If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 371: Pure hand to play tier 3 occupation

, I just want to kill monsters who can foresee the future

There are quite a lot of monsters in the village. Li Pu first sneaked in and walked around the model distribution, and by the way, he previewed it many times.

Then I went back to the outside of the village to adjust for a while, and when night fell, I went in and gave a wave.

He was very familiar with the whole journey, so he shouldn't take it too lightly. After all, those monsters have already died once in the future.

Especially at night, he has [Blue Night Demon] x10, which is like a fish in water.

[Blue Night Demon] x10: Night Perception Attribute +100%

After this wave of clearing monsters, his level has risen to LV25 and 30%.

When you have more free time, you can enter [Balance Legacy] again.

In the case of equipping only one wind type, the attributes are as follows:

[Physical 119, Strength 119, Agility 70, Luck 11, Mystery 17, Spirit 15, Perception 116]

Moreover, the [Path Digging Master] of the Balance Department can also be promoted.

Strictly speaking, this is the first Tier 3 career he played purely by hand.

First, let's look at the results of the helicopter.

[Master of Digging Paths] - 100% fit

Grade: C-, third grade

Additional attribute 1: Energy can be converted into any type of skill according to a certain proportion

Additional attribute 2: Recover energy per second

Additional Attribute 3: Get Talent [Mining Shortcuts]

【Explore shortcuts】

Effect: When you kill a monster, the income you get is increased by 10%

Explanation: When you become lazy, you are too lazy to look for it, so you create a shortcut.

As I saw when I got the [Career Promotion Scroll] before, the improvement is very small, only the recovery energy per second has increased by 1%, and the rest has not changed at all.

Even the grade has dropped by half, from C to C-.

This result obviously did not meet Li Pu's requirements.

At present, the balance system is the lowest grade among his many professions.

So he did not hesitate to open the promotion panel provided by the pure human talent [Adaptability].

【Unknown】-Fitness? ? %

1. Consume 4000 crystal coins to refresh

2. Consuming 8000 crystal coins to refresh, the chance of high-quality occupations appearing slightly increased

3. Consume 16000 crystal coins to refresh, and the chance of high-quality occupations appears slightly increased

To be honest, it's a bit affordable.

You must know that when his A+ power-breaking first-order profession [Night Breaker] is promoted to second-order, the refresh cost is 3500/7000/14000.

The balance system of C- was promoted from the second-order to the third-order, and it was only a little more expensive.

Now his net worth is not too much, and he still has 75W left after he was promoted to the [Master of the Broken Pot].

Excluding some miscellaneous consumption during the period, it is only about 85W now.

In other words, he didn't earn much money during this time, and he was still a little far from his richest 100+W period.

It's just that the L League has consumed so much time, but the appearance fee cannot be settled until after the season.

Here, Li Pu wants to level up the balance system from C- to at least A.

His budget is 20W, and he hopes to solve the problem within 20W.

After so many refresh experiences, Li Pu actually thinks it is more cost-effective to use the minimum 4000 to refresh.

If it is replaced with other pure human races that cannot be previewed, it must be the third gear of 16,000 that has the highest probability of generating high-quality occupations.

But I can preview it myself and know the result in advance.

Then, the chance of good things appearing after swiping the first gear 4 times is not necessarily worse than swiping the third gear once.

So with a thought, he started to operate the panel.

4000 crystal coins, refresh.

【Soil Master】-Fitness 50%

Grade: C, third grade

Additional attribute 1: Energy can be converted into any type of skill according to a certain proportion

Additional attribute 2: Recover 5% energy per second

Additional Attribute 3: Get Talent [Mining Shortcuts]

Additional Attribute 4: Acquired Skill [LV1 Earthling Sun]

【LV1 Earthling Sun】

Condition: It can only be activated when the five bodies are thrown to the ground, and it will enter the [unbalanced] state during activation.

Consumption: Consumes 1% energy per second

Effect: Enter the ground at 50% movement speed, unable to perform other actions except movement

Description: Grandpa, I will come when I go.

"It's a very low degree of fit."

After reading it, Li Pu rubbed the bridge of his nose.

If the degree of fit is too low, it means that it does not match well with you.

And this skill, he is not interested.

50% movement speed, still can't do anything.

Anyway, if you want to escape, you don't need to dig grass yourself.

It also has some overlap with [LV2 Wood God] in function.

So, click refresh again.

[Grandmaster Pingheng] - 50% fit

Grade: B+, 3rd

Additional attribute 1: Energy can be converted into any type of skill according to a certain proportion

Additional attribute 2: Recover energy per second

Additional Attribute 3: Get Talent [Mining Shortcuts]

Additional Attribute 4: Summonable Weapon [Flat Bar]

【Flat bar】

Grade: ★★★

Attack Power: 7~13

attack range:

Additional Attributes: When held horizontally with both hands, immune to [Knockdown] effect.

Description: This is a necessary weapon for high-altitude walking.

"Ha ha."

Li Pu sneered twice, as expected.

It seems that this is the first time he has seen a profession capable of summoning weapons.

But what kind of thing is this [balance bar].

It feels like a tool for juggling.

Besides, he is a man who inherited the grasshopper family's super talent [unconventional coordination].

Balance, what is that?

Even if he is standing upside down with his head in circles, he will not lose his balance.

This [Master Pingheng] is chicken dung.

The food is tasteless, it's not a pity to throw it away~www.readwn.com~ It's still a B+, bah, it's really unpalatable.

Continuing to brush like this, Li Pu encountered an A-level job once.

[All Return to Grandmaster] - 66% fit

Grade: A, third grade

Additional attribute 1: Energy can be converted into any type of skill according to a certain proportion

Additional attribute 2: Recover energy per second, the upper limit is increased to 105%

Additional Attribute 3: Get Talent [Mining Shortcuts]

Additional Attribute 4: Gain Ability [Skill Return]

[Skill Return]: After consuming energy to use other types of skills, 20% of the consumption will be refunded within 5 seconds

The biggest feature of the balance system is that it can provide skills for other occupations.

However, the energy consumed will always be a fraction of the original skill.

After this energy is converted into other types of skill consumption, the ability to return part of it is very affordable.

But Li Pu always felt that it was a little bit interesting.

Again, if it was someone else, it would definitely be a treasure.

It's just that he doesn't lack skills.

In addition to the need to pay attention to the skill cycle when using the super big combo, you can basically throw skills at random.

With this continuous and rapid brushing, Li Pu's consumption of crystal coins has reached 25W, exceeding his budget.

At this time, the best thing is to stop first, do something else to change your mood and slow down your luck.

But unfortunately, he came up again.


Until the consumption reached 30W crystal coins, the dawn finally came.

This **** and sad life.

Sure enough, the emperor pays off the rich.



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