It was not yet dawn, and Li Pu still had a perception of 270.

So at this time, You Huo was very big.

Even poking with a big finger was enough to squeeze his face.

"What are you doing?"

So as soon as he raised his hand, he wanted to put away the gold slabs directly.

This witch clan has always wanted to eat themselves, and he has never forgotten this.

[Things in the treasure chest, buy them]

However, Yu Huo's voice sounded in his mind.

Divine Consciousness Transmission?

Li Pu was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect the other party to have such a hand.

【What's the meaning? 】

After trying it, he found that he seemed to be able to speak back.

It turned out that under You Huo's means, their consciousnesses had temporarily blended together, like water and milk.

He had seen the contents of the treasure chest.

It's an ice crystal gem the size of a fist, and it doesn't seem to be a material.

【Ice Heart】

Effect: unknown

Description: none

The relevant information is very simple and very mysterious.

【Have you ever thought about a question】

Now that the auction of copper treasure chests has just started, You Huo saw that Li Pu was not very interested in the auction items, so he simply took the opportunity to explain.

[Indigenous people become guardians without going through the introduction stage]

[So where did their skills and other things come from? 】

When this question was thrown, Li Pu was stunned.

In fact, he was really curious, but he didn't go into it.

I heard from the antler man that, for example, the talent of spraying water is a natural ability of the dragon family.

When you become a guardian, you will form real [talent] data.

As for skills, these things were learned from the elders in the clan.

Specifically how to learn, the other party did not elaborate.

But Li Pu guessed that it should not be too strict, otherwise the name and actual effect of the antler man's skills would not be so confusing.

Breathing is a water spray from the eyes.

Gaze is mouth spray.

Roar is a seven-hole spray that spins in place.

He also heard from the antler man that this acquisition process is often measured in years, which is simply torture compared to smashing gold paper.

If you have the time to cultivate, it is better to go directly to brush monsters to upgrade and hit gold paper.

Therefore, after becoming a guardian, basically no one will learn skills through this primitive method.

[This involves the teaching methods of various races]

Seeing that Li Pu didn't answer, You Huo continued to explain.

【There are many kinds of teaching methods】

[Actually, it is no different from normal cultivation]

[But in a few cases, there is still some kind of quick method]

[The speed of learning is no less than smashing gold paper directly]

[However, this quick method has to consume materials and props]

[Just like the demons we are on fire]

[In the quick method, a material will be used]

【Organs of Fire Series】

Speaking of this, You Huo believed that Li Pu had already understood Bai.

[So you are saying that the ice pimple now has a similar effect? 】

Sure enough, Li Pu understood.


[Not necessarily even a skill]

【With the help of fire organs】

[It is impossible to obtain occupations, characteristics, and talents]

[It depends on the operation method and the matching of auxiliary materials]

But You Huo's words caused Li Pu to have a doubt.

[That is the way of your demons, and it works for me too? 】


As a result, You Huo nodded without thinking.

[I once made a similar attempt out of curiosity]

[If it is another race, it may not be possible]

[But pure human race has a high chance of success]

As for what kind of similar attempt, You Huo did not explain.

Anyway, back in the day, she had a lot of fun.

It can only be said that the strength of the pure human race is for a reason.

In addition to the talent [adaptability] when advancing to the rank, there is also a great advantage in learning other skills.

After all, it is still inclusive enough, otherwise there will not be so many strange side branches such as the crocodile human race and the pig human race.

Hearing this, Li Pu was a little moved.

It seems quite new to learn about other races.

I don't know what this heart of ice can give me.

At this time, it seems that [Heart of Ice] is already in the bag.

[However, there is still a problem here]

[That's the ice organ series, I don't know how to operate it at all]

[Only the demons of the ice direction are possible]

【Ha ha】

The last sentence of laughter that sounded in Li Pu's mind was a little annoying.


But soon, he had a flash of inspiration.

【Who came last time】

[Isn't it the demon of ice direction?]

The figure of the original owner of a certain snowmobile appeared in the memory.

【what? 】

【You say so, it is true】

[And looking at her horn shape, she should belong to the relatively high-level ice demon clan]

【I don’t know if you really understand】

Being reminded like this, You Huo also remembered.

Fortunately, considering the possible after-sales problems, that is, worrying that the quality of the snowmobile is not good and the service life is not long.

So Li Pu exchanged contact information with Wu Gu at that time.

But now he is a little hesitant, whether Wu Gu understands the relevant method, whether he is willing to teach or not, that is unknown.

And with the 8W allocated in the fourth level before, his total net worth is now 40+W.

This money has to be calculated carefully.

After all, his follow-up [Jumping Master] and [Crazy Master] are not far from being promoted, and they will be completed before LV30.

At that time, it will definitely be a huge expense.

Therefore, the key depends on the price of this [Heart of Ice].

The two were in good hands, and the actual auction scene was in full swing.

Only 16 coppers and 1 silver were sold, and a total price of 63W has been sold.

Although there is no ruthless man who throws 20W in one go like the fourth level, the amount has greatly exceeded Li Pu's last experience.

The last time I was in the Gao dungeon village, I had a total of 1 gold, 2 silver and 15 copper, and only sold 12W.

Now it has more than five times, and it turns out that the consumption level of a region with a higher level is not the same.

According to the previous budget, Li Pu felt that he should be able to get about 28W.

In the end, it was finally time for the [Heart of Ice] auction.

[Don't worry about it so much, it's always worth taking pictures first]

[The heart is very rare in the organ series]

[Even if that little girl can't, she may encounter other ice demons in the future]

You Huo's voice sounded in my mind again.

"I put out 20W."

As a result, before Li Pu could speak, someone spoke.

It was Bai Feng who threw this price and wanted to make a final decision.

She believed that apart from herself, no one in the room would know the good stuff like [Heart of Ice].

This bid can be regarded as a hard work for the members of the wasteland reclamation team.

Although the price of 20W is still a big bargain, but who makes them not know the goods.

Bai Feng felt that he was being kind.

"Or, guessing?"

But behind her, a voice sounded.



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