If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 396: The enemy that Li Pu fears

Latest URL: Boom!


According to the foreseen picture, Li Pu went up alone to trigger the explosion.

In the face of real damage, only the talent [Zero into Whole] can play a role.

"What kind of damage is this!"

"I'll go, no one can stand it except the shield guard."

"And Boss Li..."

"Oh, that's right."

"No shield shield guard, really outrageous."

Most of the crowd is amazed at the damage of this self-destructing human bug.

After all, for Li Pu's strength, they are now slightly numb.

As long as you know that Boss Li is very powerful, then you are right.

Immediately afterwards, three more self-destructing human bugs came out of the steel fortress and marched towards the three garrison points respectively.

Three, and three, and three.

This amount is much larger than the previous one.

Faced with this situation, Li Pu suddenly became a little intimidated.

Logically speaking, let's not talk about how to deal with the self-destructing human bugs in the other two garrison points, his side is still very easy to deal with.

As long as he gave some treatment, he would be able to withstand the three self-destructing human bugs very well.

But Li Pu suddenly heard something very terrifying.

That is, what should I do if I trigger the [Friend of Warcraft] and get the talent of self-destructing human bugs.

The triggering of [Friend of Warcraft] is random. After the green inscription [Blessing to Beginners] that is triggered by 100% is not available, he has no way to see in advance what talent the other party will give.

It is also impossible to see in advance whether the other party will give talent.

If the talent of this self-destructing human bug is to explode at the touch of a touch, then you don't have to play.

"Boss Li, can you think of a way!"

However, just at this moment, even the members of the other two places were begging him for help.

"You can find a solution on your own."

I saw Li Pu walked straight to the door of light, and put his arms around his arms: "If it's all up to me for the first wave, how can you fight the blame behind?"

When the other two guards heard this, they felt a little ashamed.

Indeed, if they can't even deal with the first wave of mobs, they probably won't have to fight this fifth level.

"You're right."

Bai Feng, who was at the same garrison point, nodded, turned around and said, "But they can leave it alone, why shouldn't you help us!"

Li Pu is one of the members of their garrison point. If this guy doesn't take action, wouldn't it mean that their garrison point is one less than the other two, right, ten people less?

"Put a wall of fire."

But of course Li Pu didn't plan to really stand by, he already had some ideas.

First of all, the characteristics of these self-exploding human bugs are still unclear, let alone whether they can preview them completely, even if the preview is out, it is not convenient to tell everyone.

Therefore, it is still necessary to rely on the strength of many people, and to find out their characteristics before they can better find countermeasures.

Also, Li Pu had to do a little experiment.

He dared not touch these self-destructing people and insects, but don't forget that he is not alone.

He also has fried grass instead of the straw man who was bombed.


According to his orders, Bai Feng immediately set up a wall of fire in front of the defense line.

"Drill through."

Then Li Pu gave the grass man such an order.

【Grass? 】

The grass man was afraid.

What's wrong with drilling, but the firewall?

I don't know what it is most afraid of, is it the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire?

In addition to the mountains and seas of fire, there are also donkeys, horses, cattle and sheep.

But if it's a combination of the two, I'm not afraid.

Because the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire + donkeys, horses, cattle and sheep = barbecue

Not to mention, it tastes pretty good.

"hurry up."

Li Pu gave a slight kick in the back.

【Grass! 】

The straw man could only bite the bullet, and reluctantly flew through the wall of fire.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Feng, who was beside him, was stunned for a moment.

Is there still such a leisurely leisure?

This wasteland group is still a circus.

[Hastily! 】

Soon, the grass figurine began to scream.

The feeling of being ignited is really unpleasant.

It started rolling on the ground without Li Pu's order.

Not to mention that this rolling is really useful, because the shared talent at this time is [Son of the Earth], at least it can keep the health value from falling too fast.

And the experiment that Li Pu wanted to observe was exactly this.

So he gave a new order in his heart.

【Spore grass! 】x2

The grass man who was instructed immediately split into two spore grasses.

The division of spore grass can control the size, so under Li Pu's suggestion, the size of the two spore grasses did not increase.

At first glance, it is nothing more than a straw man turned into two, and there is not much difference.

As a result of this split, he immediately made new discoveries.

This [LV9 spore man] is pretty awesome.

When it was split, it was able to erase the [Ignition] DEBUFF.

It is equivalent to a move to solve DEBUFF, which is really an unexpected discovery.

【Spore grass! 】x2

The straw man who erased the ignited state immediately stood up, and after a slight stun, he became complacent.

Grass Man: Grass Lord, I am really good.

"Boss Cao still has such a move?"

"Shadow, shadow clone grass?"

"No, it should be grass clone grass."

"I feel like I'm not even a grass..."

The white wind group sighed repeatedly while attacking the enemy in the distance.

Only Bai Feng's perception was enough, and he found that the grass figurine was different at this time.

Grass spore?

Is this the transformation skill it learned just now?

Is it possible to separate? ?

Suddenly, she felt that she had missed a skill worth hundreds of W.

Clone, this is a clone skill!

Li Pu didn't care about everyone's reaction.

"Drill again."

His ruthless voice sounded.

【Spore grass】x2

The straw man suddenly lowered his expression and could only do as he did.

"Get out of here."

Next, Li Pu issued a new order.

"You straw man, you really have no human rights."

Bai Feng glanced at You Huo when he saw the grass figurine start to roll honestly.

This guy akimbo for a while and hugs his chest for a while, but he was not ordered by Li Pu at all.

The difference in treatment between the two is not too big.

"What can I say, I'm fine with it."

Li Pu heard the words and retorted.

Usually anything like herbicides, fertilizers, etc., as long as the grass man wants, he will basically give it.

Its cost of living expenses is not lost to the eldest nephew.

In this comparison, it seems that the eldest nephew has no human rights.

Although it seems to be chatting and distracted, Li Pu has always been paying attention to the state of the grass figurine.

Ordering the straw man to drill through the firewall was not intended to abuse or play tricks. The main purpose was to test the effect of the split.

Now, it's the answer.

At this time, he finally confirmed a conjecture~www.readwn.com~ that even after the grass man split, the two spore grasses can still share the talent of [Son of the Earth].

If this is the case, perhaps the same is true for Lu Ming, which can be copied into nine copies?

Boom! x3

Boom! x3

There were repeated explosions from the two garrison points next door, and the defense line had collapsed under the impact of self-destructing people and insects.

Needless to say, this one will definitely have to be reopened again.

"Let's go."

So Li Pu turned around and walked towards the guard spot light gate behind him.

He didn't want to touch these self-destructing things.



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