Latest website: In the end, Li Pu carefully selected his nine regular cards and one ace.

Position them and fold.

So both of them clicked the "Start" button on the card board, and the game officially started.

The first step of the poker game is to unveil the cards.

One per round.

Before the card is revealed, the card only has three basic attributes of attack and defense and is hidden along with the fold.

Only after the card is revealed, the active and passive skills of the card can take effect.

"Little boy, I have to remind you."

Principal Zhuang quickly selected the card he was going to reveal, and said with a smile, "I'll see it later, the power of my card."

"??Is it."

Li Pu heard the words and opened his eyes slightly.

Since others want to see for themselves, let's see.

To actually ask him to cheat, I have never seen such a request.

The card chosen by Principal Zhuang was in the middle of the first row, facing Li Pu's first row.

Under normal play, everyone will reveal this position.

Commonly known as the lead formation, it can also be regarded as a kind of temptation.

At this time, although Principal Zhuang had already been selected, the card had not been revealed.

After Li Pu confirms his unveiling, both sides will reveal the mystery at the same time.

This senior really didn't lie, his card is really unusual.

It is not enough to describe it as unusual, it should be said to be very exaggerated.

Li Pu gave a preview and couldn't help sighing.

He couldn't foresee too far, so he couldn't see all the opponent's cards at once, and at most he could only see the one that was about to be revealed.

After thinking about it, Li Pu chose the one that he placed in the most corner of the regular cards.

As both of them have chosen, the two cubes are revealed at the same time.

【Ow! ! ! 】

On the side of Principal Zhuang, a big belly dragon projection jumped out of the card.

It has red scales all over its body, and its breath burns with fire.

Li Pu had heard of dragons in exotic places, but he had never met them, at most only human dragons.

Dragons have a great reputation in exotic lands, and are divided into Western evil dragons and Eastern true dragons.

The real dragon is better in strength, but the number of evil dragons is slightly more.

But the strength of strength is only a comparison with each other, as long as it is a dragon, it is a very powerful existence.

Principal Zhuang can come up with such a card, which means that he has participated in dragon slaying.

From the side, it proves its powerful strength.

It's no wonder that when we got to the senior group, we switched to playing cards.

Li Pu felt that these uncles and aunts seemed to be old-fashioned, but in fact their bodies were full of vitality.

Perhaps the real reason why they were not allowed to do it in real life was fear that the entire gymnasium would explode.

"This, isn't this Principal Zhuang's trump card!"

"Rare elite, super high-scoring belly red dragon!"

"Usually he used it as an ace, but today he actually put it in the regular deck!"

"It seems that this is going to give Teacher Li a slap in the face!"

"Turtle, this card is too enviable."

"I would like to exchange the ten years of my best sister's life for this card."

Some spectators, who are usually cube card enthusiasts, shouted the name of the card.

In the same way, the elderly group, who was watching TV in the preparation room, also had many reactions. …

"This strong old man, don't give face."

"That's right, our little Lizi is still a novice, and we don't know how to let others."

"Hmph, don't let me meet him, or this guy who bullies the younger must look good."

This is the reaction of the imperial capital. Obviously, they have classified Li Pu as a person on their side.

"Oops, I knew I wouldn't let the old man go first."

"Really ruthless."

"Old man, old man, why are you so straight?"

"But then again, Lao Huang, don't think we don't know the little Jiujiu in your heart."

"Yes, even if Xiao Li loses, it doesn't mean anything."

The magic capital is also regretting, and exposes Huang Lao's mind.

However, judging from the reactions on both sides, no one thought that Li Pu would win.

Because he has been a poker player with Lao Zhuang for so many years, everyone can recite the information about the big belly fat red dragon.

【Belly Red Dragon】-76 points

Attack 35, Defense 15, Blood 26

[Super Big Belly]: The belly red dragon can deal damage to the row in front of him every time it attacks

[Super Appetite]: When the belly red dragon is killed, it restores the target's blood equal to 15, at least 1 point

[Super Poop]: In the next stage of unveiling after the belly red dragon is killed, you can release the mountain poo in an empty slot

[Super Lazy]: After the belly red dragon unveils its card for four rounds, it will automatically leave the field

On the ring, Principal Zhuang stood with his arms folded.

The exclamation in the audience faintly entered his ears, which made him feel very satisfied.

What you want is this reaction.

In this year's poker game, he will be the first person to successfully fill a cup.

To know that this [Belly Red Dragon] is indeed his strongest card, the acquisition process is not easy.

Back then, they found a 60-player dungeon of LV42 somewhere deep in the mountains and forests. It took half a year to form a super elite team, and it took another half a year to get through the dungeon.

And [Belly Red Dragon] is the final boss of that dungeon.

As a super high-scoring card with 76 points, it is also very expensive to put it in the regular deck.

That is the remaining eight regular cards, all of which must be cards worth only 3 points.

3-point cards, 99.9% of the cube cards are trash cards, and discard the cards.

Worse than it, there are only 1-point and 2-point cards.

1 point 2 points card, he has never met anyone who has the nerve to show it.

Although he brought 8 waste cards, as long as [Belly Red Dragon] appeared, it was enough to sweep everything.

Although [Belly Red Dragon] will leave the field after 4 rounds, the number of rounds is still sufficient.

It only takes three rounds to knock down the opponent's three-row regular deck.

One more turn left for the opposing ace, perfect.

And belly red dragon's anti-high blood is thick, and its survivability is full.

Coupled with the high attack power, it is simply not too strong.

This tactic is sometimes used by Principal Strong when playing cards with veteran players.

As long as the opponent does not take precautions in advance, he will be directly crushed and taken away.

He thought that the young man in front of him was a novice with absolutely no experience, and it was impossible to be defensive.

And even if you have defenses, [Belly Red Dragon] is not something that ordinary cards can't stop.

So the result of this game was already decided when he revealed the first card.

That is, no more than four rounds, and then take the victory on your own.

"Huh? What kind of card is Teacher Li's card?"

" I didn't expect him to get a 1-point card."

"If it's funny, it seems that Teacher Li has never played cube cards."

"That's not right! Look at the cards carefully!"

At this moment, the voice from the audience made Principal Zhuang stunned for a moment.

It was then that he remembered to go and see the card that Li Pu revealed.

【quack? 】

I saw in the projection, a humanoid monster covered with tumors and a distorted posture, shivering in front of the fat red dragon.



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