"Hello, Li Jun."

Xiao Ju carried her brother's body shyly and came to Li Pu.

She never imagined that her family's ancestral camouflage would be seen through.

It seems that the two brothers and sisters could not learn at home.


Yamato, whose Yuanshen returned, rolled off his sister's shoulders.

Looking at Li Pu, he felt a little uncomfortable.

The skill gold paper just now is really too precious to me. I must find a stone turtle to brush it after I go back out.

"Come on, let's go together."

Li Pu nodded towards the two siblings.

He felt that it was enough for him to let the other party follow him all the way.

You really don't need to buy tickets to watch the show.

It happened that two brothers and sisters had joined, so they could help explore the way and gather monsters.

Since the exposure has been exposed, Yamato has nothing to say.

On the contrary, I think this is also good, at least they don't have to worry about being with Li Pu, and they don't have to worry about where the people who run out will really send them across the river.

Thinking of this, Yamato sent an invitation to Li Pu to form a team.


The prompt sounded in his ears, but Li Pu raised his hand and clicked to refuse.

"Ah this..."

Yamato was a little surprised, but immediately understood.

That's right, Li Jun didn't worry about them, so he took precautions.

If there is no team, then he can take care of himself anytime, anywhere.

With a secret sigh in his heart, Yamato knew that he was wrong.

Who made my sister have a criminal record?

She tried to sleep with Li Jun before, but she was put to sleep by Li Jun instead.

However, Yamato didn't know that Li Pu's real thoughts were:

An LV33 and an LV32 still want to team up with me to grab experience, can I ask for a face?

"Can you go up high and explore the terrain?"

At this time, the three of them were standing at the upstream source of the stream, so Li Pu asked Yamato.

The terrain here is relatively high, and it is more convenient to look far.

"Yes, yes, but if it floats too far..."

Yamato frowned slightly, pondered for a while and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back."

[Crossing the River] This feature is easy to use at ordinary times, but it does not mean that there is no risk.

He has encountered some crises, such as when he has been out of the body for too long or his inner body is too far away, he may lose consciousness and cannot find the direction to return to.

If his consciousness was completely lost, he would be no different from a dead person.

"It's okay, you can do what you can."

Li Pu understood this after listening to the explanation.

Besides, it is very good at awakening the consciousness of others.

Far from the eldest nephew, Xiaoju is still standing here alive, which is the best example.


After thinking for a while, Yamato nodded.

Then he rolled his eyes, and he fell directly to the ground.

"Brother, are you going to ascend to heaven?"

Xiaoju raised her neck and spoke to the air.

Li Pu could feel that Yamato had indeed ascended to heaven.

It didn't take long for Yamato's soul to float up to an altitude of more than 300 meters.

No matter how far away, he would not dare.

360 degrees overlooking a circle, the whole landscape can be seen.

I have to say, this copy of the secret realm is very large.

However, it is not as big as he imagined.

All the environments and several key points with high probability were quickly memorized by Yamato.

Just when he wanted to go back, he found that his consciousness began to be a little out of control.

"Bad, bad."

This time, he was a little flustered.

Is it because of the dungeon secret realm?

Just then, at a distance of 300 meters, he heard a scolding.

"You wake me up on a horse."

This sentence is like a spell with mysterious power, Yamato's intuitive consciousness shrank suddenly, and was quickly pulled back to the ground.

call out!

Yamato, whose Yuanshen returned to his position, was a little dazed, covering his face and staggeringly stood up.

"Thank you, HE~TUI~"

He thanked Li Pu gratefully, and by the way spit out a mouthful of blue-light liquid.


When did I get hurt.

What happened just now, why does it feel like the teeth are a little loose.

But these are little things that don't matter. He intends to tell Li Pu what he found.

No way, after observing the entire dungeon secret realm, you have to accept it if you don't agree.

There are only two ways to leave the dungeon secret realm.

Get the copy core, or find the channel light gate that links with the outside world.

Let’s not talk about the core of the dungeon, at least just now he found a place with a 90% probability of having a gate of light.

But the problem is that the location is not only steep, but also has many monsters entrenched in it, which is equivalent to guarding in disguise.

There, is a crater.

Combining the situation here, he judged that those small red monster figures were a large number of red dragons [Punchino].

The blue man dragon [Yang Qiluos] is the man dragon with the highest growth and comprehensive ability, while the red man dragon [Punchino] is undoubtedly the man dragon with the highest attack power.

It is unrealistic to return to the outside world from the gate of light to pass through the territory of the group of [Punchino].

At the very least, it's not realistic given the strength of their two siblings.

As for the core of the dungeon, there is also a high probability that there is a powerful Warcraft guardian.

That is to say, no matter which of the two ways to leave, it is difficult for both brothers and sisters to do it.

But the dungeon secret realm is of great importance after all, and it is very likely to represent the birth of a brand new guardian academy.

Yamato didn't want to give up so easily, even though the initiative was now in Li Pu's hands.

He thinks farther than the silly sister, in fact, there is not no solution.

That is to procrastinate, to delay the arrival of the next exotic time, and to convey the information and situation to the elders.

Anyway, it has now been determined that Hua Guo knew, and there is no need to hide it.

Let the country send experts to compete for this dungeon secret realm.

It's just that the Chinese side must adopt the same strategy.

At that time, it will be a competition between the masters of the two countries, and there will be nothing to do with their juniors.

So now the problem is in front of you, how to delay it.

Yamato thought that Li Jun's behavior of not teaming up with them was already obvious.

Even if he deliberately conceals the information he sees, he does not rule out the possibility of the other party finding the core by himself.

And he always felt that his every move could not escape Li Jun's eyes, as if what he wanted to do in the next second would be seen through by the other party.

How can I restrain Li Jun, who is both intelligent and brave...

A sense of powerlessness spread in Yamato's heart.

"How about~www.readwn.com~ saw something."

At this moment, Li Pu's question interrupted his thoughts: "Where are there more monsters?"


Hearing this question, Yamato was taken aback.

Li Jun showed his flaws!

Immediately afterwards, he was overjoyed.

Where there are more Warcraft, and where there may be a core, these are completely two concepts.

In this way, it seems that you have room to operate!

When the core cannot be found, it cannot be said that I misled you!

"That... I found a gathering place for red dragons."

So, Yamato replied.



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