Outside the experimental body warehouse, the members of the wasteland group are fighting fiercely with the boss.

Now the boss's HP is still around 60 for the time being.

Yes, temporarily.

As soon as the experimental group comes out, it will start to recover its blood volume.

However, compared to the past, they were a little more relaxed today.

Because in the past, Bai Feng, a powerful support, had to enter the egg to control the spore people, but this time he can participate in the front boss.

With her help, all members are in better condition than usual.

Boom... boom!

【Failure! 】


Black Zinc hit the boss with a lava bullet, causing it to croak.

"I'm still a little worried."

At this time, his expression was not optimistic, he looked at Bai Feng and said, "Boss Li is manipulating the experimental body for the first time, so he probably won't adapt so quickly."

These words show that he is actually mentally prepared for this wave of failure.

If it fails too many times, the replica becomes unstable and drives everyone out.

At that time, it will be temporarily closed for a period of time and cannot be entered.

This is why they always have to open up wasteland again after many days.

"Don't worry, you still have no confidence in him."

Bai Feng had a different view.

After all, as someone who witnessed Li Pu's strength with her own eyes, she knew that this guy was very powerful.

And this kind of power comes from all aspects of power.

One of them is that no matter what dungeon he enters, he will appear so familiar.

Any unexpected situation could not trouble this young man.

As if they had already gone through a drill in advance, the white wind group was amazed.

Maybe this is genius.

Black Zinc was noncommittal and continued to attack the boss.

In this way, unknowingly, the boss's HP has approached 50.

"The experimental subjects are coming out soon."

His eyes began to flick to the secret door.

How many experimental subjects will break out later can directly determine their victory or defeat in this wave.

【Failure! 】

Sure enough, after a while, the boss's eight arms suddenly raised high.


With this action, the secret door slowly rose.

【Grumbling! 】3

The three beetle spores staggered out.

"Three heads?"

Seeing this, Black Zinc was shocked.

In other words, the rest of the beetle spores were killed by Boss Li?

This is a great deal!

To know that Bai Feng's best result that time was only killing seven or eight. In the end, the two he controlled couldn't bear to be wiped out under the siege of the remaining insect beetle spores.

Boss Li is really powerful!

There are only three left now, and they have a lot of hope!

"No! And there!"

But the next second, Bai Feng frowned.

In the secret door, four spore people ran out one after another.


Black Zinc's joy was instantly reduced by half.

But then he felt that he couldn't be too greedy. The remaining seven had already broken Bai Feng's record, and the wasteland group still had a chance to achieve new and better results.

The requirements can't be too harsh, after all, Boss Li is only the first time.

In his heart, he silently told himself this.


However, Bai Feng pondered for a few seconds, and then said solemnly: "This one is yellow, and there is more."

Yes, she, who had incomparable confidence in Li Pu before, was discouraged.

Because the facts are in front of you, the number of these spore people is seriously exceeding the standard!

Three in the front, four in the middle, and five in the back.

A full twelve.

"It's over."

Seeing this scene, Black Zinc couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment.

This number, they often encountered in the early stage of land reclamation.

Even if you don't mention the improvement of attributes, the HP recovery alone can bring the boss's HP back to more than 90.

It can be said unceremoniously that there is no chance of passing the test at all.

"Huh?" n

It's just that when the last five spore people really appeared, their weird behavior caught everyone's attention.

One of them was lying directly.

The other four were dragging its legs two by two, as if dragging a corpse.

The spore people's thinking is extremely simple, and they will only follow the boss's instructions.

This kind of inexplicable behavior is the first time everyone has met.


Just when they were wondering, suddenly one of the spore people who was pulling his leg fell down without warning.

【Are you grunting?】

And the originally dragged spore man stood up, touching his head and cursing.

After moving its hands and feet a little, it and the other three companions began to drag the newly fallen one.

What is this situation.

Towing a corpse relay race?

【Failure? 】

Not to mention the members of the wasteland reclamation group, even the boss was dumbfounded at this time.


As a result, before taking two steps, another one fell.

Four to one, suddenly became three to two.

"There seems to be something wrong with this situation..."

Bai Feng was keenly aware that the situation was very different from usual.

Taking another look, I found a clue.

The three spore people at the front looked normal, no different from the spore people who used to fight.

But the four in the middle...

There are two, and the movements are a little clumsy.

There are two, one with his hands on his waist and the other around his chest.

How to see how strange.

【Failure! 】

Although everyone was surprised, they had never heard of the movements in their hands, and soon the boss's HP was hit to the limit.

It let out a roar, causing the three normal spores to shake.

【Grumbling! 】3

They responded and rushed towards the boss.

This is an action, a sign of fusion.

【Guru grass! 】2

[Gollum toys don't run away] 2

As a result, the four strange spore people in the back swarmed up, and the latter came first.

What happened next finally made everyone in the wasteland reclamation group exclaimed.

"I'm going! What's going on here!"

"The experimental body went berserk!"

"The experiment is in conflict!"

"Real, experimental body, are you beating the experimental body?"

"4v3, I feel like those three don't have the power to fight back."

"Is the experimental subject that kicked his companion's head with his foot, is it laughing?"

"I think it too, and I'm still smiling while akimbo, so weird!"

"Look at the five at the back, it's become two to three."

"No, it's one drag and four."

"No, it's all down."

"What are you doing! Hurry up and output the boss!"

In the end, it was Black Zinc's roar that pulled them back.

Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, it was more important to get the boss now.

"No way……"

At this moment, only Bai Feng's eyes kept rolling, as if thinking of something.

The behavior of these four rough subjects became more and more familiar.

Coupled with that swearing sound, is it Boss Cao?

The grass boss can actually manipulate the experimental body?

And still two?

After discovering this, Bai Feng's human figure finally couldn't fit, and his chin fell.

At the same time, she also thought of who the other two were violently beating.

This habit of akimbo is not Boss You!


Boss Cao and Boss You have both appeared, where is Boss Li?

Finally, a question mark appeared in her mind.

Next to the exit of the secret door, five spore people ~www.readwn.com~ with bubbling blue light bubbling through the cracks of their foreheads are wriggling forward firmly.

As if trying to get up again, but in vain.



【Scientific Cockroach】(lv30-boss)

health s, damage s, armor b, magic resistance a, speed b

Explanation: Its trials have never been successful.

[Pill bottle]: Scientific cockroaches throw out various medicine bottles at regular intervals, 7 at a time

[Drugs]: When the scientific cockroach receives the effect of the medicine bottle, it will get the opposite effect.

[Snow Bug Armor]: When the scientific cockroach takes ice damage, it is converted into healing amount, and it is immune to all ice effects

[Experimental body fusion]: The scientific cockroach devours the experimental body, restores blood volume and improves attributes

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