I saw Boom Bee with both hands and took out two pineapple-shaped bombs.

The moment Erha, who was in a hurry, stepped into the grass, she hit the ground.

Boom! x2

One red and one blue ray force field exploded. When Erha was hit by the red and blue light respectively, his body froze and his head drooped down.

There is an @ symbol on the head, which means that he is in a state of [dizziness].

Li Pu swiftly walked around behind Er Ha, and took out the opponent with one [Made Ju Lie] + two basic attacks.

"Haha, woo!"

Erha let out a scream and returned to the spring to be reborn.

"Hahahaha, passing by, I'm just passing by!"

Wu Ha, who took a slow step, saw this scene and immediately turned around and ran.


Relying on the experience of killing Erha just now, Li Pu, who was upgraded, directly captured the opponent.

They teamed up with Bang Bang Feng for a violent beating, and finally Wu Ha also handed over a flash of death, which was a huge loss.

Zhu Chi: [Team Wangwang is difficult to fight in the early stage]

Old Daoist: [There happens to be a line of troops, they can eat a layer of plating, eh? 】

As a result, just after Lao Dao finished speaking, Li Pu headed into the opposite wild area.

"I've already knocked over your Nakano. It's not too much to take a group of wild monsters, right?"

When he murmured as he passed the opposite jungle, he kicked the [Searching Fruit] beside his feet.

[Exploration Fruit]: A wave of light powder is emitted, and the light powder temporarily illuminates the path location and the enemy's reconnaissance guards

The light powder of the fruit shone all the way, revealing a large area of ​​conical vision ahead.

This is normal. In the Qiyuan Canyon, Li Pu does not know how many fruit he has kicked.

But what happened the next second was very abnormal.

【Jingle! 】

[Friends of Warcraft successfully triggered the Detective Fruit]

[Acquired a new talent]

"What the hell? Is this thing a monster?"

I have to say, this is really surprising.

Although the new talent is temporarily unavailable, the prompt sound is genuine.

"Isn't there a few more things to brush?"

Li Pu was overjoyed.

"Isn't that a lot of wasted opportunities before?"

Immediately, he became annoyed again.

In this way, I missed a lot of fruits in the previous official competition.

Really bad.

So after clearing a group of monsters on the opposite side, Li Pu chose to retreat.

If you are too greedy, then the opponent's Nakano + bot lane will be caught between them, and you will not be able to escape.

By the way, he also followed the [Explosive Fruit] in the wild area and the [Candied Fruit] in the nearby river.

This new discovery is really good. It is far more convenient to farm fruits than to farm monsters. It can be destroyed with just one blow.

After brushing his own wild area and two river crabs, Li Pu was only a little bit closer to level 6 because he had the experience of two heads.

Because he had just returned home not long ago, and his blood line was still in good condition with not many gold coins, it would be a waste of efficiency to return to the spring and wait for refreshment at this time.

So he planned to go to the nearest bot lane and squat on the grass to gain experience.

Anyway, the combination of Yi Li and the eldest nephew didn't require so much in the early stage.

One is to shoot back while escaping, the other is to have thick blood and milk.

Nested under his own tower, and there were no four people on the opposite side to catch them, there was no way to take these two.

However, Team Wangwang is a powerful and experienced team after all, and they are not lacking in determination.

Four packs of two?

It seems that it is still not stable enough.

Then it's better to have a wave of five packs and two.

The early disadvantage of the middle and jungle needs to be recovered, and this gap in the opposite bot lane is just the right target to aim at.

"I'm here, hahahaha."

The jungler Wuha drove all the way to scan, and touched the grass front of the opposite tower from the first tower on the bottom road.

"The eyes are already inserted, hahaha."

The assistant Sanha put his eyes in the right place.

Their top center has reached level 6, and they have just beaten Duokai and Boombee from the laning line through a wave of unprofitable blood exchanges, and have returned to the tower to prepare to go home for supplies.

Although the state is not very good, but the advantage of the number of people in five packs and two is enough to crush, what more state is needed.

The Wangwang team wanted a lot, not only did they want to kill the two annoying guys under the tower.

The important thing is to take down the First Blood Tower.

In Qiyuan Canyon, among the six outer towers on both sides of red and blue, the first tower to be demolished will provide an additional bounty.

As long as they win a blood tower, Team Wang Wang will use the advantages of the soldier line to let the game enter the speed-pushing rhythm that it is familiar with.

However, what they didn't expect at all was that there was a person squatting in the grass behind the first tower of Lanfang's bottom road.

Old Daoist: [This is troublesome, the Wangwang team seems to want to cover all members]

Old Daoist: [Even if Li Pu player is very keen to squat in advance, but I am afraid he still can't resist]

Zhu Chi: […]

Zhu Chi: [I think it seems that the Wangwang team is going to suffer a lot]

At this time, Wangwang's team had already gathered a large wave of soldiers on the bottom road and pushed them under the tower, and the time was ripe for five packs and two.

"It's cool to have such a big wave of soldiers."

Yi Li, who didn't know it yet, crouched under the tower, turned his back to the enemy and started aiming.

"Uncle, hurry up and eat soldiers."

The eldest nephew greeted Li Pu while routinely inserted a yellow eye outside the tower through the wall.

In Qiyuan Canyon, this is auxiliary common sense.

When a large wave of soldiers enters the tower, in order to prevent the other party from calling for reinforcements to come over the tower, you must put a protective field of vision.

As a result, when the eye was inserted, it broke.

In the illuminated field of vision, an enemy reconnaissance guard suddenly appeared, and a beam of light fell from the sky on it.

That means that an enemy is trying to come and join the battle through [Teleport].

At the same time, the same beam of light lit up on the artillery slime who was attracting the firepower of the defensive tower.

And the jungler Wuha came out of the grass.

The eldest nephew: "I'll go! Five packs of two?!"

Yi Li: "You can't run away if you're done, so hurry up and eat soldiers."

As a shooter, the horse head also has a certain ability to read the game.

Although he really wanted to run and was good at running, it was obvious that he couldn't run away now.

The only thing that can be done is to eat as many soldiers as possible to reduce losses in disguise~www.readwn.com~ Duo Kai: "Don't panic."

Boom Bee: "Here it is."

However, the response from the top of the team was also very fast.

Just when the eldest nephew called out the words, the two of them interrupted the return to the city and lit up [Teleport].

It's a pity that he just exchanged blood with the opponent, and his condition is also not good.

The most important thing is to start it as a backhand. The [Teleportation] of the two will definitely be a few seconds slower than the opposite.

In a few seconds, it is very likely to change the situation of the battle.

Maybe by the time they landed, the bot lane duo would have already burped.

Zhu Chi: [There is a good show to watch now]

Old Daoist: [I didn't expect a 5v5 big team battle to break out so early]

Zhu Chi: [Huh? But why did Uncle Li ... 】

In the face of such a crisis situation, Li Pu's choice was to do nothing.

Because he is waiting for 6.



【Perseverance Emperor】

Grade: C

[Characteristic - Reverse Q]: Long-range attack speed is increased, but frontal attack is nullified

[Talent - Please let me go]: There is a chance to ignore the collision volume

[Talent - Don't Stop Me Thank You]: There is a chance to be immune to the slowing effect

[Passive-Want to eat grass]: When running to the grass, the movement speed increases

[Q-Wait for me]: When running to teammates, the movement speed increases

[W-Cover Me]: When running towards your own summons/projections, the movement speed is increased

[E-Save Me]: When running to your own building after opening, the movement speed is increased

[R-Super Horsepower]: Temporarily get a red hat after it is turned on, causing damage to be dealt with a bonus to movement speed

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