"Actually, the style issue just mentioned is mainly related to him."

Gao Wan said directly.

Is there something wrong with his style?

Feng Buchang was a little disappointed, but decided to continue listening and not be arbitrary.

"It's the player who complained about the thick eyebrows."

"The complaints against the plane players are male players + male professional players."

"And those who complained about Uncle Li are pure professional players."

"Almost every team that has played against Team Park has submitted a complaint."

Her explanation made the problem even more serious.

It only comes from teams that have played against each other, which means what happened on the field.

"Every team's request is to ban Uncle Li."

"Because his behavior was very bad."

"All the players who played against him on the field all said that the digestive tract was very uncomfortable."

"The discomfort of female players comes from the front end of the digestive tract."

"Male players are the end of the digestive tract."

Although the subordinates were very vague, Feng Buchang understood.

The front end of the digestive tract is naturally the mouth.

As for the end...tsk.

But after hearing the complaints from these teams, he was relieved.

"It's unreasonable, it's all about what."

He patted the table lightly, and he said with a straight face: "These teams are not as good as others, but blame their opponents for being too tricky?"

"Uncle Li didn't cheat, so what's there to complain about!"

"This group of useless people in the secondary league is really losing and losing."

"I made the final decision on this matter, and dismissed all the complaints about Uncle Li."

"The L League has always paid attention to strength as king, and we should give full respect to the winner."

"If they're not convinced, let them develop their own tricks!"

If it were another person, he might have to think about public anger.

But it was the Gao rookie, Uncle Li.

He Feng Bu was long and guaranteed.

"Okay, then I know how to answer."

Gao Wan nodded and stood up.

The remaining complaints about relying on the Park team can be ignored directly.

Because the complainant and the respondent are from the same team.

For example, Kumamon complained that the output of Perseverance Emperor was too low.

For example, the 3D model complained that Long Live Lord committed suicide.

For example, the thick eyebrows complained that they would hang up on the hook with pay.

She felt that these complaints were all despicable means to compete for position.

"Okay, you can do it."

When Feng Buchang saw that his subordinates were leaving, he instructed his hands: "Remember to be tough on those teams, a bunch of useless guys."


Gao Wan responded, and when he walked to the door, he turned around and said, "By the way, Miss Park's opponent in today's competition seems to be relying on Team Park."

After a short thought, she still felt the need to remind her.


This sentence suddenly made Feng Bu stand up with a long sigh.

I forgot about it myself!

my baby girl!

Uncle Li, if you dare to make a fool of yourself!

I will never forgive you!

Blood rushed to his forehead in an instant, and he even rushed out of the door faster than Gao Wan.

Must go to the tactics room downstairs immediately!


Taking the exclusive source elevator, Feng Buchang quickly came to the floor of the competition cabin.

As a result, he saw his daughter walking out of the tactics room with a normal expression.


He hurried up to meet him.


When Feng Qianjin saw her father, she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"You... didn't compete today?"

After looking up and down, Feng Buchang finally felt relieved.

According to regulations, players are not allowed to leave the tactics room before the game is over.

At this point in time, the game is only...

"No, it's over."

As a result, Feng Qianjin laughed and said, "We lost so badly."

"Really, that, that..."

Feng Buchang was startled secretly, and stammered a little: "That Uncle Li didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"Dad heard that he would deal with female players..."

"It's okay, the sisters of other teams have already told me how to deal with Uncle Li."

Feng Qianjin still had a smile on her face.

"Yeah, that's fine, that's fine."

Hearing this, Feng Bu let out a long sigh and asked curiously, "However, how did you deal with Uncle Li?"

"The sister said it."

"When he is caught, don't resist."

"Try to relax, keep your throat open."

"That way the blue blood doesn't come out of the nose and the death is less ugly."


After saying this, Feng Qianjin knelt on the ground and retched.


To the west of Gao City, in a certain city.

Li Pu was alone, sitting in the player room of the L League office.

He has already left the city of Gao, and he can still participate in the game when passing through the city and county with offices along the way.

The cubicle in the office is not open to the public, only for professional players.

As soon as the game was over, Li Pu immediately withdrew.

On the Yuanli screen in the house, there was a picture showing Li Xie, the eldest nephew, being interviewed as the representative of today.

At this point, the last question has been reached, and the interview is about to end.

Camel: [I heard that Mr. Zhu Chi said that the relationship within the team has always been very harmonious.]

Huozi: [And Long Live and Uncle Li are still uncles and nephews. Is this true?]

Li Jie: [Well, yes, yes]

Huozi: [How about the relationship between the two of you, do you want the team to be so harmonious]

Li Jie: [Haha, how should I answer this question]

Li Jie: [Let me answer this way, maybe a little hypocritical, please don't mind]

Li Jie: [If one day my uncle gets old and can't bite anything with his teeth]

Li Jie: [I will chew my favorite food and feed it to him]


Camel: [Sure enough, uncle and nephew are deeply in love]

Camel: [But I heard that you guys are about the same age]

Camel: [If there is such a day, your teeth should not be able to do it]

Li Jie: […]

Li Jie: [You should ask, isn't it my favorite food?]

Camel: [Uh, okay]

Camel: [Then, what is your favorite food? 】

Li Jie: [Sugarcane]

The eldest nephew in the picture looked solemn and stared into the distance.

And Sister Huozi has a black line on her face~www.readwn.com~ What kind of people are this team, can't you be interviewed properly?

Every time she is arranged to interview Team Reliance Park, she feels it is a challenge in her career.

"It's really itchy after three days without beating."

Li Pu rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.

He really hasn't had a chance to meet his eldest nephew face to face recently.

The foreign land has traveled far, and the Blue Star is located in the imperial capital.

Being beaten less, it's no wonder that guy is naturally fearless.

But Li Pu was in a good mood today, so he didn't plan to worry about it.

Because by coincidence, he brushed out the talent of the blue buff.

What a day to celebrate with champagne.



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