If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 375: Are you sure this is the boss?

"Now we're in one of several ice lanes."

"All the forks will merge together later, and at that time it will merge with those monsters."

"The real battle will only begin then."

"Remember not to fall, otherwise the time to get up will lead to deduction of blood."

At this time, the white wind directly imitated a white bird, and it was no longer affected by the smooth ground when flying.

ka ka la...

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of ice breaking behind everyone.

Li Pu could feel that the place they had stepped on before had begun to collapse.

The cracked glacier slit is very deep, and if it falls, it will probably lose its capital immediately.

The same thing happened on the ice track next door.

【Wow! ]xN

The mammoths screamed when they saw this.

The next second, something amazing happened.

I saw that all the mammoths stood upright and ran wildly on their two legs like a human being.

For their behavior, the white wind group has long been accustomed to it.

But then, something even more surprising happened.

Li Pu did the opposite, running on all fours with his hands and feet on the ground.

No way, the ice is too slippery.

I have no preparations in advance, and I always feel a little uncomfortable when running.

With the help of the palm, it will feel better.

Who is this?

The strange way of traveling made everyone's eyes jump.

Like this boss, more like a bug!

In fact, they should be thankful that the teammates couldn't throw sand, or that there were no crab monsters here.

Otherwise, a more strange style of painting will appear.

But some things will come.

Although running on all fours is very solid, Li Pu always feels a little troublesome over time.

If you can have a car to ride, it is naturally the best. If you don't have a car, you should find a more worry-free way.

So running and running, he found that it was a slightly sloping downhill road.

"Go first, I'll wait for you in front."

He jumped up in front of everyone's eyes.

Lie flat in the air and then land.


The body fell heavily on the ice with a muffled sound.

Then stretch out your hands and stretch your legs.

roll off.


What the **** is this!

"Captain, what boss are you looking for?"

"Is there a branch of the perverted human race in the human race?"

"The key is whether you have noticed that he rolled super fast..."

"And it's silky smooth."

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

ka ka la...

But the ice surface that suddenly accelerated and cracked behind them gave them a big wake-up call.

"Oops! Forgot to tell him!"

"The speed of the ice breaking depends on the speed of the front runner!"


Bai Feng made a bird call, a little annoyed.

"I go!"

"Hurry up and run!"

The faces of the centaurs changed greatly, and they quickly accelerated their running speed.

But as they ran, they discovered a big problem.

Now everyone has taken out the energy to suckle and ran with all their strength, but the distance from Li Pu is still slowly and gradually widening!

It's been a long time since I've seen them. They have four legs, but they can't run over other people's bodies.

Li Pu in front did not know that the thugs were suffering because of his lead.

He has already sensed that he is very close to the place where the forks meet and merge.

A small problem, one after another.

That is the current state of rolling, and it is almost impossible to open the preview.

Because of the completely spinning picture, he couldn't see anything.

"never mind."

Li Pu thought about it and didn't care.

Those mammoths are just LV30 general monsters and can't become a climate.

However, the second small problem, came again.

He seemed to be running too fast, and he was far away from his teammates and the mammoths at the next track.

"They, they, this, also, too, slow, too, right."

Li Pu could spit out a word every time he rolled to face up.

He can't always wait for the arrival of the monster at the intersection.

20% of the maximum health value is deducted once in 3 seconds, and it only takes 15 seconds for him to hang out of the copy.

"That, no, do, law, it's done."

When he rolled to the intersection, he had a decision.

I saw a slight assistance from the soles of the feet, and Li Pu rolled out a perfect arc and entered the mammoth track in reverse.

At this time, his speed has accumulated very fast, even if it is a slight uphill road, he still rolls up.

The unfavorable factor of the smooth ice surface has instead become a boost.

"The boss seems to be back."

After a while, Bai Feng sensed Li Pu's breath.

"It's too much of a joke."

"Rolling around here and there, what about playing?"

"The boss isn't here to play, can Jinben work for you?"

After a short period of speed-up adaptation, the centaurs were able to run and talk without panting.

However, the conversation was only temporary, and soon they were speechless.


They saw that Li Pu was back, but it was not this track.

"..." x9

Horse eggs!

How did he go to Mammoth Raceway!

【Brother... oops】

Immediately afterwards, a cold tone that matched the environment sounded.

Through the ice wall, everyone could not see clearly, only the boss who was originally a broken flower, suddenly turned flesh-colored on his upper body.

Boom! x16

Sixteen thunders fell.

Blow up those mammoths to call mom directly.

【Mom! ]xN

Then the track was empty and completely cleared.

There is no need to go to the delayed damage effect of Tilipo's talent [Cheap Insect Medicine], the bonus of [LV2 Mixing Pot Profound Truth] alone is enough to deal with them.

[LV2 Mixing Pot Profound Truth] Effect 2: Damage +100% when you attack an insect target

A few inscriptions fell to the ground, Bai Feng and others saw the boss pick them up within 3 seconds, and a set of actions was too smooth.

Looking at the skill, it seems that he never bends down to pick up things.

"You are not in a hurry, take your time, and I will go shopping."

The boss who left this sentence rushed for a run before the arrival of the ice crack, and rolled away.

However, everyone seemed to see that when the flesh-colored boss's body came into contact with the ice surface, he suddenly shivered and bounced again, for some unknown reason.

A few minutes later, he reappeared at another Mammoth track next door.

"..." x9

"..." x9

"..." x9

Silence, a terrible silence colder than the surrounding temperature.

"Captain, how much did you charge others."

"Let's go back all the way."

"It feels like we are trash in this dungeon."

A man broke the silence and confirmed the deputy head of the White Wind Group.

It was only at this time that Bai Feng came back to his senses, feeling that what his teammates said was not too reasonable.

Look at this trend~www.readwn.com~ They really don't need to shoot a copy to get through!

Gradually, she felt that a terrible suspicion was being confirmed.

In other words, the people who destroyed the village last night and wiped out the snow bugs were really all from this squinting teenager?

"Is he really the boss?"

"You're not here to play with us, are you?"

"Leader, is there any way to pull him into the wasteland reclamation group?"

"I feel like there will be a play next week!"

The deputy head of the group spoke again.



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