[cough cough, forget it]

After only one second, the sound returned to its original state.

[Today Lin Zixun has something to do with classmates, I will come to the top class]

"Yah! Why did you say my name!"

Lin Zixun covered her hands lightly, her face slightly red.

Many students in the class didn't even know that she was working in a broadcasting company.

Sounds shy.

[OK, I won't listen to the song today]

[The songs on demand, I will let Lin Zixun play them for you next time]

【We skip directly to the most anticipated part】

【Inquiry by letter】

If he follows the routine, then he doesn't deserve to be called Li Pu.


Black lines appeared on Lin Zixun's face, who was named again.

But don't even think about it, it's good that Teacher Li can help him top class.

Come as you want.

Anyway, now that there is a teacher in charge, the broadcasting company can manage it no matter what.

Brother catch, you can do whatever you want.

She took out her portable earphones and put them on, and tuned her phone to her program channel.

Otherwise, if you walk out of the academy later, you won't be able to hear it.

Not to mention, listening to your own show by yourself feels quite special.

【First letter】

[From "Don't lose ten pounds without changing your pants"]

[This is what the letter says]

【Sister Lin, hello】

[I want to lose eight pack abs recently]

[So I'm losing weight]

[But I always want to eat fried chicken and beer, and I want to eat barbecue skewers]

【What should I do?】

The usual consultations are all about life and emotional troubles.

Lin Zixun had long been accustomed to this kind of question.

At this time, you should persuade each other well and tell the other party to eat more healthy and low-fat foods.

At the same time, I would like to remind you that it is not advisable to lose abdominal muscles, and you should exercise well.

[This question is very simple]

Almost without hesitation, Li Pu's voice sounded again.

"As expected of a teacher."

Listening to the indifferent tone without nervousness and stage fright, Lin Zixun nodded approvingly.

【Eat fried chicken and beer in the morning】

【Eat barbecue small skewers at noon】

【Isn't this okay?】

【What is the problem?】

Even at the end, Li Pu complained.


Accidentally, Lin Zixun kicked his right heel with his left foot and almost fell to his death.

What kind of answer is this riding a horse!

[Also, considering personal hygiene]

【I think it is necessary to remind you】

【It is best to change your pants frequently and keep ventilation】

[Otherwise, I will see you beating once again in the future]

【Don't think I don't recognize you】

[There is a smell on the letter paper]

【Smoked Marlboro, right?】

Lin Zixun: "..."

Lin Zixun: "..."

Lin Zixun: "..."

It is not enough to be silent once, she has to be silent three times to recover.

big brother! You are consulting!

Why are you threatening people?

At the same moment, a fat boy in a corner of the academy changed his face.

Not to mention that it is an anonymous consultation, and it also brings human flesh?

The key is that the other party doesn't seem to be lying anymore, and even recognizes the brand of cigarettes he smoked when he wrote the letter!


I have to rush back to the dormitory and change my pants!

[OK, next question]

【From "cheap is not good"】

[Sister Lin, can you recommend a headset]

[The requirement is less than 200 yuan, cost-effective]

Good things are recommended, and this is also a frequent consultation.

Lin Zixun usually likes to buy, buy, buy, so I feel that this question is not difficult to answer.

[This question is very simple]

[Tell you the secret of a trick that is not passed on]

[Listeners and friends, you can also follow suit]

[First, take out your mobile phone]

【Open WeChat】

The unhurried tone seemed to have magic power, and Lin Zixun opened WeChat unknowingly while walking.

【Find the group chat with the largest number of people】

【Enter the spell:】

[There is no good earphone on the cliff below 200 yuan, so I will argue if I refuse to accept it]


Lin Zixun was stunned for a second when she saw three or four messages pop up in the student union group she had opened.

"There is no good keyboard on the cliff below 200 yuan, so I refuse to accept it and argue."

"There are no good speakers below 200 yuan, so I don't agree to argue."

"There is no good mobile phone on the cliff below 200 yuan, so I refuse to accept it and argue."

"You won on the third floor, I can't argue."

There are several large groups, also playing news.


She stood there, a little confused.

It turns out that your program has so many listeners.

【After entering the spell, you can choose slowly】

[OK, next question]

【From "Little Gongju Who Loves Cleanliness"】

【Sister Lin, hello】

[I recently had a fight with my boyfriend again]

[After he brushes his teeth, the water droplets on the cup are always not wiped clean]

【Every time you close the door, you will leave a handprint on the doorknob】

[The sunken sofa or bed that has been made is not flat.]

[I always miss a hair or two when sweeping the floor]

【This guy is clumsy, what should I do? 】

"Good guy, it's not just love for cleanliness, right?"

Hearing this consultation, Lin Zixun was slightly surprised.

"It's totally a serious cleanliness addiction."

"Should I see a psychiatrist?"

She felt that the other's boyfriend was really pitiful.

[This question is very simple]

[Tell your boyfriend that you can't fall in love with an untrustworthy person]

[Let him return the borrowed limbs]

[Otherwise break up with him]

Next, Li Pu answered many questions one after another.

Lin Zixun felt that the phrase "this question is very simple" is being repeated in his ears now.

During this period, the phone vibrated frequently, all of which were messages from acquaintances in the college.

They were asking Lin Zixun who was in the top class today.

However, she always had an ominous premonition in her heart, so she was not in the mood to answer them one by one.

Li Pu, who didn't know that he had caused a reaction, was still eager to solve problems for everyone.

Before you know it, the last letter has arrived.

[OK, next question]

【From "Free Feet"】

【what? 】

[This audience must praise]

[Secret work is very well done]

【There is no personal clue left on the letter】

[Let's listen to his consultation below]

【Sister Lin, hello】

【I am a glorious combatant】

[But I've been in a very tangled situation recently]

[Because when I was in a foreign land, I once encountered a certain opportunity]

[In order to quickly upgrade, I brushed countless slimes]

[Now has developed inertia]

[Every time I encounter a slime, I want to kill it and then hurry up]

[So now I want to kill my teacher]

【What should I do? 】


【Li Luo? 】

【Puff puff... boo boo boo】

At this moment, the program audio suddenly sounded a noise.

【what? fire? 】

[This is so unbearable to operate? 】

Li Pu's questioning voice came out~www.readwn.com~ Boom! 】

Then, the explosion sounded. 【I...wrong...what key...?】

Li Pu's voice became choppy and very unstable.

【Lin...Looking for classmates】

【Have...listen...talk, make...call...come】

[Tell me… where is my fire extinguisher…]

This situation made Lin Zixun stunned on the spot.

What do you mean?

The broadcasting company, it seems that it can't go on?



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