As a last resort, Li Pu could only come forward to calm the thugs outside.

As for Wu Gu, after reading the panels, he was stunned for a long time.

To be honest, she didn't really read anything on the panel.

Right now, only SSSSSSS is on my mind.

She had heard of the racial talent of the pure human race, but she felt that the person in front of her didn't seem to be human!

Why so many S!

In fact, let alone Wu Mushroom, even the well-informed You Huo was shocked.

She had watched Li Pu choose a career for his eldest nephew and other candidates, but even with mental preparation, she never imagined that Li Pu's own selected career level would be exaggerated to such an extent.

"How about it, can we start?"

Li Pu didn't know the situation, and only thought that the other party was doing mental calculations.

"No, no, that, wait a minute!"

Wu Mushroom woke up like a dream at this time.

Soon, she put on a serious expression.

I have to say that the S-class occupation displayed by the other party greatly increases the importance of things.

Before starting, she made a vow not to reveal information.

This is a way of swearing that only a few high-level demons will know, and after completion, it will be bound by the God of Contract.

You Huo, who was next to her, nodded secretly after reading it. She had planned to remind Li Pu to make the other party swear, but she didn't expect the little girl to be quite self-conscious.

So Wu Gu re-read each occupation panel, copied it on paper, and started the calculation.

It took a long time this time, and it took a full three hours to get the answer.

In fact, normally two hours are enough, but because the answers calculated by himself in some places were too shocking, Wu Gu had to calculate it again.

In the end, she wrote out the information on the promotion scrolls related to [Heart of Ice] with five feasible occupations and handed it to Li Pu.

"This wave is great."

Li Pu took a look and couldn't help sighing.

[Talent] [Skill], these are all created out of nothing by [Heart of Ice].

But the profession is different, it is enhanced by [Heart of Ice] on the basis of the already strong.

So in terms of quality, he is obviously more satisfied with this wave.

Ignoring common additional attributes, each occupation has the following changes:

[Ice Ba Grandmaster]: S→A+, the talent [Papa] evolves into [Papa Ice]

In addition to the previous control-free effect, [Ice Papa] can make the melee units attacking him suffer from the [Freeze] effect of the ice attribute.

[Freezing] The effect is to reduce the target's attack speed and movement speed.

Although it has dropped from S rank to A+, this talent is really strong.

As long as you touch yourself, you have to freeze, which is simply a rogue to the extreme.

However, in this way, [Bingba Dad] will have some overlap with the mechanism of the talent [Inferior Core].

[Inferior Core]: After taking 10 damages, make the enemy receive [Pause] of the lightning attribute during melee combat.

In general, [Ice Tyrant Grandmaster] is very good, but it is obviously not a good choice for me.

Continue to look down.

[Icebreaker]: S→A+, ability [Breaking Night] evolves into [Breaking Night Ice]

[Breaking the Night Ice]: Your slash attack has a 30% chance to add ice + light attribute

The chance has increased from the previous 10% to 30%, a lot.

However, since it overlaps with the effect of [Cold Man], it is not considered.

[Mixed Master]: S→A, Armor +20%, get a Frost Stone skin

Not to mention this, it's a bit outrageous.

In this way, wouldn't he turn into a Frost Stone Man.

And it's just the appearance of the skin, and I don't know what it means.

Not to mention the skin, now he has a lot of models.

Half brother expensive, hedgehog male, spore person, auspicious clothes grass.

There are four in total, and there is no need to add new skins.

The first three, to be honest, can't make Li Pu's heart move.

It was the last two items that really made him hesitate.

[Master Ice Cable]: SS→S, the talent [Sonic] evolves into [Frost Sonic]

【Frost Sonic】

Effect 1: Movement speed increased to 1000%→800% of initial speed, immune to acceleration/deceleration effects

Effect 2: Ignore the volume collision with the friendly enemy and cannot perform attack actions

Effect 3: After passing through the path, a light trace with a width of 2→2.5 meters and a duration of 30 seconds is left. Passing again will refresh the light trace

Effect 4: Light traces cause 100%→60% agility damage per second to the enemy, (new: 60% mysterious ice damage per second), light traces can restore 10% of your maximum per second life value

Effect 5: Can only transform for up to 3→4 minutes per hour

Description: Frost Sonic is still unable to swim.

The speed is slightly reduced, but the light marks have been improved a lot.

The addition of mysterious attributes has greatly increased the output ability, making it easier to run away from the enemy.

As a decisive talent, the Sonic series is of course the stronger the better.

When the advanced version of [Jump Master], it is also not bad.

[Snowman Master]: S+→S+, get the ability [Snowman]

[Snowman]: You can summon a snowman whose strength is related to your level to assist in the battle, the snowman can disguise as you, and the cooling time is 6 hours after death

Note 1: Snowman can carry one of your [skills] without consumption

From [Jumping Master] to [Snowman Master], it is the only profession that does not lose quality after advancing to the rank.

And among the five current occupations, the closest to the promotion is [Jumping Master], which is only a little short of it.

"Otherwise, find a partner for the straw bag?"

Even Li Pu thought about the name.

The straw man is called the straw bag, and the snowman is called the snowflake.

In the future, if he gathers five errands of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, wouldn't he be able to live a flat life.

Thinking of this, he convinced himself.

"Just choose this one."

So Li Pu stretched out his finger and clicked on [Snowman Master].

"Boss Li is really insightful."

Wu Gu, who got the result, gave a thumbs up and said, "This is indeed the most complicated but also the most valuable of them all."

In order not to affect Li Pu's judgment before, she did not make any comments.

This [Snowman Master] scroll has the most materials and processes.

"But it will take at least half a day, Boss Li, doesn't it matter?"


Li Pu nodded in understanding.

In half a day, you can just find a few gold groups to pack a pack and fill up the experience of [Jumping Master].

So he said hello and left the room to find Jin Tuan.

As for You Huo, he took the initiative to stay.

This kind of initiative makes people a little puzzled, but Li Pu can't guess the motive. Maybe she is more interested in the production of professional scrolls.

Half a day passed quickly, and when Li Pu came back with the [Master Jumping Dance] that was just full, Wu Mushroom had already completed the scroll.

After the preview was correct, the two completed the transaction.

In fact, if the related costs before and after [Heart of Ice] are regarded as the refresh cost when advancing to the rank, in fact, this wave is not a loss at all.

Wu Gu, who received a huge sum of money over there, was so grateful that he almost laughed like an ice flower.

As for Li Pu, he directly crushed the and obtained his third Tier 3 occupation.

【Snowman Master】

Grade: S+, 3rd

Additional Attribute 1: Mystery +25→30

Additional attribute 2: restore (0.2%→0.25%) mana per second

Additional attribute 3: Acquire ability [primary sense of spirit]

Additional attribute 4: Acquire ability [jumping symbol]

Additional attribute 5: Acquire ability [Snowman]

[Primary sense of spirit]: You add an additional mysterious attribute equivalent to 100% of your own perception

【Ticketing Symbols】: Get three different Tumbling Symbols, which will be replenished every 3 hours

[Snowman]: You can summon a snowman



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