto, it seems that the natural sense of rhythm is not very good.

It is common practice to miss a knife and a knife, and I can only say that I will practice more in the future.

The only better one is Duan Ming.

Unable to attack, he has basically never missed a soldier online since level 6, except to go home to supply supplies.

Two AOE skills + big moves are lost in rounds, and the clearing is appropriate.

In general, Mange's team's complement situation is much better, so they can keep chasing the economic reasons.

Every time they form a group, they are extremely fast, which is also one of the characteristics of the Mange team.

No matter how Duan Ming can clear his troops, he can't clear five people at once.

So soon, all their outer towers were pulled.


In the studio, Lao Dao's face was a little ugly.

He wondered if he missed brushing his teeth a few times when he went out this morning.

Why stand on which team, which team will suffer.

Zhu Chi, who is attached to Team Park, is also a little anxious, but he has not forgotten his commentary duties.

"It seems that this year's offseason, the Mange team has undergone hard training."

So looking at the reversal of the economy on both sides, he said steadily: "Compared to last season, their operational capabilities have improved significantly."

"This operational capability, even if it is placed in the secondary alliance."

"It should be at least at the midstream level."

Having been a spectator for so many years, Zhu Chi is no stranger to Team Man.

In his spare time, he often does game replays by himself.

So really speaking of game understanding, it is no worse than any senior commentator.

Seeing his partner speak, Lao Dao quickly answered.

"On the other hand, relying on Team Park, their operations are relatively immature."

"The only strange thing is that they seem to be very calm in the face of this kind of pressure."

"So far, I haven't seen any player deformed."

"The monsters that should be brushed are still brushing monsters."

"The knife that should be leaked is still leaking."

"But if it goes on like this, I feel that their great advantage in the early stage of this game will be overturned."

After all, the current economic difference and the number of tower pushes are clearly laid out here.

Lao Dao feels that he analyzes according to the facts, and this time he will not be slapped in the face again.


At this time, even Zhu Chi had to admit that it was indeed a disadvantage to rely on Team Park.

"Even if it's a 5v5 frontal team, Team Park can't beat it."

"Only by staying under your own tower can you resist Brother Man's attack."

"Or maybe there is a major mistake on Brother Man's side, this is unlikely."

Hearing that his partner was also standing up, Lao Dao was even more relieved.

According to the normal steps, it is time to analyze the reasons for the disadvantage of the disadvantaged party.

Undoubtedly, his eyes first focused on Li Pu.

"To be honest, I think it's up to Team Park to make this situation happen."

"Uncle Li has an inescapable responsibility."

Having said that, Lao Dao paused for a moment.

There are players with any ID, but Li Pu's ID always makes him feel that he has been taken advantage of in vain.

"It is true that the advantage of Team Park was played by Uncle Li and the plane players."

"But the root of the disadvantage, I think, is also in Uncle Li."

"If the former well-known retired player Xiangguo is called a hunger striker."

"Then I would like to call this Uncle Li..."

"Overeating and streaming jungler."

"He loves to kill monsters too much."

When it comes to scolding and nitpicking pros, it's an essential skill for any player.

Lao Dao naturally belongs to the ranks of players, so the words at this time are like a continuous cannon.

"And I got so much money, but the builds made me a little bit confused."

"Especially the level 3 [Characteristic Enhancement Device] that came out first."

"Although we don't know the characteristics and talents of the players, this level 3 device has not seen any results so far."

After the other party said this, Zhu Chi couldn't refute it.

I can only sigh silently in my heart.


In the canyon, the game continues.

"Everyone, you can't go on like this."

As Li Pu spoke, he plunged into the opposite wild area.

Duo Kai: "So you really know that too!"

Duan Ming: "Then why don't you hurry back and defend the high ground!"

Duo Xin: "Don't swipe, you will lose if you continue like this."

Kumamoto: "It's okay, we have the next game!"

Everyone denounced one after another, but only Kumamoto remained positive and optimistic.

In fact, as Kumamoto said, it is acceptable to lose Li Pu in this game.

Anyway, as long as you win in a BO3, whether it is 2:0 or 2:1, the appearance fee is the same.

Playing one more round, he can also brush one more round of monsters.

So I planned to draw cakes casually and let them drag it out for a while longer.

After I happened to flip a bird in F6, a voice that did not belong to Qiyuan Canyon rang in my ears.

[Friends of Warcraft successfully triggered the front beak bird]

The configuration of each group of F6 is 1 crimson front beak + 5 front beak which means that the front beak, commonly known as the bird, is the most numerous of all wild monsters.

Li Pu didn't specifically record how many birds he made in these two rounds, but it was reasonable for [Friend of Warcraft] to trigger on this beast first.

"It was a good day today."

After kicking the remaining birds, he rubbed the back of his neck in a good mood.

It's a pity that he can't check the new talent right now, so he can't wait to leave the cube.

"If that's the case, let's take it seriously for a while."

Fortunately, I still have one left.



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